What does this make you think?
No. Islaam is a religion of peace and submission and stresses the sanctity of human life. A verse in the Quran says (Chapter 5, verse 32), that anyone who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind and anyone who has killed another person except (in lieu of murder or mischief on earth), it is as if he has killed the whole mankind." Islaam condemns all violence which happened in the Crusades, in Spain, in the 2nd world war, or by acts of people like the Rev. Jim Jones, David Koresh, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, or the atrocities committed in Bosnia by the Christian Serbs. Anyone who resorts to violence is not practicing his religion at that time. However, sometimes violence is a human response of oppressed people as in Palestine. There is a lot of terrorism and violence in areas where there is no Muslim presence. For example, in Ireland, South Africa, Latin America, and Sri Lanka.
12 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Sometimes some misguided Muslims turn to violence as happens with all religions and countries of the world. To call all Muslims terrorists is completely false. Islaam is a religion of peace, harmony and submission to the laws of God Almighty."
15:14:04 ·
update #1
No, danger dog. We do need to tell as many people as we can to halt the quickly-spreading ignorance towards Islam. Terrorism, if taken in the western point of view, is entirely condemned in Islam. The killing of ANY innocent is against Islam, as well as committing suicide. These "Muslims" are killing two birds with one stone, and Allah (God) will judge them accordfngly. These are atrocious sins, especially when commiting them in the name of Allah. How could someone use Allah as an excuse to justify killing innocent people and commiting suicide at the same time? Not on my watch. The Qu'ran does not say you can do unislamic things in certain situations, and terrorism is certainly no exception. The only one I can think of is, if in a dire situation, we can eat haram food (ie non-halal). As a Muslim, I CONDEMN, not condone, these terrorists actions. They are taking innocent lives as well as theirs, but above all, they are using Islam to justify it! And the media absolutely loves these kinds of people. They can't get enough of them, actually. The western media has made so many people ignorant about Islam, and since they hardly know anything about it, they will accept anything they hear about it as truth. And unfortunately, the media reports misleading, exaggerated information and even lies quite frequently about Muslim and Islam to make it sound like this violent, bloody, intolerant, terroristic religion, when in reality it is totally the opposite. There are two victims here. Muslims are being discriminated against due to all of this and Islam is ridiculed and misrepresented, and many people have become ignorant about Islam as well, and have become mindless puppets of the media...
2007-07-25 15:33:55
answer #1
answered by Omer 5
That's interesting! So is the fact that Ceasar sent soldiers to persuade Christians to recant their faith or die! Later Emporer Constantine newly converted from paganism sent his soldiers to redeem the 'Lost' or send them on to hell! Then there was Attila the Hun and Ghenghis Khan that prevailled on their neighbors to join them or die(no religious follower was spared)! Were these acts of jihad or tyranny? pre-meditated murder is a criminal act in America and is not resigned to the richman or the poorman.
2016-04-01 02:41:53
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Stephen when u say shia and sunneh muslims killen each other u make it sound as if sectarian violence is a new thing i mean come on i mean catholics and protestants have been massacaring each other for years and also this was pretty much minor incidents in iraq until the coalition came and destroyed the peace...
2007-07-25 15:25:38
answer #3
answered by rZa 2
"that anyone who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind"
Straight from the Torah.
Islam was spread by the sword as did Xianity.
The Islamic terrorism we're experiencing is mostly spread by Wahhabi sect of Shia.
BUT any moderate raising the subject of moderation is usually stuck on a Death List somewhere.
NO ONE can question Islam.
2007-07-25 15:25:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Regardless of what Islam says, we still have example of those of the Islma faith doing terrible things to the infidels
and when Shi'ite MUSLIMS and Sunni MUSLIMS take turns blowing up each other, you have a serious credibility issue
2007-07-25 15:22:23
answer #5
answered by Experto Credo 7
2007-07-25 15:17:23
answer #6
answered by . 3
yeah its the damn mullahs preaching thier own hatred in the mosques etc brainwashing kids
2007-07-26 01:45:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
So, don't tell me, tell them.
It seems many of your hommies are the ones who are so ignorant of Islam.
Bush says it is a religion of peace and we are fighting fanatics that distort it....
so then Bush (the greatest moron of the century) is less ignorant of islam than al-quada?
you should go find some terrorist supporting islamic web site and tell them, not us.
If you need, there are lots of them, I'll give you a link to a few.
You show the very problem in your question:
"mischief on earth"...who defines mischief?
2007-07-25 15:17:51
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Only the people act terrorism not the religious.
2007-07-25 15:19:56
answer #9
answered by ivan_the_terrible 4
anyone who has a brain knows that Islam does not promote that!
2007-07-25 15:16:58
answer #10
answered by 2