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I was extremely heartened to see the HUGE response from PRO-Choicers who respect and defend the right of girls and women NOT to ever again be FORCED to gestate UNwanted pregnancies to term against their will. People who SUPPORT ready access to the vitally-important REMEDY of abortion.

The question had been posed by an ANTI-Choicer who sought support from fellow intolerant bigots for federal de-funding of Planned Parenthood. And the Anti-Choicers got pounded into the ground like tent stakes by the excellent responses that followed. It painted a very bright picture of the *degree* to which sensible and fair-minded PRO-Choicers vastly outnumber the ANTI-Choicers.

And then the question and its excellent answers had disappeared by a few hours later. (But NOT before I had made a *printout* of all of them, fortunately!! ROTFL!!)

So my question is this -- have any of you observed an apparent ANTI-Choice sentiment on the part of Yahoo's censors. Or do you think this was a fluke?

2007-07-25 10:06:24 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To "The FFX Blitz ★" -- The answers to that question were responded to by almost NO trolls.

To "Fireball226" -- Abortion is not even REMOTELY murder, except in the eyes of bigots who want to see America returned to the pre-1973 Dark Ages. It is a hugely-valuable (and harmless) REMEDY that *restores* the full range of future opportunities to PRE-ill-timed-pregnancy levels to no fewer than a BILLION (with a "B!") girls and women, worldwide, over any given recent 18-year-long period. One of the world's MOST beneficial remedies for an unwanted medical condition.

2007-07-25 10:14:58 · update #1

To "Chick-a-Dee" -- If my mother had gotten an abortion, I would never have existed any more than if she hadn't had the sex. So I can assure you that neither I, nor any other RPE (Reproductive-Process Entity) EVER would have given a rat's patoot. (Nice TRY, though. But there is NO valid reason to oppose abortion.)

2007-07-25 10:18:52 · update #2

To "klm" -- I wish you were right, and that it was simply mean-spiritedness on the part of the questioner. But I got a message that said that Yahoo had deleted it, when I tried to refresh it.

2007-07-25 10:21:27 · update #3

To "The Republican with No Name" -- THANKS for reminding us of the mindset of the minority of the intolerant whom we egalitarians must continue to vigorously oppose. As for sex vis-a-vis abortion... that's as silly as it would be to equate driving a car with getting a remedy for injuries in case of an accident. Totally apples-and-oranges.

2007-07-25 10:25:01 · update #4

To "valet4u2" -- Thank heaven MLK, Jr. didn't shut up because he thought the equally-mindless segregationists should have their say. There is NO excuse for bigotry. And that's what ANTI-Choice *is*.

2007-07-25 10:27:10 · update #5

To "Chris" -- We Pro-Choicers support ALL choices. Including adoption. Just as long as it is the **girl or woman** ONLY who gets to make the choice. If you don't support that, then you *are* anti-choice.

2007-07-25 10:30:59 · update #6

To "lovelaughclean" -- I have been a social activist for more than 40 years, and am a Pro-Choice author. Look up "The Pro-Choice VICTORY Handbook" in Amazon. I very MUCH know *exactly* what I'm talking about.

2007-07-25 10:34:37 · update #7

To "emptywun" -- MOST sex is recreational, and NOT for procreation. So if an ill-timed pregnancy can be considered "an accident," then this would be like saying people should not drive cars for pleasure because they could have an accident. Fortunately, the pregnancy accident is CURABLE, and unless fatal, the auto accident's injuries can be well treated.

2007-07-25 10:39:34 · update #8

To "emptywun" -- What you don't seem to realize is that *personal* decisions made by people other than yourself are absolutely NONE of your business, nor that of anyone else. **Especially** if such busybodyism seeks to deprive anyone of their personal liberties.

