ya, god doesnt like fat people. That disgraces him because people look at you and think god messed up. So don't mess up gods temple.
Ya, I dont get the temple thing either :/
2007-07-25 10:12:48
answer #1
answered by Coma White 5
Well, it sounds like that answerer thinks that if you don't take care of your body, that you will just pay the consequences.
In no way, does getting really fat or not working out make it so you won't get into heaven. That is absolutely absurd!!
Many people believe that having sex (especially before marriage) is a violation of your "temple." I do not agree.
The only thing you need to worry about is doing unto others what you would want them to do to you. To those who ridicule others about their bodies, just leave them be. They each need to find their own path also.
2007-07-25 10:04:34
answer #2
answered by smallone 4
What that means, that your body is the temple of the Lord, and as such, whatever you plan to do with your body, put into your body should be thought about before doing it, because as the Bible says: --- your body is not your own, but the Lord's". So, if you decide to have sex outside of marriage , or not with your spouse, your are defiling the temple of the Lord. Think of smoking, doing dope, drinking liquor. All these things defile God's temple.
2007-07-25 10:44:13
answer #3
answered by The Count 7
Hang In there for a Minute:
1. You are a spirit
2. You have a Soul (world calls sub-conscious)
3. You Live in a Body (human being body)
When you get Saved (Born-Again) only YOU (a spirit) gets Recreated (Saved).
Your Soul does not get Recreated.
Your Body does not get Recreated, yet!
The only way to Become LOST AGAIN After your Born-Again is to Commit the Unpardonable Sin.
Now, all Sins have RESULTS.
But only ONE Sin (Unpardonable) will get you LOST AGAIN with no second chances of Redemption.
JESUS can Only Die ONCE for Us. It is in the Bible. Jesus would Die Twice (do it Again--HE Loves us that much) but HE can't cause the Father Said so.
Sins have Results--even after you are Saved.
Now, Ask YourSelf this Question---
(Said Just Like Ole' Clint EastWood would say it)
Do you want to be Blessed or Cursed Punk (no offense intended) WELL DO YA?
(hope this helps)
2007-07-25 10:20:51
answer #4
answered by maguyver727 7
Plain and simple God wants you to take care of the body he has given you and not treat it like trash especially if you are a believer in Christ and the Holy Spirit is dwelling within you. This has nothing to do with getting to heaven although if you don't take good care of your body it might get you there faster, "to live is Christ and to die is gain"
2007-07-25 10:03:54
answer #5
answered by disciple 4
No it doesn't mean you won't get into heaven. Although it's the same thing whether i's about weight, sex before marriage, or drugs, the only way into heaven is through Jesus Christ, accepting him as you personal Lord and Savior. If you care to, review the New Testament.
2007-07-25 10:02:50
answer #6
answered by T-La 3
According to Christian theology the ONLY way to get to Heaven is to accept Christ as your Savior and believe that He died on the cross for your sins....that being said, they also give you this overwhelming set of rules to follow with the threat, either implied or otherwise, that if you don't you won't go to Heaven...
but didn't you just say that the ONLY way to Heaven is through Christ?
Yes but you ALSO have to do A,B,C,D,E,F,...
Then that isn't the ONLY way to get to Heaven ?
No it's the only way.
SO if I don't follow these other rules but I accept Christ as my Savior then I go to Heaven....
Yep no one has a lot to say after that....seriously go easy on yourself, you are as God made you and if He wanted you different you'd be so....according to christian theology, I guess
2007-07-25 10:04:43
answer #7
answered by Chasn 3
Kinda.Take care of your body.Yes.
Considering all the STD out there,I'd be nervous to have sex period.Some of them you Don't get rid of.Some people will gain weight,its in the system.But some can exorcise and prevent it.God will still love you.Getting into Heaven is a different subject.
2007-07-25 10:01:54
answer #8
answered by gotabedifferent 5
I don't believe that if you don't take care of your body you won't get into heaven.
Think of it this way: You received a fantastic, priceless gift from your parents, but you treat it like it wasn't worth anything to you. When your parents find out, they'll be terribly disappointed, but they won't love you any less.
Basically everyone needs to take care of themselves, because every day is a gift, and we live better lives if we stay physically fit and healthy.
2007-07-25 10:01:08
answer #9
answered by Missa L 2
Your inner being is the temple of the Holy Ghost. God don`t care about your earth suit..
Good luck and God bless from Texas <><
2007-07-25 09:58:39
answer #10
answered by jaantoo1 6