"A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death. "
-Albert Einstein "Religion and Science
2007-07-25 00:00:14
answer #1
answered by Zen Pirate 6
my own morals, on a completely different level.
you're effectively saying, atheists do not have a reason to be good, because they are not religious. and yet atheists can be just as moral as religious people. so...yeah. lots of other reasons.
edit: ha, fair enough. but i'm giving you my reasons. if i wasn't a "person of religion" i don't think i'd simply not be good. empathy and consideration for other humans is just as much of a reason to be good than religion - if not more so. maybe the question you could ask, which i suppose a few more people would have trouble answering honestly, possibly myself included, is "people of religion, is there any other reason to be religious other than for the reward of heaven?" for which of course, there probably are other reasons...but in honesty, that probably has something to do with it for a lot of people...but that's a whole different argument.
2007-07-25 06:49:54
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
There are many reasons to be the best you can be, I dont condone the way that things have been on this planet with all the hate,killing and disease. If this is such a free nation and you have the right to choose your life path why all the problems in doing so?? Your not here to please any gods or anyone else, your here to enjoy the experience of life it self. No one owns one blade of grass, one drop of rain or any thing else except the time you are alive so your choice is to be or not to be and go from there.
2007-07-25 06:57:46
answer #3
answered by beaudrycharles@sbcglobal.net 3
Just the thought that the fine line between God pleaser and evil doer hinges on Christians belief in heaven sends ice flowing through my veins. They must be a different kind of human, because as an atheist I have never had the desire to go on a crime spree.
The Atheist Bible, it could be said, has but one word: "THINK." - Emmett Fields
2007-07-25 07:02:05
answer #4
answered by AuroraDawn 7
Of course there is. If there wasn't, there's no way that an atheist could be moral. But there ARE moral atheists, therefore there's obviously a reason to be "good" apart from God.
All the things that are considered "bad" or "sinful" are things that are either bad for US, or bad for other people. It only takes a bit of reasoning to see that.
2007-07-25 07:47:15
answer #5
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
Yes. Not exactly to please God, although it does. The way you phrase your question is in the "I - it" category. Your are implying using/manipulating God in order to get something. But the Christian idea is that God will change us, to alter our very character, if we allow so that our relationship is "I - Thou" instead of "I - it".
The Christian idea is that a relationship of love for God is a supernatural relationship in which the boundaries between God, the Creator and us, the created, are, in some sense, erased. The idea is that we take on the mind (or character) of God. God's character is that of love and mercy and justice and He doesn't need a motive to act in character. If we have the mind of God, we also do not need a motive to act in character.
2007-07-25 06:52:53
answer #6
answered by Matthew T 7
We're built that way, because we're social animals. If we were loners, like leopards, we would all live an 'every man for himself' existence. But were like meerkats and chips: born with a duty to the group.
So we have a drive to be nice to others. That's all the morality we need.
2007-07-25 07:00:25
answer #7
answered by Super Atheist 7
I don't Really believe in God!
Or Jebus
I think its all in you Head
Cuz when you pray your talking to your self!
And people who say that God has talked to them
are just saying things they Want to Hear!
And isnt the Bible just like
Fariy Tales? haha
And i heard that in the
Bible it sayz that God or Jesus
Said Not To Worship Me
Or Build Any Buildings in My name
And To do so is a Sin!
Soo All These Soo called Christan's
are Sinning!
2007-07-25 06:59:39
answer #8
answered by LexiCullen 3
many of us still dont understd the meaning of existence. i think god created us to know him and to worship him, testifying to his might and to our smallness. on this premise we shape our minds and life. there is no doubt there is a force greater than our tiny brains can fathom. isnt it natural as human to do good? so whats the alternative? if u do good in anticipation of heaven , pl search your soul. god doesnt need us. we need him for guidance , knowledge everything. u think possible for man to achieve everything without god.
2007-07-25 06:56:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
As you sow, so shall you reap.
Good behavior brings rewards in both spheres.
2007-07-25 06:52:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous