When I had to look UP to see rock bottom and he bailed me out.. That's when I believed. ;) I think a lot of times we're too blinded by our own pride to realize how weak we are and how much we need him. But when you're in a place where you're finished unless God shows up and saves you, if you reject him then, you are truly a fool.
2007-07-25 13:41:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I was at a friend's baptism, I wasn't a believer and had not been raised in any faith (live in UK if that helps.) Whilst at the baptism, which I initially found embarassing, I had a very intense experience which could only have been Jesus....the bible says He calls us by name and that's how it felt, like He had come down from heaven and put his spirit into me. It was when the pastor was preaching, he said that people look all over and in drink, drugs, sex, money etc to find peace, to fill the hole in their soul, but more and more people are suffering depression. These false gods don't have the answer, only Jesus....I was stirred by the Holy Spirit and raised my hand to be blessed by Jesus, then filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit (see the book of Acts) and filled with love and peace and joy, and a feeling that God had always been with me but now was the time he chose to show me....I was instantly healed of depression too. Nobody 'bullied' or 'talked' me into believing, nobody did any hocus pocus or praying over me, it was just a meeting with Jesus. As regards the baptism of the Spirit, I had never heard of it, so again it was a real event, not something I worked myself up to believing. Not adrenalin!
2007-07-26 15:24:18
answer #2
answered by good tree 6
After being immersed in nonsensical fundamentalism for years and becoming aware of the horrors people are capable of, I became an atheist at 11. Then by twelve I understood that "believers" were just confused about the nature of god/reality and this simplemindedness based on fear and shame was behind much of what horrified me about living on this earth. Once I began searching for the connection between being and reality, I began to evolve spiritually and my understanding of the divine developed more fully.
2007-07-25 20:41:56
answer #3
answered by MysticMaze 6
Having lived as a human for over sixty (60) years and having participated in what seems to be dysfunctional human family, I decided that the first step needed for myself was to develop faith in something or someone that was greater than that which I perceived. This was the first step in what has been, a wonderful sojourn. I partook in the full gamut of traditions and various religions available in both the eastern and the western cultures. Finding these all full of various truths, I decided to seek out someone that was knowledgeable in "Wisdom". This went on for years, wondering if this was a foolhardy process that would end in utter failure. When I stopped searching, a teacher of unparalleled Wisdom came into this small souls life and resurrected a faith within me that had been lost through many years of uncaring emptiness.
This has led to an unshakable faith in God.
The teacher has passed through time, but the essence of this teacher remains in my heart and shines in times when darkness tries to cause discouragement.
"Peace be with you."
2007-07-25 21:08:26
answer #4
answered by WillRogerswannabe 7
Blind faith of Religion made me to believe in God.
2007-07-26 05:38:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
A Christan is a person in the Christian bubble of delusion, and like with other bubbles of delusion they are the only ones who cant see how ridiculous (and in the case of Christians, repulsive - go to www.evilbible.com ) their beliefs are despite overwhelming evidence otherwise.
God like to see people stoned to death and says that if you hit a slave and the get back up again then its alright because they are your property.
They are delusional, atheists are sane, come to their own conclusions, and when they do good deeds it is out of kindness instead of some sick need to get something back out of it when they die.
2007-07-26 15:38:21
answer #6
answered by honourableone 3
I believe in god because the existence of this world. If there is no god who else create this world?
2007-07-25 20:45:21
answer #7
answered by sismo 1
I don't know. Years of imposed religious instruction only served to push me away. But there is a knowledge that I could never ignore, and for that, I'm grateful.
2007-07-25 20:37:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
As a child, faith. Later, it was proven to me by the Law of Inertia and the Big Bang Theory
2007-07-25 20:36:15
answer #9
answered by ncangel89 2
I beleive in my god because I need to beleive in something and why not beleive in a devine force for good that doesnt judge others as oposed to a devine force that does judge and is basicly a sadist
2007-07-25 20:36:06
answer #10
answered by slo18 3