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I used to be Catholic and am now Atheist. I have done research on jesus, and I am still not sure he did exist, but since I don't, I thought I would ask this question, why was jesus so cool? Seeing as the Bible is useless information to me, the only sources I use tell me that he only stayed within a local community to help, and was not as forgiving as they say he was. I also think he fathered a child, not just because of Dan Brown though. Apparently, this is a mortal sin, and especially in the middle ages. How has such an extinct type of person like "jesus" be so respected in today's community. I'll accept he died for our sins crap, but really give me a good answer. Don't try and convert me either!

2007-07-25 15:44:36 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Ever been to a junior high dance? The boys stand on one side and the girls stand on the other side. You desperately want to ask a girl to dance but you know how embarassing and humiliating it is to walk across the empty dance floor with all their eyes on you. Once you get over there, she may say no and you have to walk all the way back. At a young age, I had a glimpse of the heart of God. He made himself so vulnerable, let down His guard and became a man just to invite you to be with Him.

Have you ever really thought about what cool is. Cool is what is not cool. As soon as everyone is doing it, it isn't cool anymore. Jesus went against the religious leaders who were really just hypocrites. Jesus' strength was made perfect in His weakness. Undertand what a paradox is and you will understand what cool is.

2007-07-25 15:51:16 · answer #1 · answered by wassupmang 5 · 5 0

Nothing makes Jesus cool because he never existed. He's a figment of all your people's imaginations! And even if he did exist-ok, you all say "he died for you" blah blah blah. Firstly, I would never want anyone to die for me. And for another, there are people that give their lives for others that are living today and tomorrow and in the past. So why is Jesus the only one getting credit here? Other people would have done the same thing. And if he does exist, why does he let so many bad things happen? I understand that the world shouldn't be perfect, but seriously. Why do things like cancer exist? I've asked this before and gotten the response that the devil created cancer. Ok, then why doesn't God get rid of it?! He's perfect, capable of doing anything he wants. So why doesn't he maybe try to make the world a better place for us? Because he's not real! Either that, or he really just doesn't care. And hey, I've tried for I don't know how many years, to seriously embrace Jesus and religion and I've tried to pray and I've tried to do what you all call getting to know him. And you know what? No one ever listened to my prayers. I never felt his presence anywhere no matter how hard I tried. And then there's the fact that I disagree with many of the Christian and Islamic and other religious teachings. Every little thing you do is a sin and while it may be forgiven, you're still not going to get into heaven. My own PSR (parish school of religion) teacher told us that "It's easier to get a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than to get into heaven." Ok, doing what she said with the camel is flat out impossible! So is getting into heaven. Therefore, heaven does not exist, angels and demons do not exist, and Jesus /God and the devil do not exist. I think whoever it was on here that claimed to have seen their "guardian angel" in their doorway was under the consumption of hard liqor or drugs.

2007-07-25 16:51:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You are seeking the answer you want to hear through pre-conceived ideas about who Jesus Christ is, based on both, your Catholic upbringing and your internalization of Dan Brown's views. In all fairness to you, I will tell you, that the real answer is uncovered from undertaking a spiritual relationship with Him [Jesus Christ], founded in GRACE. As "they" say, "the proof is in the pudding". In deciphering any knowledge or anything purporting about being knowledge , [an educated guess - for example], ensure to ask the question, "does it withstand the test of time ?" . Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible has most certainly, "weathered" the storm
for thousands of years, in spite of intellectual scrutiny and numerous attempts to undermine either's credibility.
What makes Jesus "cool" is found solely, in a spiritual relationship founded on GRACE, immersed in God's unconditional love. Once you arrive at this point, WHO you ARE as an identity becomes paramount and the sex, drugs, $, fame, homes, cars, careers, education, intellectualism, music, people's approbation, etc., etc, are no longer your life's focus. Only a "God" can do this - not humanistic capabilities. This is what can make Jesus "cool" to you - a reality !!!

2007-07-25 16:10:49 · answer #3 · answered by guraqt2me 7 · 0 0

Well he answers my "most important" prays which makes him a the highest figure in my life. I dont know anybody else can make those request of mine come true. Also when I was younger I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw my gardian angel in my doorway....so I know its true because I saw his angels physically not just some mental picture. There have been so many times when I needed help out of a situation I got myself into, I really wanted to do something and my chances were like zero, I was having a hard time in school, my brother almost died, my parents were boke and an unexpected large sum of money was given to them, my mom got a new vehicle just when she needed one. I dont think ALL of these things are by chance...theres somebody doing it. Or another example is on the 700 club, they pray or people and mention particular problems they are having and that person is healed at that very moment...and they call in and tell the 700 club about it. There is really somebody out there doing all this stuff....he's my idol. I never feel hopeless anymore because theres always a way out....I dont know how people survive without him.

2007-07-25 15:56:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you truly knew Jesus the Bible would not be useless. If you don't have a relationship with him it's not gonna make any sense to you. You have to know him and seek his guidance in the meaning of its teachings. I too used to think it was just a book, but it's not. It is the living bible meaning there is life in it. You don't go the word and look for your understanding, but his. He is the father of many children, every human on the face of this planet is of him.

He's not only Cool, He rules!

2007-07-25 15:52:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

"make them participate" Why can't you see that indoctrination of any kind is wrong? People should decide things for themselves through their own research. Ever read the old testament, it's full of violence and hatred, nothing cool about that. Can't believe you're trying to sell religion as fun and cool when it is the exact opposite, full of rules and evilness, worshiping a being that thinks it's ok to turn his own creation into firewood for eternity and commit mass genocide of mankind (Noah's Ark), lovely and fun!

2016-03-19 07:47:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Im not trying to convert, but how can you demise the existence of a human being based on your beleifs? I dont think King Arthur existed because we havent found his body, does that mean he never walked this earth.And Jesus didnt live in the middle ages for your information

2007-07-25 15:48:52 · answer #7 · answered by Obi-Wan 3 · 1 1

Awesome! I never had t/ resources that you had when I first met Him. I watched a movie at a public theater called, "T/ Late Great Planet Earth!" A documentary about t/ end times. @ 16 yrs of age I left t/ theater crying, when I got home I went into my room got on my knees & asked Him to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, and that I would trust Him 100% to take me to Heaven when I died. When I got off of my knees, I felt "saved!" I didn't have a Church or a Christian to guide me, just t/ Holy Spirit (& I didn't even know He was there!) Yes, He is sooo, cool!

2007-07-25 15:57:04 · answer #8 · answered by JackScott 2 · 2 1

"What makes Jesus (PBUH) so cool?"

I don't know if you are ready for the answer! But..............
By doing the unfathomable feat of living in 6 Billion souls
throughout the planet as we speak.
Jesus (PBUH) is the Soul of man.
Jesus (PBUH) is the first and last Soul of man.

I like the question and it's format or I would have never answered this question.
What you do with the information that is now in your heart and hands, is up to you.

"Wisdom" is a wonderful two edge sword........

2007-07-25 16:00:34 · answer #9 · answered by WillRogerswannabe 7 · 0 1

jesus is cool because he loves you no matter what and that includes all the bad that you do, he is cool because no matter what he will stand with you and be there for you to lean on , and he is cool because if for nothing else he died for our sins and took on all the pain and suffering associated with that, Jesus always hopes for the best from us even when we get the wrong going So Jesus is Cool.

2007-07-25 15:50:29 · answer #10 · answered by billc4u 7 · 3 0

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