never did see the word 'flat' in any of those verses.
maybe you would do well to get a dictionary?
1 Samuel “Productive land.” Heb., te·vel´; Gr., oi·kou·me´nes, “inhabited earth,” the same word as in Mt 24:14; Lat., or´bis, “[terrestrial] circle.”
2 Samuel “The productive land,” MSy; Lat., or´bem, “the circle,” that is, of the earth.
1 Chronicles:“Productive land.” Heb., te·vel´; Gr., ge; Lat., or´bem, “circle,” that is, of the earth.
Job 26:10 He has described a circle upon the face of the waters,
To where light ends in darkness
Isaiah 40:22 There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth,
Also, if you procured a Strong's Concordance, you will find the orinal Hebrew/Chaldee/Latin words : or´bis, or´bem, and te·vel´, so many times as to make your rant nothing less than ludicrous, and nothing more than uneducated.
Mind you, I am not trying to be rude, it is just astonishing how many people will shoot off their mouths without having done anything resembling their homework.
2007-07-25 16:36:01
answer #1
answered by Tim 47 7
One should have a sound, analytical, and comprehensive mind to understand the bible. We christians don't take the bible literary as per se... the bible speaks to those who understand and to those who want to understand. Now, regarding the passages that you presented, you only picked the phrases that you found inquisitive and did not include the wole thought of the verse. In Psalm 93 it speaks of God's strength and His majesty over the earth. “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...” -means that He has total control over the earth thus it is fixed and immovable. The same with in Psalm 96 and Psalm 104:5. It doesn't speak of what the earth (or world) is but it speaks of God's majesty, His power, and, His presence over the earth and of eveything. Regarding Daniel 4:10-11, what Daniel saw was in a vision. Now visions are ways wherein God speaks to a person. It is up to that person (or of another) to interpret that dream (or vision) to what the message of God means that would apply to the real world. And in Matthew 4:8, the devil is a master of deceit. What he did to Jesus when he tempted him was entice Jesus by playing with his mind. He put a picture or a vision in Jesus' mind that he was being shown all the kingdoms of the world to him (this was possible because Jesus was a human) to tempt him. But Jesus rebuked the devil's temptations and won over the evil one. You took the verses literary when it should be read analytically and with profound understanding.
2007-07-25 17:07:45
answer #2
answered by LG Kaks 2
Some people have said that these don't prove the world is flat, but they just skipped over the verses that clearly state that the Earth is immovable. Not too surprised though; most Christians have a habit of doing that.
2007-07-25 16:38:40
answer #3
answered by alana 5
The Hebrew word for "moved" does not always refer to physical movement in the Bible. For example David says it of himself: "I have set the LORD always before me: because [he is] at my right hand, I shall not be moved." (Psa 16:8) Obviously David is not saying that he must forever remain physically stationary, but rather that he shall abide. So too can the earth be understood.
As for the tree, have you considered that trees have branches, which can be seen from below a bench? But more accurately, this is a vision of Nebuchadnezzar which is a symbolic representation of the Earth, whose land locations need not exactly match the state of the Earth today.
As for Satan, he was a fallen angel whose physical characteristics allowed him to show Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, in a moment of time.
As for Jesus's return, I think you underestimate God's ability to be seen by all people at once, regardless of their location. I mean, if man can invent such a device to make it possible to see God at once from any point on the globe, how much more can God? At any rate(even at light speed), they will see him.
2007-07-25 17:08:31
answer #4
answered by w2 6
I agree with pilgrim, I think you and others who say this just REALLY search for things that can be interpreted in a certain way to prove your point. Especially that last one, I had to think about that for a minute before I even realized why you put it there. Firm and immovable doesn't necessarily mean doesn't rotate or revolve.
2007-07-25 16:43:55
answer #5
answered by melissa 5
Why work so hard to destroy another faith? I am a Christian I have a 136 IQ.So your Ignorant sheep theories do not apply. I do not believe the Bible is an absolute guide to my religion personally written by the hand of God. I started on my Religious journey as an Atheist. I have spent a lot of time thinking and studying religion. I do not believe any religion is 100% correct. I do believe in God. That is enough for me. Say what you want.
2007-07-25 16:41:13
answer #6
answered by carolinatinpan 5
You have to remember that "God inspired" men wrote the Bible. They were limited in what they could understand as far as things like the earth being round and sailing through space. They did not have the knowledge or ability to know what we take for granted today. They couldn't not comprehend what they had been told so they done the best they could.
The Bible is full of things of the future that the men, of that time, could not comprehend so they related those things to what was relative in their time. For example "locusts" were used in place of "helicopters" and so on.
2007-07-25 16:41:19
answer #7
answered by Pops 6
Read the same scriptures and the surrounding ones to get the whole round picture God Bless. How could we have described day and night from the sun and stars if the earth were flat?????????????
2007-07-25 16:38:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
See, that's why there's so many arguments about religion. I think a lot of the Bible is left up to interpretation and not all of it is to be taken literally.
2007-07-25 16:38:25
answer #9
answered by BlackDahlia 5
Oh my goodness!
CNN must believe in a flat earth!
"From the celebrations on Samoa to the latest developments on the first day of 2000, the third millennium now reaches to the four corners of the globe."
2007-07-25 16:37:36
answer #10
answered by NONAME 7