I don't know enough about the Catholics to say anything on the salvation issues, but I do know that they worship saints and idols. I know that we (Christians who believe in the bible) believe what is written that you shouldn't do that...
Is this considered a salvation issue? I don't know.
2007-07-25 11:48:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You are certainly being judgmental about Catholics saying that the majority are not Christians. It is odd that you give the reason for your prejudicial statements as Catholics not having a personal relationship with our Savior. The fact is that Catholics have the most personal of relationships with our Lord since it is Catholics who eat His Body and drink His Blood, many of us daily. One cannot have a more personal relationship than this. If you were truly a former Catholic it seems that you would have been aware that Catholics agree that we are saved by God’s grace and not by works. If you have a different view of salvation than the Church than perhaps you should reassess your own views. After all, the Bible states that His Church is the “bulwark and ground of the truth” and not some interpretation of a Protestant minister without authority or knowledge of interpretation. Is it not true that many Protestants depend on the theological musings of a secular lawyer, John Calvin when it comes to their understanding of soteriology, hardly more reliable or on the same par with the chrism of the Church? Please take your questions to a priest and reconcile with Christ’s Church.
In Christ
Fr. Joseph
Catholics do not worship saints or idols. Where did you get such nonsense?
2007-07-25 18:03:30
answer #2
answered by cristoiglesia 7
No Catholic ever said the Holy Spirit was in the communion wafer.
Catholics are only obeying Jesus's command in Mark 14:22 and Matt 26:26. Maybe the truth is that if you DON'T go to Mass and take Holy Communion you aren't a Christian because you aren't following Jesus's words in those 2 gospels.
Read your bible. While you're at it, check out Matt 7:1 before you go around judging other people you obviously know very little about.
2007-07-25 17:45:10
answer #3
answered by Acorn 7
Most people do accept that Catholics are Christians.
Protestants are Christians because they accept the bulk of Catholicism's teachings and heritage.
The Holy Spirit cames as He wills,including through the Sacraments of Jesus.
You need to get the Catechism of the Catholic Church(which is available on line for free) and read it if you want to make statements about Catholicism and not look really ignorant.
If you read the CCC you would know that Catholicism teaches that JC is the complete atonement for sin.
God bless
2007-07-25 17:44:20
answer #4
answered by James O 7
Catholic's do accept Jesus as the complete atonement for our sins
2007-07-25 17:38:31
answer #5
answered by SusanJ 1
the definition of Christian (whatever stripe) is that they believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior.
"There is only one Christ Jesus, one faith. All else is a dispute over trifles."
(Elizabeth I's response to the Catholic/Protestant divide)
That's a long-lived cult, since it predates Protestanism, BTW.
edit: please, please, please--we do NOT worship statues. We do not worship saints. If this seems overly defensive, it's just because I get so tired of that nonsense. Sometimes we ask for intercession, just as you might ask your mother to help you ask for something from your father (or the other way around), but that is not worshipping them. Can we clear that out of our heads? We worship God, not Mary, Joseph, Anthony, etc. Anjel, please look into that with a reputable source on Catholicism before tossing that around. Very offensive.
2007-07-25 17:43:20
answer #6
answered by Amethyst 6
As a former Catholic, I do worry a lot about the Catholic faith. There are some, certainly, who are Christians, but they are not in the majority.
It has nothing to do with the wafers, it has to do with having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and understanding that it is not by works that we are saved, but by grace alone. There is a heavy burden of guilt in the Catholic church, and in all my years in various catholic schools, no one ever talked to me about true salvation or a personal relationship with my Creator. That is the real tragedy.
2007-07-25 17:42:24
answer #7
answered by January Love 4
The RCC is bible- based, its the first Christian Church and was established by Christ himself. It's obviously not a cult.
2007-07-25 17:39:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Oh, Oh. I better pray to Benny Hinn, or make a cash contribution to Oral Roberts University.
2007-07-25 17:40:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
what are waffers?
2007-07-25 17:39:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous