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I've heard Christians claiming that they have a "close personal relationship with God", (as if Jesus were some buddy that they actually hung out with).

Do Muslims say the same type of thing?

If not, would you consider someone making a claim like that as being disrespectful towards Allah?

Would a Sufi say something like this?

2007-07-25 06:21:23 · 12 answers · asked by Azure Z 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

SlaveOf12Gods - Does this question belittle someone? If you are referring to the "buddy" thing in my question, I would like to point out that Christians DO often refer to Jesus as a "friend". They even have a song called "What a Friend We Have in Jesus".

I really didn't ask this question to belittle anyone, I was just curious about the Muslim point of view on this idea.

2007-07-25 06:35:55 · update #1

12 answers

According to Islamic teachings, in the beginning, there was nothing but Allah. Allah wanted that there should be creations that recognize Him and worship Him. So He created Men, Jinns, and Angles, with a single "KUN" (BE!). He blessed them with the ability to recognize Him and obtain His "Irfan". Adam (Human) had this ability more strong that the other two (Jinns, and angles). So the purpose of our creations is that we should recognize Allah as our "ONLY" creator, and gain His closeness and love.

Now coming to your question, Allama Iqbal says "Amal se zindagi banti hai jannat bhi jahannum bhi".
No nation, religion can claim that they have a pesonal relation with God for no reason... And pleas don't insult Jesus, if you are a Muslim you should talk about all the prophets with respect and love.
No, Muslims can't claim thing like that, we can't and we shouldn't. Allah only blesses the person with His love and closeness who struggles for it with true heart. Every person will go to paradise or hell because of his own sins or virtues. Jesus (peace be upon him) was a prophet of Allah who spread the message of oneness like all the holy Prophets, and of course, like all the prophets, he was a friend of Allah.
But if a person of Jesus's Ummah is sinful, he can't go to paradise just because he is a christian, can he? This is another matter if God forgives someone.
But when we talk about being close to Allah, our knowledge is limited about how close a person can be to Allah...
It's not like "hanging out with Allah". If a person awakes the abilities in his soul to recognize Allah (mystic abilities, awakened by meditation etc.), he begins watching angles, the hidden worlds. A real sufi, a great sufi always believes that Allah's is with Him, always. He thinks that everything comes from Allah, and he doesn't depend on material resources of thing.
If you remember the incident of Moses (PBUH), when he saw the Tajalli of Allah on "Toor", he was fainted, and toor was burnt. The tajalli or light that Moses saw wasn't Allah but it was Allah's viel, so a person can not see Allah in this world but can see His viel (the light/tajalli).
I don't think anyone should claim that they have personal close relationshi with God, its just baseless. The people who actually have closeness with Allah, don't go bragging. The purpose of our Sufis was only "Allah", so they didn't need to show off or brag.
Plz visit this site:

2007-07-25 06:49:27 · answer #1 · answered by Khan 2 · 0 0

I believe I have a very close relationship with God. When I pray, I pray directly to Him - I use NO intercessors. What is the point of an intercessor if God is the one who creates those who others say are 'saints' or even Prophets?

In my daily ritual prayer, I praise Him and I ask of Him. I stop whatever I am doing at least 5 times a day, every day to talk to Him.

I do not see him. I do know He is unlike anything i have ever seen, and I do not want to limit Him by picturing Him in human form - we are beautiful creations but we are limited, and that is not and attribute of God.

I think it is absolutely wonderful to say that they are close with God. A relationship with God is personal. To incinuate in anyway that they are 'buddies' is a little strange as you rely on Him more than you would a parent. So I dont think I'd personally like that.

Sufis say some really out there things. Some say that at a certain level of 'knowledge' they actually ascend into heaven during the night, then they are in no need of prayer anymore.

May Allah save me and all of us from such lies and May he keep us on the path of the Prophets and the Righteous Companions (Salaf us-Saliheen).

2007-07-25 06:32:02 · answer #2 · answered by Aishah 2 · 0 0

Muslims believe in Jesus, but we believe that he was one of the great messengers of God. Muslims believe that GOD is close to them, as it is mentioned in the Quran, He knows us better, better than our mothers know us.

Now if someone asks us that what kind of God do we believe in, is it same like Christians? then the answer would be.

Say: He is Allah, the One
Allah, the eternal
He begetteth not nor was begotten
And there is none comparable unto Him

We call God by the name "Allah" because it does not have a plural, niether a gender, nor can this word be played with.

2007-07-25 06:31:40 · answer #3 · answered by mehrosh 2 · 0 0

the relationship between human and God(Allah) should be kept in the limit of a servent dealing with his/her creator and Not friend to friend. and our heart should be freely from any proud or arrogant toward Him.

the only servent that God has called him as a friend was prophet Abraham:
[125] ........ And Allâh did take Ibrâhîm (Abraham) as a Khalil (an intimate friend)!
Quran 4:125

2007-07-25 06:26:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That is a very interesting question, and I feel like I've really learned something about Islam and Muslims today. Thank you.

I'm still an atheist though.

2007-07-25 06:28:44 · answer #5 · answered by TriciaG28 (Bean na h-Éireann) 6 · 0 0

God is not like you, me, humans, nor like a king or president,
father, or grand father.
Quraan is saying neither God is born by any one nor any one is born by God.
As much we understand till now The God is Unbeatable Energy.
It may take further thousands of years to understand what exactly for word 'God' is.

2007-07-25 07:09:00 · answer #6 · answered by Reality 2 · 0 0

yes, as humans it is impossible for us to have a close and personal relationship with God(Allah). We can love Allah and want to be near him, but you can never have the kind of relationship that you are talking about because he is on a higher level then we are.

2007-07-25 06:25:54 · answer #7 · answered by Zahira B 3 · 0 1

whoever believes in Allah (swt) is close to Allah
coz when we pray we're getting closer to Allah
and making a duaa is getting us closer
but its not the way u think of it a person cant really explain how they're close to Allah
a person needs to experience it themselves to know how it feels
i mean being close in loving allah more but not in a way that that person only is close
everyone would be close sometime or another

2007-07-25 06:27:17 · answer #8 · answered by °·.¸.•°amoona°·.¸.•° 3 · 0 1

well here we go again isn't it just always the same - trying to belittle otheres for what they believe and not believe -HA!!!

and if this jesus is like a buddy and so be it ,mayby muslims could just lighten up a little! make mohamed your buddy!

2007-07-25 06:27:33 · answer #9 · answered by slaveof12gods 5 · 0 2

Sorry I'm not muslim, but I just wanted to say they are as ignorant as the rest of the demented fools running around saying god told me god told me

2007-07-25 06:27:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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