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When ever I get in an argument with a LDS Mormon it is always because I am preaching against the idea that people are gods and I am preaching against adultery.

LDS Mormons have a difficult time understanding that they are just people like you and me and cannot be deities. Also, I can't find one LDS Mormon that agrees with me that adultery is wrong. They defend some of the most infamous adulterers such as Joseph "Osama" Smith and Brigham "saddam" Young (those are the nick names that my friends and I give these two adulterers).

One thing that really scares Mormons is the idea that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Mormons: Extramarital affairs are adulterous (just in case you didn't know).

2007-07-22 10:27:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Also, you won't find the phrase, "you can have your cake and eat it too" in the Bible!

So Mormons, what verse in the Book of Mormon does it say you can do that?

2007-07-22 10:32:48 · update #1



"In other words, if the Heavenly father is man's god today, and man someday becomes a God, this does not imply that man has ever, or will ever, have another God beside the Heavenly Father."

You just contradicted yourself in one breath. Congratulations!!!

Thanks for proving me right!

2007-07-22 10:39:14 · update #2

"Polygamy and adultery are not equivalent"

You must be confused. Marriage is only between a man and a woman so sex out of marriage is adultery. It's strange how LDS can't understand the concept of adultery!

2007-07-25 01:45:50 · update #3

21 answers

Most Mormons do not believe in polygamy, and i guarantee you they do not worship themselves.

I support the catholic church despite its many flaws, its basically the same thing.

2007-07-22 10:32:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Apperently you're talking to Mormons who don't know what they're talking about. Or you're lying.. but then again, lying is against the ten commandments. Adultery is a very, very serious sin in the LDS. The family the center of the LDS church and anything that can destroy a family we don't like. Adultery is not ok with the LDS chruch. Polygamy is also a serious sin and is not allowed in the LDS church. Since when does marraige between one man and one women scare Mormons? I don't know any Mormons that aren't married to one man/ one women- and I live in Southeast Idaho (close to Salt Lake City and over 50% Mormon)

2007-07-24 16:18:34 · answer #2 · answered by powderlovinbluedevil 4 · 3 0

The god of this world, the devil, have blinded the eyes of these people and they believed the lies instead of truth.
Joseph Smith thought God needed his help when he wrote the Book of Mormon.
So with Joseph Smith's interpretations he found it easy to write what would please him and many others. You see the mormons never use the Bible and the Book of Mormon a the same time for comparing what is truth and non-truth. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young might get caught in all their lies. And you can be sure that there are many who would still think they were right even if the truth were exposed. How sad huh?

2007-07-30 03:35:02 · answer #3 · answered by airlines charge for the seat. 5 · 0 0

1. CS Lewis said that man is "God in embryo". He said that we should remember that everyone we see in the street will someday become a being so glorious that we would be tempted to fall down and worship him. We are God's children, and as such we have the potential to become like him.

2. Mormons are the most strongly anti-adultery church I have enountered. It's church policy to excommunicate anyone having sex with someone other than the person to whom they are "legally and lawfully wedded". It just happened to a friend of mine and iot's tough, but that's how seriously we take it. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young did not commit adultery; they were married to those women. Had Joseph Smith simply wanted to sleep around it would have been far easier for him to simply tell his followers that the seventh commandment had been suspended than to get into all sorts of trouble with the locals by introducing polygamy. Unfortunately he was stuck with doing what God told him to do.

Solomon, David, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all had multiple wives. Did they commit adultery? Doesn't the Bible say that Abraham was one of the best men who ever lived?

I'm a Mormon and I am not in the least scared of the idea of marriage between one man and one woman. Why would I be? I am living in such a marriage right now, as are almost all the members of my ward. What's to be scared of?

You are potty.

2007-07-26 10:07:18 · answer #4 · answered by sunnyannie 5 · 2 1


I always wondered who would pick up that stone after Jesus called for the person without sin to do so! Congratulations o sinless one!

I also like the way that your definition of sin is the only and correct one, as well as the way that you seem to have no need to understand the precepts of another faith before trying to dismantle it.

And while you're at it, defaming Smith and young, you seem to forget your own King David ... Sterling insight you seem to have.

Give it a rest. Polygamy and adultery are not equivalent. The concept of becoming a God (though I don't agree with this) does not imply that a person will still not have his own God. In other words, if the Heavenly father is man's god today, and man someday becomes a God, this does not imply that man has ever, or will ever, have another God beside the Heavenly Father.

Your logic has more holes in it than a sieve.