2007-07-25 11:21:26 · update #9

But I *agree* with you on the double standard issue. IMO, if an ill-timed pregnancy occurs, the man should pay for the abortion, since she has to undergo the discomfort of it. But if she *chooses* to continue the pregnancy against *his* will, she should be required to waive all child support from him. In return for which he further would agree to have *nothing* to do with the child he would not be supporting.

2007-07-25 11:27:47 · update #10

31 answers

If I'm thinking of the question you're thinking of, I noticed that it was deleted too and I was disappointed. The asker, and anyone who read it, got an eyeful from those of us who not only support a woman's right to choose, but those who support the extremely valuable services of Planned Parenthood. Almost immediately after posting this question the asker posted another in response to the answers she received. The question, asking about blacks and Hispanics receiving the majority of abortions, was so blatantly racist that (s)he received another deluge of responses. I didn't get the chance to answer, so I didn't get the opportunity to see if that was deleted as well.

If I were to categorize the questions I have answered that have been removed, I would guess that the majority of them have been about abortion. I can't say if it's Yahoo expressing their opinion, but it certainly appears that way, doesn't it?

2007-07-26 01:06:24 · answer #1 · answered by Sookie 6 · 2 2

Maybe the asker didn't like the responses and deleted the question him/herself.

I am personally pro-choice- even the baby deserves a choice ;). But at the same time I agree- a woman should not be forced to endure 9 months of discomfort and disfigurement, risking her life against her will.

As another answer pointed out, though, terminating the pregnancy isn't the only "choice" available to women who are pregnant. Those who are willing to endure the 9 months of whatever it may entail for her, I am grateful- I am not able to have children, so those women are the ones to whom I look for my "own" children. (Adoption is great- it made it possible for me to meet my husband, even!)

I wish there was a way to remove the live fetus from the woman-- artificially continuing gestation somewhere besides inside the mother's body. Then both the mother and child would have the choices they deserve. That would be the "best of both worlds."

2007-07-25 17:14:38 · answer #2 · answered by Yoda's Duck 6 · 2 0

I guess I am somewhat on the fence with this one.

Personally, abortion would not be my first choice-I am pro birth control and guidance to the appropriately targeted age group. I also believe that adoption is a better choice than abortion.

That being said, I do think that every woman should have the right to make that decision for herself based on whatever life experience and circumstances influence said decision.

So many laws are passed to protect us from ourselves, some with merit, others without. It is turning us into co-dependents of an out of control government.

Just my opinion.

Now-to answer the real question, I have not noticed any obvious anti-choice sentiment but.... who knows, could be.

2007-07-26 02:05:25 · answer #3 · answered by shewolf3808 2 · 1 0

My guess would be that it was deleted because someone found something offensive about it. For example, you refer to anyone who does not agree with you as a bigot. I'm big enough to let that go, but I can certainly see how your choice of wording would be seen as offensive.

I really haven't noticed a bias of any sort on Yahoo's part, except that they try to keep these pages clean and respectful. Go read through those answers again, or maybe the question itself. Somewhere in there you will find some name-calling or offensive language...and that will be why it isn't there anymore.

PS I fully support a woman's right to choose whether or not she wants to be pregnant....I just think she should make this choice BEFORE she has sex. It is absolutely stupefyingly amazing how someone can willingly and knowingly engage in an act designed to make a baby and then demand a choice about whether or not the baby gets made. I know that putting the key into my truck's ignition and turning it is designed to start the truck. I do not go to the mechanic after the truck starts and complain that I had no choice in the matter. Catch my drift?

**UPDATE** Sex is only recreational because people treat it that way. In cultures that actually respect sex for it's reproductive power abortion isn't much of an issue. Who in their right mind thinks you can accidentally have sex? I would concede that you might have irresponsible sex, but not accidental sex. With the absence of accidental sex comes the absence of accidental pregnancy, and with it the need for "Oops" abortions. Women should be held responsible for the outcome of their actions to the same degree that men are. Even if I have sex for recreation, I am legally responsible for a child whether I want one or not simply because I am male. In a nation where the sexes are supposed to be equal double standards like this should not exist.

