At the end of the question below where the asker chooses you for best answer is a place to type in comments and/or a thank you.
2007-07-25 09:52:07
answer #1
answered by faith 5
IM could be a hassle, but I can't imagine why anyone would prevent themselves from being e-mailed. After all, it's not like very many people would take the time to do that very often, and one could miss some very interesting feedback by doing that. You folks in here will ALWAYS be able to e-mail me. Guaranteed!!
2007-07-25 16:55:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Actualy some people don't know that there is such a facility to send or receive E-mails from others.
Even without knowing that some people post questions and answers here.
But some people remain inhuman or selfish without honouring friendship.
Some people contact me many times, but I can't send a reply to them.
Some people are ignorant &
some are arrogant.
Just follow the methods our dear friends have shared here.
Thank you friend for your good heart which honours friendship and bears gratitude towards others.
My door is always open for the whole humanity.
With Love ,
sundar July 26,2007, 3:00 A.M
2007-07-25 17:27:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Use the add comments option below the questioner's response to selecting the best answer.
2007-07-25 16:49:35
answer #4
answered by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5
at the bottom of the question there is a line for
add/view and coments
i usaly thank them there. once the question is answered,they may not see it,or
it is fustratiing or i just put them i the private wach list and wait till tey make a nother post and i thank them then
2007-07-26 03:51:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
When you rate the question--add comments and say e-mail me.
2007-07-25 17:01:42
answer #6
answered by j.wisdom 6
well when you choose best answer the person who answers is notified. Also if you want to email them just take their user name and add after it.
2007-07-25 16:49:17
answer #7
answered by Coma White 5
I don't think you thank them by ignoring their wishes, so I guess I would compose a question that would give them the message but not invade their privacy.
2007-07-25 16:50:45
answer #8
answered by Greg 4
Underneath the askers response there is a Comment button where you can, well, comment.
2007-07-25 16:52:22
answer #9
answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7
use the comment thing under the best answer
2007-07-25 16:48:58
answer #10
answered by Bouken SocratiCat 6