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This is not for the fundamentalists - but for the open minds eager to discover the facts.
Jesus in the age period 14-29

What are these many things that have not been recorded? One record that is glaringly missing is the period 14-29 years in the life of Jesus. One theory is that he went to India to be trained as a Buddhist.

The story of the Wise Men is surprisingly similar to the traditions of Buddhism, a religion 500 years older than Christianity. When a great Buddhist holy man (lama) died, wise men consult the stars and go on a long trek to find his incarnation. When he is found, he is taken from his parents when old enough and trained in the Buddhist faith. Could Jesus have been identified as an incarnation and taken to India?
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2007-07-25 05:30:35 · 13 answers · asked by scorpion 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

13 answers

Jesus could have very well been buried in India. The problem comes in the devotion that people give the Bible. Grant it, the sacredness of the text is of extreme divinity, but I don't think we should be closed minded and simply dismiss some of the inconsistencies in the Bible. To question the Bible does not mean to question the existence of God. With these inconsistencies, most are content to accept that Jesus was buried where the Bible says he was. We may never know because of this, but India is not far fetched.

2007-07-25 05:41:11 · answer #1 · answered by elreydechess 2 · 3 1

Bhavishya Purana Jesus

2016-12-17 11:55:59 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Great question. I firmly believe he spent time there, and the wise men part rings true. The poisoning on the cross is believable to me because I was poisoned and lay almost dead for a couple of days myself ( I was in the countryside, not a hospital.) As for what is said that conflicts with Hinduism, I think some of what he said was tainted by those who wrote biased by their own beliefs. Some of it does not ring true to what I think Jesus's intentions were. The very first time I read Hindu and Buddist teachings I thought Jesus was an incarnation.

2007-07-25 08:30:21 · answer #3 · answered by mari athenan 3 · 2 0

Jesus's teachings have been totallydifferent from those of the Hindus and the Bjddhists too.Thr eis absolutely no commonality among them and particularly Jesus's teachings are diametrically opposed to those of Hindu philosophy which sees god in evrything wiothout exception and Jesus saw God as a separte idendity different and far above from the humans even and kept him aloof from the ordinary people and approachable only through himself .It is unfortunate that people make wild guesses without even understnding the values and the meanings of he teachings of differnet persons and different religions. Christianity has heavily borrowed from the Egyptians and other contries around the regions and modified the stories to suiot thier culture and way ofg thinking.The Hindu philosophy though the most ancient and more ancient than the greeeks who even some 300 to 400 years BC thought that rain was thre result of the Gods above the earth pissing through the seives and then that out of love the gods were impregnating the earth with their semens .Though the Greeks were the people whoi laid the foundation of modern physics , chemistry , logic etc later , thier early thought were funny, illogiccal and unscientific even as recently as 300- 400 years BC.In the case of the Hindus , thier philosphy despite being th emost ancient and relating to severalthousands years BC ,were so scientific , that their nuances were uninteeligebile to the west and to many in the east till modern scientific research could proe the truth conained in them, especailly ,the ominipresence of God based on the simple scientific fact that all matter in this unverse is made of elements the components of which are the same .It is the same components that show up in different forms and materials .they are there fore essentially the same .for the hindu the gold and the grass are the same , the diamond and the dust are the same , the underlying principle being that they are made of the same components of atoms in different quantities .modern science knows that the variation in the numver of electrons and protons alone make the diferent materials and that all matters are therefor of th esame building blocks - they are the same . Thisis the bais opf the omnipresence of God which no other religions knows even today. Again the description of the Totality ofGod by Arjuna on seeing the Viswaroopa .of Lord Krishna some 6000 years ago in the Dhvaapara Yuga vividly brings to our mind the cosmic creation , and annihilation of the stars and planets, the process of formation of the super nova and the black holes etc which modern scientific research could find only in the 20Th century. the teachings of the Bible tells about the creationof the universe ansd all tha ti in the universe in just six days whre as the Bhagavad -gita tells you that it takes thousandsof eons , (ie) one Kalpa being half a day of Brahmma , the duration is 4320000 years ( one Chatur Yuga ) * 71 chathur yuga ( one Manvantra ) * 14 Manvantras = One Kalpa - just half -a-day of Brtahmma hen the lives that sank into darkness unwillingly at the nightfall of Brammah and re-emerge again at day break (after one kalpa ) .it is alsosaid speciafially that beings rise fropm unmaifest nature , one of he qualities of God . Thuis the creation , sustenance and annihilation of all teh unerses and the beings therein are described consistent with the sciientific thruths in the Hindu scriptures despite their being the most ancient .Nothnig else can be compared to this as the modern religions consider the hindu philosophy as trash even today for lack of understnding .The Hindus as is wont with them, do not or will bother about it as it is too hard for certain people to understand the subtle hindu philosophy.It needs some dedicated training for some years to understand it to some extent . Comparing this hindu philosophy to any other religious thought would be blasphemus to the otehre religions There is no blasphemuy in hinduism.

