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Some school of thoughts say that he had been burried at kashmir and the Tomb still exists .
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2007-07-25 05:16:23 · 25 answers · asked by scorpion 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Dear Milkina

Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
Main article: The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ

The Lost Years

of Jesus

Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in the Orient. From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both student and teacher.

The story of his pilgrimage from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahmanistic historians.

Today they still know him and love him and worship him as St. Issa. their 'buddha'.


2007-07-25 05:47:01 · update #1

Friends, Not only Kerala but Kashi too.

2007-07-25 06:07:59 · update #2

25 answers

i am attempting to gentically manipulate the time of the second coming of christ - have you got any DNA from jeezus in this place in kashmir.

i bribed the security guard at the turin shroud to no avail but this is the first I've heard of this new clue!

if only i could get that jeezus DNA - I'm a wine producer see and i fancied having the best expert ever on winemaking on the board of directors!

can you send me the names of those who might have some jeezus DNA

2007-07-25 05:28:03 · answer #1 · answered by . 6 · 0 3

The real answer is no one really knows for sure. The story you are referring to is in the book "Jesus Lived In India" by Holger Kersten. If any of the documents can be proven by academia, other that his sources, then I would deduce that his theories are very plausible. I tend to believe that he did live and die in India, but that's me. If you have an open mind about these religious matters then I highly recommend the book. It is interesting to read . I have read it twice. As a side note, I find it interesting every time the Shroud of Turin is examined. If it were proven to be the burial shroud then more conversions would take place. Same goes for the town in Ethiopia that says they have the Ark of the Covenent. If I had the Ark I would want to prove to the world that it is real I would have it one display 24/7. Since it's never on display then people, rightfully so, play the BS card. I know I do.

2016-04-01 01:45:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A man named Jesus might have studied ,taught , later died and be burried in Kashmir, and his tomb also may be found there ,no doubt . But that is not the Jesus the founder of Christianity.

In the Bible we can see an another Jesus who was a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet who was later cursed by Paul.

( Please refer to Acts 13:6-12 ) &
[Acts 8:9,Mattew 7:15 ]

There are thousands of people with a same name .
A man called Jesus might have lived , died and have been burried in Kashmir.No doubt.

But the Jesus ,the founder of Christianity was crucified under the supervision of the Roman Government on the mount called Calvary out side the city of Jerusalem .

He was burried there itself .Mark 15:42 - 46 clearly says "Joseph of Arimathea,a prominant member of the Council who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God ,went boldly to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body.Pilate was surprised to hear that he was alredy dead.Summoning the centurion ,he asked him if Jesus had alredy died. When he learned from the centurion that it was so ,he gave the body to Joseph.So Joseph brought some linen cloth,took down the body ,wrapped it in the linen ,and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock.Then he rolled a stone against the entrance of the tomb.

The Joseph here also is not the Joseph the husband of Mary.

Again Matthew 27:65 says ,
" Take guard ," Pilot answered ." Go,make the tomb as secure as you know how. So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.

All such things took place in Jerusalem ,purely under Pilot the governor and with the knowlege of the king Herod.

Jesus' death on the cross ,and His burrial in Jerusalem and His resurrection on the third day (the sunday early morning ),and His appearance to all of His followers for 40 days and His Ascension to heaven : every thing was witnessed by His disciples.

It was purely a historical Truth ,and hence His disciples gave their lives for this Truth .
Would all Jesus' disciples die for some thing which was false.?

Jesus or His disciples were never liars.
A man lies to live a better life .
But no fool will ever die for a lie.

It is a matter of life .of course all Jesus disciples lost their precious lives for this Historical TRUTH.

Since many have died to establish this TRUTH ,none on earth has the right to speak against the detrails mentioned in the Bible.

Of course there were many men with the same name .But the Jesus who is said to have been burried in Kashmir is not the Jesus the founder of Christianity.