2007-07-25 17:27:16 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 1 3

Here here, I'm Pro-Choice. It's as simple as my body, my choice. I've never had an abortion, but I've supported friends after theirs. It's not a callous or uncaring deed, but one that takes a lot of thought, and I doubt can be ever fully forgotten.

So many people say it's selfish and uncaring, that they don't keep it or consider adoption. What I think is selfish and uncaring is the fact that huge numbers of children sit in the system, waiting year after year to be adopted and never are, simply because they're too old. Adopters mostly want babies or toddlers.

People have the right to choose to do with their body what they want without fear, a fetus is not a child, not until it's developed to the point where it can survive outside the womb, up until that point the woman has a right to choose what to do. To refuse that right is violating their body, it's another form of rape in my eyes, and will only force us to go back to the days of back-alley abortions.

2007-07-25 19:46:03 · answer #5 · answered by Phoenix 3 · 1 1

That's not surprising. Simply mention the word "Abortion" and all arguments based on logic and reason get thrown out the window. For some odd reason screaming "It's my right!' or "It's murder!" qualify as valid arguments about abortion. God forbid anyone have a reasonable intelligent discussion about this very important issue. Something like that might lead to it being resolved, and we certainly can't have that can we?

2007-07-25 17:23:48 · answer #6 · answered by Phil K 3 · 0 0

to Fireball226 - i don't suppose any person would really care if their mother had aborted them because that person would not be there to care about anything! that person doesnt exist, it is not a person, it cannot think or fend for itself, it is living like a parasite in a victims body and it is that persons choice to get rid or not.

if your dog had fleas you would get rid of them so why not get rid of the parasites in your own body.

this statement may sound harsh but people have abortions for many different reasons. some are victims of rape or abuse, others are in difficult circumstances, some have religious families who would disown them. all of these women live with themselves afterwards wondering what could have been, me included. to these women a baby is a living memory of a time that they dont need reminding of.

adoption is no better an option because the child is left feeling neglected by its real parents and unwanted, wanting more information. many people are spared from growing up not knowing their backgrounds because of abortion. i believe that it is for the greater good that women can choose to abort a child.

2007-07-26 11:02:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

To begin with, those of us who are Pro-Life are NOT anti-Choicers. We just feel that abortion should NOT be used as a form of birth control. There are cases where abortion is warranted such as rape, incest or any case where the mother's physical or mental wellbeing is at risk. Please do not bunch us all into one basket. There are basket cases that think abortion should be illegal no matter what the situation. I personally believe that planned parenthood is great! Prevent the pregnancy before it occurs.

For those of us who cannot have a child of our own, we wish that more girls were encouraged to have the baby and give him/her to a couple who would love and give the child a good home in adoption. It just seems that Pro-Choicer's have forgotten this CHOICE!!!

2007-07-25 17:14:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Wow, it's a rough crowd here...

Personally, I doubt Yahoo Answers deleted the question.

I also believe the federal government shouldn't be funding .00001 percent of what they fund...they screw everything up that they touch. Liberty is where it is at...get those dang selfish I'm going to vote myself another raise and give myself benefits for the rest of my life politicians back in check.!! Abortion should be a personal choice. It's between that person and God....no one else!!

Uh oh...I'm going to get slammed by the anti God sector!! Hey, you believe what you want and I believe what I want!!

2007-07-25 19:05:34 · answer #9 · answered by hearts_and_thoughts_2003 3 · 1 0

Yahoo's censors, at the least, are very aware of right wing lobbies.
At the most, it worse than that. BUT what's with ALL your CApitals, questioning the equinamity of those you agree *degree* with.
I think you should be, or are, a propagandist for the other side to which you hang your flag.

2007-07-25 17:20:49 · answer #10 · answered by hog b 6 · 0 1

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