2007-07-25 06:23:55 · answer #4 · answered by Infinity 7 · 3 0

Every incarnation, in which ever Pada They exist, That means they may be a mild Incarnation, or a total incarnation ( we will have only one of this type in every cycle of Four Yuga's : Krishna ), It has been a process that they all except the Total incarnation are initiated, by a sacred process.

Jesus underwent this initiation process, and also was a student and learned prescribed matter, at Himalayas. He studied Veda's and other prescribed spiritual matter.

But he was definitely not buried in India, because he did not return to India after he left India, completing his initiation and training.

and this definitely does not mean That there is any kind of Blasphemy in Hinduism, i Donno which sick minds create such awkward things, with there won illusion and very very limited capabilities.

-- deito

2007-07-25 07:13:59 · answer #5 · answered by deito 4 · 1 0

Hasn't it occurred to you in your objective research that the entire reason Jesus was considered to be the messiah in the first place was because it went along with Micah's prediction and that the prediction could therefore be used as evidence that he was a messiah? As for whether it happened to anyone else, yes. LOTS of things have been described to coincide with predictions. It's one of those amazingly convenient practices favored by writers of mythology who have an agenda.

2016-03-19 07:42:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awlHD

There was predictions of births but not the location, at least not in scripture Jesus did and does rule Israel but it was not merely physical Israel that was referred to; it includes members from all races, hence it is called spiritual Israel because the spiritual man is more important than the physical. In 33 C.E., God initiated a better covenant with a new Israel, “the Israel of God " (Gal. 6:16). This term wasnt used for the physical Israel You are spot on with your historical evidence but will they pay any attention to the facts? No, they will not learn from the evidence so clearly presented. Why? because they have hardened their hearts “‘They always go astray in their hearts, and they themselves have not come to know my ways’” (Hebrews 3:9-11)

2016-04-11 03:07:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I agree with brother Raghavan, there is no Blasphemy in Hinduism

2007-07-25 06:51:41 · answer #8 · answered by Divya Jyoti 4 · 3 0

I suppose it's *possible*, although extremely unlikely. Unless of course he was born in the area now known as India.

2007-07-25 05:37:11 · answer #9 · answered by Peter D 7 · 0 2

Hinduism was born when followers of Moses gone astray and started worhipping the cow instead of God.
Give it a thought for a second, how can a stone be a god? I watched the indian news yesterday, they showed god jagannath went to meet her sister!!! and that too when the sun was about to set, reason being he is intolerent to sunlight. Strange thing is people were carrying this stone idol. You tell me if that were to be god then wouldnt it go by itself? Think about it god having a sister? When did god started having geneology?
More than half of the violence is due to over this stone idols in India? what for? Stones are more respected than people. Human life has no value before a stone. People have become stone hearted.

2007-07-27 15:28:57 · answer #10 · answered by dan 1 · 1 6

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