I can't believe that you just posted that. It was a heart-felt, honorable post.
And honestly, all Christians should know about Judaism. I think it would help. It's a book in my stack to learn about Jews, as within a mile of my college there are three synagogues.
Good post you crazy atheist.
It's obvious to me by the disagreements from Christians that most of them do not want to study Judaism. I just want to study it to understand it more. To know what they think. Knowledge is beneficial.
Again, great post.
2007-07-25 08:15:41
answer #1
answered by Mr. A 4
I agree, to a point. Mainstream Judaism doesn't worry about where you are going when you die, it concerns itself with making the world we live in a better place and concentrating on being a better person yourself. It doesn't despise good acts as folly insufficient to gain you eternal salvation, it stresses doing good. It encourages questioning everything, even your religious beliefs, but, of course, still has to ultimately rely on just having faith.
but there are extremists and there is silliness in all religions. I grew up near a town where they'd throw rocks at your car if you drove on Saturday, for instance. There are orthodox sects that may not obsess about the afterlife but that teach that if you do too many evil things like turning the lights on on Sabbath then G-d will strike you dead. Getting bogged down in the petty details such as how to put strings around town on Sabbath to enable people to walk to temple also gets silly.
But if I were to compare mainstream Judaism with mainstream Christianity, I think I'd go with Judaism for its focus on the here and now and living a decent, kind life. That it doesn't strive to convert everyone is a big plus.
2007-07-25 15:27:56
answer #2
answered by thatguyjoe 5
I guess it depends on what kind of Judaism you are talking about. There is Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, and Reformed Judaism. Those are the main three, and I am sure there are all sorts of variations among those three.
I am not opposed to looking at what other religions believe in order to understand my own better, or to appreciate my own more, but I will also not say that my religion is the same as any other one. Even though Christianity came out of Judaism, they are not the same thing.
2007-07-25 15:21:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I agree, and recommend Messianic Judaism to those who insist on believeing in an Ambrahamic religion that also worships Jesus. For christians it would be the most logical choice if they're looking for a denomination closest to what the bible says they should be like. I think if they love Jesus so much , they should embrace his culture and traditions, instead of being Mel Gibson-ish. LOL
2007-07-25 15:27:46
answer #4
answered by RealRachel 4
Yes it does make some sense...
Odd that so many christians ignore the Tanakh... Jesus came to get people back to what the Tanakh taught, and away from the additions of men... They walk in the dark. They are like a vine cut off from the roots.
2007-07-25 15:26:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am not Jewish nor do I follow Judaism,but I agree with you. It is a very beautiful religion and the teachings are a wonderful way to live ones life by.
2007-07-25 15:18:20
answer #6
answered by monte54que 7
you know i have been reading up on it and i agree it is a very good way of life...i am willing to learn anything even if i don't agree, my mind and eyes are wide open believe it or not...I'm not easily swayed but i do know reality from fiction and scare tactics. i do not understand some stuff but when i do not i do not fake like i do , i do not have answers for everything and by no means am i all knowing . your lack of belief has no bearing on your intelligence and i find you to be one of the most interesting people here on yahoo answers. i have learned things from you as an atheist i have never learned in church , from study , links and your on personal opinions....I'm willing to learn even if i don't agree...
2007-07-25 18:11:43
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I like their relationship with god a lot. It's more adversarial. They argue with him. Reason with him. To them god is more a slightly batty but powerful rich uncle.
2007-07-25 15:16:30
answer #8
answered by Laptop Jesus 3.9 7
Yes because it is all works based. You are putting yourself under a great burden.
Titus 3:5 says about true believers "5He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit".
Jesus says "Come unto Me all ye who are weary and heavy laden" in Matthew.
2007-07-25 15:22:18
answer #9
answered by K in Him 6
Your suggestion has a certain merit.
However, Jehovah, the God of the Jews, rejected that people.
These days, its necessary to choose between Jehovah, or Judaism.
BTW Being 'good' is not the main point.
2007-07-25 15:16:49
answer #10
answered by Uncle Thesis 7