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If you die when you're 78 years old, when you go to Heaven are you your 78 year old self or your younger self? Does it talk about that in the Bible anywhere? I asked my grandmother this, and she said she thinks that you're your younger self...

What if you die when you're an infant? Are you an infant in Heaven? I asked my grandmother this question to, but she didn't know...

Thanks, and no rude answers please...they don't help.

2007-07-25 10:14:01 · 46 answers · asked by Danielle 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

46 answers

we will be in our prime. as for the babies, or small children, they will be raised by the angles or their parents if the parents are there.
that is my belief

I am a christian

2007-08-02 04:43:22 · answer #1 · answered by FarmerCec 7 · 0 0

The Bible does not specifically answer this question. Will babies and children who die still be babies / children in Heaven? What about elderly people who die, do they remain elderly in Heaven? My guess is that babies are given a resurrection body (1 Corinthians 15:35-49) that is “fast-forwarded” to the “ideal age”, just as those who die at an old age are "re-wound" to the ideal age. I do not think there will be any children or elderly people in heaven. What is the ideal age? I do not know, again, this concept is not specifically Biblical. I would guess around 30. Some guess 33 since that is approximately the age Jesus was when He died. 1 John 3:2 declares, "Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."

Recommended Resource: What the Bible Says about Heaven & Eternity by Ice & Demy.

2007-07-25 10:55:53 · answer #2 · answered by Freedom 7 · 2 0

Your grandmother was right - nobody knows. But does it really matter? This concern stems from the earthly observation that a much younger women will certainly look more pleasing to the eyes than a 78 year old hag even if that hag is Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan. But our concept of beauty of the human form is grounded on our sexuality. We think as more beautiful the form which we think will give the greater sexual pleasure. In turn, we associate with greater sexual pleasure the form that enhances the effectivity of human reproduction associated with the sexual act.

But since there is no more need for sexual reproduction in Heaven (at least that's what Christian doctrine teaches) the basis for our current sense of beauty of the human form is no longer operative.

The greater issue is this: Since there is no need for sexual reproduction in heaven, does sexual differentiation of the human anatomy still exist? If ever I get there, I might bump into Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan strolling in the heavenly meadows in their birthday clothes -- do I get a "kick" out of the encounter? Do I even notice our differences?

The bottom line is, when you get there, you don't have to worry about your age or your waistline.

2007-08-01 05:35:21 · answer #3 · answered by akoypinoy 4 · 0 0

We will all be resurrected and our bodies made perfect. All of us. We will have no flaws or imperfections with our bodies. I believe that we will be ressurected to the "prime of our life", but I am not positive what exactly that age is. Even babies and the elderly will have this older or younger body. We will not all be sent to heaven though. After we die there ius a probationart state where the good go to spiritual paradise and the bad to spiritual prison, until Christ's Second Coming. At the 2nd Coming we will all be resurrected like I said previously, but then we will all be judged and sent to ither Hell or Various degrees of Heaven. And yes this is all in the scriptures.

2007-08-02 04:36:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am really surprised to read some of the answers to this question. People say the Bible gives you all the answers. Can that be true? You ask yourself.

The way I understand it is this: After we die, our bodies go through the food chain of smaller organisms back to the elements. Only our souls go to Heaven or hell. Any new bodies that are made of elements require energy to maintain. Does it mean we have to eat and excrete again? What else can we eat? Other animals and plants will not be in Heaven. Do we need oxygen or water?

Reincarnation makes more sense.

