...Why do so many middle class christians say they acheived financial security because they've been 'good christians so 'the lord' is blessing them'?
And why are there so many poor christians?
Are they the bad ones?
And why do I, a non-christian, have more money than most christians?
Just maybe it comes down to education, work ethics and a bit of good luck and NOT, in fact, Jesus?
44 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Nobody said money is everything. My my, who doesn't like to ask practical qustions? G-d gave you a mind to be prctical and reason and that you might PROSPER. I can assure you I support many good works.
09:44:01 ·
update #1
the Sage- you have very valid points but we have a very intact family, have dinner together every night, involved in kids education and lives, etc. There need not be a sacrifice and we don't slave- that's thanks to the education and ethics instilled in us and of course a bit of luck.
09:47:27 ·
update #2
14:12:20 ·
update #3
Everything we have is from GOD. The whole world has been given to people to keep for GOD. We are stewards of GOD's world that was given to Adam and Eve which we inherit as descendants of adam and eve. However we are to be our brother's keepers. That means we are obligated to use these gifts as GOD would, because we are images of GOD and so are our brothers . .. therefore as we must do for others as we'd have done unto us . .. as we do for the least of JESUS' brethren we've done so for JESUS CHRIST. That means these things GOD gives us are not given for our own luxury, though we are allowed our daily bread, and basic needs met . .. the more we give to others the more we are CHRIST like . .. JESUS gave all things to people, even giving HIS BODY AND BLOOD for the LIFE of the world . .. In perfect practice this means we should live in poverty serving the poor. As JESUS did. JESUS lived in poverty and helped the least of people, doing good deeds and healings, restoring souls, and teaching the faith. We are to do these things too. Therefore those who understand these things are given by GOD, but are using them for their own luxuries are not doing what GOD asked them to do, they have a debt to GOD, because they've buried GOD's gifts in the ground and have little if anything to return to GOD more than that which was given to them. (Matthew Chapter 25) . .. This is all pretty simple, if GOD gives you something use it to the GLORY OF GOD, that means talents, money, and all things entire. And of course what little you give to JESUS . .. then JESUS will multiply it like the fish and the loaves that you will be able to give back to GOD a great abundance more than what you received . .. even better live poor and suffer, and give all to others, and you've achieved the way of CHRIST which is a narrow path, nto the broad path of the common way. This world for each person will go away, and the better part is for the least of people who have kept the commandments. that is we all will die and come before JESUS on judgement day, if then you can say you lived a life in the way of CHRIST . .. you will enter into PARADISE . . . but if in knowing this, and not doing it you've told JESUS no to working in HIS field though we are all called to be great Saints . .. the rich shall be sent away empty and the poor filled with good things . ..
There's much more to be said about this, but i'll leave it to you to investigate what JESUS says we should do with GOD's gifts to us. Most of all that which we do for the least of people is what we do for JESUS. And that which we do not do for the least of people we have not done so for JESUS CHRIST.
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
2007-07-25 09:50:37
answer #1
answered by jesusfreakstreet 4
Blessings do not have to be tangible. If I am blessed with good health or a funny sense of humor it is not tangible and has no monetary value, but I am still blessed.
There are probably as many "poor" Christians as there are poor non-Christians. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior it does not guarantee wealth, and if you've been lead to believe that then someone has been leading you astray.
Most true Christians are hard workers because the Bible tells us that we should work hard so that we can take care of those less fortunate. Habitat for Humanity is a faith based organization and I'm sure you've heard of the good they have done for so many people all over the world.
Of course, you hear a lot about the bad apples that give us a bad name but the majority of Christians are very hard working and have very good work ethics.
2007-07-25 09:49:51
answer #2
answered by Sage 6
There are good people and bad people in every religion. If you have time to watch the maid clean your bathroom, might we assume you are not the one making the money to pay the maid? Maybe you should do something more constuctive with your time instead of trying to stir up trouble on the internet with childish comments. I would suggest volunteer work at a homeless shelter.
2007-07-25 09:48:08
answer #3
answered by andi06 1
It all really comes down to what they believe in. If a christian believes that the Lord is blessing them with work and financial gain, what way is there to prove them that they are wrong? I guess you can turn it around on them and tell them that wanting and asking the Lord to help them financially can be considered greed and greed is one of the seven deadly sins in the christian religion and of course the Lord would not do such a thing in their faith then.
Do they have a strong work ethic and are educated well in how to spend and save their money, and how to know when a good paying job has presented itself to them? Maybe as well. It is pretty difficult to say. If you aska christian they will say that the Lord is blessing them, But if you ask a non-believer (like myself), they would say is they are just getting lucky or they know what it is they need to do to make more money and be happy. So the answer is going to change depending on who you ask it to. I cant see a real answer to this, this would be considered more of an opinoin.
Christians will also donate money if they have it to their church or youth groups and what not, to be doing a favor to the community and be good people. Thats also probably why non-christians(believers) have more money because they are not as willing to give it away as christians are.
2007-07-25 09:46:41
answer #4
answered by Verdes 2
There are so many poor Christians because they give what they have to someone else in need of it. Also, the ones who preach the prosperity thing, are wrong. Jesus said "Give everything you have and come follow Me." He also said it would be easier for a "camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into the Kingdom of Heaven." If someone is really rich, then they are keeping everything for themselves. If they have been blessed with their finances, then they should be sharing it with others instead of telling everyone what they have.