Let us not continue to waste our precious times in disputing against the Historical TRUTH mentioned in the Bible.
People who are working against TRUTH are no doubt liars.
Lying is the work of Satan and not of Jesus or His disciples.

sundar July 26 ,2007, 2:A.M


2007-07-25 09:36:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Jesus said he was sent to the Jew's he proved this when he witnesses to the Samaritan woman at the well others who came to him for from the nations for blessings.
Mathew 10:5-10; 15:21-28; 17:16; John 4:9-30

2007-07-25 05:36:15 · answer #4 · answered by Here I Am 7 · 0 0

I've heard some theories that suggest that before he came to the forefront of Judaism that he may have traveled, or that he may have done so after his resurrection.. The Mormons believe he went to America, so there is another account. The truth is that there is no evidence that shows whether or not he did any such thing, and most accounts were written long after he lived by people who were not contemporaries, and all these accounts contradict other accounts. For the most part, people say he visited their place to make money or to support their particular beliefs, but the evidence often suggests otherwise. There are infinite possibilities for the tomb above, and until there is some obvious shred of evidence aside of conjecture, then I won't believe it happened... but I won't count it out, either.

2007-07-25 05:22:45 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 1 0

Yes he did according to the book Twelve Lessons in Truth-Aum(1931), by Juliana McKee.

The Aqaurian Gospel of Jesus supports this and the information provided proves that He went with Ravanna an Indian prince who went to hear Jesus's interpretation of "The book of prophecy". Ravanna felt bliss and asked his parents if could show him parts of India and the east. They agreed as he was 18 years at the time and went to Orissa with Ravanna. Later he spent 4 years at the temple Jagannath. Next he lived in Benares and expressed his views on equality and spirituality. Some people enjoyed and accepted his claims while others rejected. Some like Ajainin who was a Brahmic priest from Lahore actually came during the night to visit jesus in beneres. During the day he would have trouble since he happened to be a brahmin going into a neighborhood of lower social class people who Jesus accepted. This is where he even wrote letters to his mother telling her all is well and that God is taking good care of her and his father in heaven. :)
Hope that helped

2007-07-25 08:41:37 · answer #6 · answered by Blessing 2 · 0 2

Since thre is no evidence that Jesus Christ had a horse or knew horse riding , there is absolutely no possbility of his having come to India by walk through the passes in the Himalayan region some two thousand years ago and returned to Isreal . Had he come to Inida ,he would not have returned at all. Some people are given to such wild wishful thinking. It is just like saying that since Rama , Krsihna , Jesus and muhammed were drink ing water/ or milk or wearing clothes ,, they should have been born of the same mother!.
Doubts can arise only on concrete proofs and not wild guesses which do not merit any consideration. Bible it self does not believe that the camel can pass through the eye of a needle .The God who could create the entire universe in six days and raise all the dead from the graves , could not do this simple thing ! People who demand proof of anything and do not accept one's views and hold a view diffenret from other's are no fools or ireverent or fundametalists .Only those who do not provide an anwer to questions and can not provide proof of what of they say and depend on guesses and reqire others also to believe one's guesses call the orehrs fools or fundamentalists of atheists etc as they are unable to proove their belief. How can one be convinced of something when he cannot proved that what he believes in is right on concrete basis .Jesus christ and at least one of his diciples who have given a detailed accoujnt if his geneology and the clear detailed description of the creation of even creatures and his itenarery and miracles could have at least hinted it tosay that he cured people of India also of their diseases.the fact is that even they donot know whre Jesus had been or it might be that there was nothing special that happend in his life during that period .

2007-07-25 06:42:01 · answer #7 · answered by Infinity 7 · 1 2

Jesus came to Israel . he is not in any tomb he was raised from the dead after 3 days and were seen by many and ascended into heaven!

2007-07-29 01:16:07 · answer #8 · answered by tennessee 7 · 1 0

Usually it is the "lost years" that are attributed to a pilgrimage through India and other Asian countries. By lost years, the time not covered in the bible, roughly 9-29. I have read the articles on the "tomb of Kashmir", and if Jesus Christ existed as a man, it is just as likely he was buried there as Tourin, or anywhere else. I have also seen the suggestion in the past that it was one of his disciples that went to India after his death, and that he is the one buried at Kashmir. Don't remember which one, but it really doesn't matter.

EDIT: so, you just pointed out to me exactly what I said. Thanks, but ???

2007-07-25 05:20:39 · answer #9 · answered by mikalina 4 · 3 3

Many tales may tell but I have the footsteps of his journeys in the back of my bible. His tomb was in Jerusalem as Roman history collaborates. He is now in heaven in humanly form that he assumed so you could be saved.
Read the bible in stead of schools of thought which no one owns up to.
God Bless!

2007-08-02 03:14:44 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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