2007-08-01 08:49:18 · answer #5 · answered by OKIM IM 7 · 1 0

Confusion is not of God, therefore if you are confused it is by listening to man and not the Spirit of God. Heaven is a real place! Hell is a real place! It depends on man/woman where they want to spend eternity. The Word of God (the Bible as we know it) tells us the only way to the Father is through His Son. Meaning exactly what? Meaning that if we believe upon the name of Jesus (Immanuel) we are saved. However, we must confess this in public with our own mouth. Satan believes in God! But, he does not believe upon the name of Jesus. Therefore, Satan will be cast to the pit of hell along with all those that don't believe upon the name of Jesus. You might ask, what about those from the Old Testament. They had to believe upon God the Father, cause Christ Jesus was not yet born. Christ Jesus is God in the flesh! Many don't understand how God is the Creator, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just like I'm a daughter, sister, and aunt. Three forms but one person! Same with God... the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit (Comforter). Heaven is for all who believe in the Godhead... as you find in both the Bible and the Torrah...... in Genesis 1 we see all three forms of God present. He tells in chapter 9 "...Let US make man in OUR image"..... The title "Christian" didn't come about until after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Its a title for those who believe and follow Jesus Christ. Catholics are Christian, even though some of them would say they are NOT Christian. Mormons are Christian, even though their title is Mormon. Jeovah Witness are Christian, even though they are called by their doctrine title. If you are a believer in the Living God... you are bound for heaven. If you believe or follow someone or thing other than God the Father/Son/Holy Spirit you are bound for hell. PERIOD!!! Some may not agree, but that is ok.

2016-03-15 23:11:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As most people don't understand the truth, only a small limited number of people have been chosen for life in heaven. The majority of faithful, obedient worshipers of the true God and followers of his Son, Christ Jesus will be given eternal life on earth in the flesh as God always intended from the beginning. Those righteous people will grow young again and infants will age to the standard that God had created Adam and Eve to and we will never grow older than that. There is much more to God's plan for righteous people living on a paradise earth if you would like to hear more let me know in a reply here and I will tell you. I will also provide Scriptures so that you can look it up and see for yourself that it is what God wants for us.

2007-07-25 10:22:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

this question shows the beginning of wisdom in you!
but we r not the right ones to answer your question,cos we don't know what happens after death as no one has ever come back from death to tell his/her experience.

But i believe one of Jesus's parables about those who want to enter the kingdom of heaven must be faultless like little children,but this has got nothing to do with our age.
This solely means that one should be free from the greater sins of the physical world and enter the kingdom with a faultless mind as that of a child!

Hope this answers a part of your question.

p.s i wish i could explain more,but the knowledge about heaven is much beyond mans thinking ability.

2007-07-25 10:21:43 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There are some clues in the Bible which make me believe men will be 17.

That's because once in the Heaven, we all will be "just as perfect as any other creation of God" (very rough translation from my mother-tongue) and the only human God created directly was Adam, who appears to be 17 in the moment of his creation.

Theologists analyzed what was the age of Eve in the moment of her creation and they concluded she might be 30-35.

Some sexologists' and psychologists' research show the biggest "general inner fire" (aka sexual desire *and glamor*) on men is in their 17, while on women is... 30-35. Coincidence?

I also think that the ones in Heaven will live as human beings, not spirits; this is how God created us and this is how Eliah (and Moses??) were taken to Heavens: with their bodies "which will be cleaned of any diseases and *bad* desires" (yet another rough translation from my mother-tongue).

2007-07-25 10:33:41 · answer #9 · answered by Emil Alexandrescu 3 · 1 0

The way I have heard it described is you get a new body which would be of prime age. Like maybe 33?
What I imagine ( keyword ) is a spiritual body that can be any age you want to be.
The disciples were said to say that they sometimes would see Jesus as a child serving them.
I like to dream of the ability to all ways be right and to know all things. To do whatever my mind imagines like visiting the universe. I wonder will I be allowed to witness to the young people being born in the millennium. Come Sweet Jesus Come.
God Bless!

2007-08-02 03:26:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nobody knows. It is impossible to know (I'm actually not being sarcastic here.) how can you describe heaven? is it personal? or is it something nonchanging? I think that we have problems describing heaven, and all things surrounding it, because it doesn't exist on a material plane. Death is a thing completely alien to us, It simply cannot be described by any stretch of the imagination.

2007-08-02 06:13:16 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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