i dont think u should call urself atheist ...
if ur atheist u wouldnt b thinking this way ...
2007-07-25 17:36:19
answer #1
answered by Liquid Spear Waltz 3
Assuming you aren't a sociopath, I'd suggest you listen to your conscience. What were you before you took up atheism? What made you convert?
I've always believed in God, and Jesus, though I've read about other religions, and attended many different churches. The right choice for you is inside you. I can't tell you to go be a Catholic, just because that's what I've chosen. Do the legwork. Read up on what's out there, go to several different services. You'll know where you belong when you get there.
Okay, I like Catholicism because it's very ritualistic--in a good way. The sounds, the smells, the sights, are mostly the same every week, and it is for me a very spiritual, comforting experience.
Less specifically, I've been a Christian my whole life. As I said, I've simply always believed in God and Jesus. I've always prayed, and the act of prayer always reassured me. I am not a person who needs physical evidence to prove my faith, I wouldn't even know how to begin to convince someone else. It's just there. A knowledge inside of me.
2007-07-26 00:40:11
answer #2
answered by Beavis Seinfeld 3
It is not about religion, its about relationship and trying to sell you my faith is not possible because it would not be yours. I cannot convert you; I can however tell you when I was in high school I grew up hating God because growing up in the catholic church no one could answer my questions. I could not understand who God was that he can snap his fingers and kill 153 people on flight 00303. Then I saw and major act of kindness at a friend's church. I asked what made that guy give what he gave to a complete stranger.? God is my life because he gave me my life. I got tired of doing things on my own, girlfriend and love issues, money, etc. I still have many issues money being the main, but I have someone holding me up. When I fall and I do he is there to pick me up and dust me off. By talking to Jesus every night and reading my bible I gain more knowledge and faith in Grace. I have also met a lot of cool people. God loves you no matter what you choose.
2007-07-26 00:40:19
answer #3
answered by bobbo342 7
the important thing about choosing for a religion is to find one that will settle your life. Religion that has the solutions for your problems. but one thing to remember, don't choose it because it suits your lifestyle. choose it because you know it's good to have it in your life. Religion are not meant to suit your life, it changes the person in you and a good religion will bring out a better person in you.
there's so many faith, Christian, Islam, Jewish, etc...what do you want to believe in?
Christian believe in Jesus, Islam believes in Allah. if you are serious about it, its not that easily to understand one than the other. there's a long process towards it. theres a lot of books to be read, discussions, meet and know people who have different faith.
thats all i can say, because its far too long and too complicated to write about even for just one faith.
2007-07-26 00:53:35
answer #4
answered by sugapopz 1
When I pray (or talk to) God, I always have peace in my day.
I am practically friendless, I can tell you that God is the only one that's been through everything with me. Although I've sometimes felt abandoned (because I was always the first to leave), I think that he took me back into His "flock of sheep" time and time again.
It's just like a baby knows the mother's voice the first time they heard her... I know my Creator's voice when I hear his call. :)
p.s. I'm not "selling", just "saying".
2007-07-26 00:38:26
answer #5
answered by Ms Ghost 6
If you're asking to be converted to believe in God, I feel you already do. You just want to be convinced, because you're not sure. Everyone is not sure about things, but what is the problem with hoping there is a God. It's better than being alone and having no one to tell your problems to. At least this way, if there "might" be a God, there's some kind of hope. God bless and look deep inside and quit being afraid to believe.
2007-07-26 00:34:10
answer #6
answered by Fartbuster 4
There is nothing wrong with having a imaginary friends so long as you don't start actually believe said friends wants you to force others to live as you do. An unfortunate problem with many of today's religions.
2007-07-26 00:32:40
answer #7
answered by God 6
ok, God is like a warm blanket of protection compared to the world without him, cold and bitter. He always listens and provides. You might not have everything you want but you will always have enough to survive. To aquire God, To must first accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your personal saviour. And mean it and he will come and wash you with the blood of the lamb and make your soul shameless and white as snow. And for all those others reading, Jesus walks for you, the Strippers drug dealers, murderers, even Child Molesters Jesus Loves you and walked for you.
2007-07-26 00:35:19
answer #8
answered by Justin S 3
As you know, people sin. This separated man from God, who's perfect. To bridge this gap, God sent his son to become a sacrifice to atone for our sins. So now, anyone can have a relationship with God. All they have to do is ask.
For more info, get a Bible and read the book of John.
2007-07-26 00:34:52
answer #9
answered by Skunk 6
God answers my prayers so I believe.the fact that i exist so i believe.i feel directed to help others by a force greater than myself,so i believe,not an organised religion,but God talking to my conscious,there is no room for error or misunderstanding when he talks to you.try praying and see what happens. if the brain has thought,why not the cosmos
2007-07-26 00:38:24
answer #10
answered by woodsonhannon53 6
I can't convert you, but I can encourage you to seek after truth.
Do you really want to know if there is a God?
One way He reveals Himself is through the Bible.
Ask Him to guide you into truth.
In knowing Him, you will learn about mankind, the meaning of life, why mankind needs redemption and how He provides it.
Yes, God wants to be your Savior and your friend.
You can trust Him.
2007-07-26 00:42:44
answer #11
answered by Precious and True 3