God isn't about money!
2007-07-25 09:53:31
answer #5
answered by byHisgrace 7
Many Christians do not read nor know their Bible.
Many Christians ignorantly follow false teachers.
Many Christians miss the whole point of what a Christian truly is.
There will always be false prophets about - taking the Bible and re-spinning it to fit their own personal agenda.
Here are the facts:
Christ was NOT of this world or of the world's values.
Christians are to NOT be of this world or to adopt it's values.
Christ ministered and lived poorly and humbly.
Christians do not seek wealth, but if God indeed does entrust wealth to them, it is their calling to be good stewards of this wealth and distribute it among the poor and support ministries and missionaries.
God does not use the world to manipulate His followers - to bless or curse or punish.
Christians are not tied to the world and it's 'rewards': Lust, greed, power, wealth, influence, popularity, intellect, etc.
God uses trials that come the Christian's way to strengthen the Christian's faith and draw the Christian closer to God. It is a form of growth and intimacy with God; punishments are not to punish but lessons by which to grow.
Does not a tree strengthen after a storm? The winds, rain, temperatures and other variables either make the tree stronger, or tears it down. If the tree lived it's entire life in an environment of no thirst, wind, perfect soil & nutrician...then a sudden gust of wind were to press against it, the tree would quickly fall, for it had not the need to develop the strong roots firmly webbed into the ground.
So, when it seems that some Christians are wealthy - it can be two-fold:
Either they are blessed and do not understand the blessing and what their responsibilty of it is ...or they are blessed, know Christ's purpose and God knows they are suitable stewards of the wealth.
And then there are the Christians who seem to be struggling, poor, and living day to day, then this can also be two-fold:
It is understood by the Christian that worldly goods are not indications of being given or denied blessings. They understand that God does give them what they NEED. They may not get what they WANT, but God does provide what they NEED. And what they NEED may not be what the world preceives as needs (special operation, cancer cure, roof over their heads). Trials keep them closer to God because they come to God more often and are less self-reliant (than the wealthy). God DOES want us to lean on Him; come to Him for ALL needs - bar none. This is one of the reasons why the wealthy sometimes miss the message of Christ. They preceive wealth as expected, or proof that they are "right" with God. That is not always so. In fact, I see that God's favorites are among the poor, insecure, disabled, humble because they draw closer to God in their heart in everyday things and thank Him constantly for the little blessings that so often are overlooked by someone who has want or need of nothing.
So, if you are comfortable - have wealth - then do not despair. God has blessed you with many gifts, and one of them is Wealth. Use it wisely and frugally. Help those who need help - with expecting no thanks from them. Never look for the person(s) you helped to thank you. Understand that God sees all and knows what is in your heart when you gave and what is in the heart of the receiver. And God does the judging - not you nor I.
And remember, that wealth can be fleeting. You can have it one day, and it be gone the next. No guarantees. A rich man may have his wealth in widgets, and the next week, the bottom falls out of the market and he is living on the street. Or health can fail and wipe out an estate. We none of us know what God has planned for us tomorrow. For even the last days, the very hour that God is to end Earth's days, not even His Son Jesus knows the day nor hour, nor any of the Angels in Heaven.
Peace & God's Blessings to you!
072507 4:52
2007-07-25 10:52:42
answer #6
answered by YRofTexas 6
It's possible that Christians are more likely to be satisfied where they are financially. Unlike most other Americans, we know there's more to life than money and aren't always driven by greed. Wealth is a privilege and a gift not to be taken for granted, so we feel grateful to God if we have been given the means to make enough money to reach financial security. Quite frankly, I'm insulted at your implying that Christians have less education and work ethics than others.
2007-07-25 09:46:14
answer #7
answered by Lycanthrope777 5
I don't look at things from the secular sense (for the most part
True that you might indeed have more money, doesn't mean that God isn't blessing the others. He gave us all life and for most someone to love. That is all I could ever want or ask for. Money doesn't buy happiness, the best moment i had was holding hands at the lake with my girlfriend. no money involved (save clothes).
Education, work ethics will get you money but is it really worth slaving your life away and never seeing those you love? I mean you want the best for them, but sometimes the thing they want the most is you.
Don't get me wrong work all you need to but i am just saying that when work literally pulls me from family all the time then it is no longer worth it...
2007-07-25 09:42:49
answer #8
answered by Chris 5
I suppost you could say that a 'christian', or at least a person with christian values is less caught up in material gain, and more worried about the important things in life. I wouldn't worry though, you sound like a lovely, non-judgemental person.
2007-07-25 09:41:46
answer #9
answered by ♥♥Mum to Superkids Baby on board♥♥ 6
You may have more money than most Christians, but you also have more money than most non-Christians. There are literally billions of them in Third World countries.
If you have more money than someone else does that make you better, happier, more content? No, it just means you have more money. It is shallow to equate money with success.
2007-07-25 10:02:19
answer #10
answered by Sir D 2
It will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.
All that you have comes from God, he gives and he takes away, be careful with your attitude.
2007-07-25 10:05:55
answer #11
answered by LaptopJesus 5