I just read your edit regarding my post. My God, you'r bind!

I did in no way contradict myself. What I said is that a God can have a personal god other than himself. Just as a general can have a general ruling over him, it would be the position of a Mormon that a person who may become a god would still worship their own God.

What is it that is so difficult to understand? For what reason does being a God imply that such a being would necessarily have another god before their own? Does becoming a general suddenly mean that your commander is no longer your own commander?

Please learn how to read.

2007-07-22 17:35:22 · answer #5 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 11 1

Ok, think about it this way if you would... GOD created us..we are literally HIS offspring, HIS children. Would that not give us potential to become LIKE Him? He knows us and loves us, more than we can possibly imagine because He is perfect and has perfect knowledge, love, power, dominion, etc...
In the scriptures, there is often reference to our Father wanting us to inherit "all that He has". How can there not be potential there???
Please don't misunderstand our doctrine though, we do not believe every person will become a god, nor do we even believe every Mormon will become a god. We do not preach or teach either of those concepts.
We believe through obedience to God's laws, commandments and covenants (and most likely through eons of time) we have the potential to become like Him, never above or even equal to Him though. I cannot imagine what it would be like and I don't focus on that.

Also, we do not believe that adultery is OK, quite on the contrary. When polygamy was practiced - which by the way, aren't you leaving out a few of the Bible prophets who had several wives??- it was according to God's word. You must remember we believe in continued revelation and that was one of them. It was only practiced for a short time and by very few members. One thing we do believe: any sexual relations you have with a person you are not legally married to is adultery....in that time, those men were legally married to those women. As it became illegal, the prophet of the time inquired of the Lord as to whether or not the practice should be continued, of course the practice was stopped.

2007-07-27 12:23:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There are 613 commandments given in the bible. The 10 commandments passed down by Moses to the children of Isreal from God were just the most famous commandments. Why argue when you don't agree, people have different prioraties and different types of bibles. Don't fuss... tommorrow is not promised and you are using up your minutes, be happy.

2007-07-28 21:22:49 · answer #7 · answered by NISSI 6 · 0 0

Actually a lot of ancient christians including st. Augustine believed in diefication and reformations like Paul Crouch of TBN and Kenneth Hagel preach we are little gods. LDS teaching are different we don't become Gods until the Celestial Kingdom is created.

We do worship God almighty with all of our heart, mind and soul.

As for polygamy we don't practice polygamy anymore since 1890.

2007-07-22 17:44:33 · answer #8 · answered by Brother G 6 · 4 1

For those of you reading this if you want to go to the source of what "Mormons" are really about here is a great web site to visit:

remember you wouldn't go to the Chevy dealership to find out if Dodge or Ford was a good vehicle to buy, would you?

As for the questioner:
It is unfortunate you are so full of hate, bitterness and misinformation.
I guess Abraham and Isaac were adulterous, according to you.
I guess God is a changeable being according to you and your beliefs.
I do know where you are coming from and the intent of your comment is to spread false information about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and is a flat out lie.
You are a bigot, my friend, and if you call yourself a Christian
then you will love your neighbor rather than railing against him the way you are now. Remember the story of the Good Samaritan?
You may want to go back and review it and put it into practice.
Instead of arguing with your "Mormon" associates about religion and doctrine maybe you would try finding commonalities that you might have with them and learning to be friends with those you hate for whatever reason.

You obviously haven't read The Family: a Proclamation to the world. This is the Church's official stand on marriage and the family.

I do take the commandments very seriously. I am a happily married man. I am married to one woman and do not go out cheating on her because I have seen the results of doing so.

Maybe I am wrong on your comments. Perhaps you have been talking to polygamists in Hilldale or Colorado City and getting the "Scoop" on what "Mormons" down there believe.

Despite what you believe I know God lives and loves every one of us, "Mormon" or not, Christian or not. I know he has always called prophets from the beginning(Adam) down to the end, including Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and Gordon B. Hinckley.
I know each of these men have been inspired of God to do what they were commanded to do despite hateful, and ignorant popular opinion and persecution by individuals, organizations and government.
I know that each of these men have borne a true testimony of the divine mission of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, that he paid the penalty for sin and broke the bands of Death as attested to by the prophet Joseph Smith when he saw God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, as glorified beings with bodies of flesh and bone, that spring morning in the year 1830 in answer to a question he had about which church he should join.

I know this because I went to God and asked him with the faith and intent to obey him and if you are not hardened against the truth you will read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it be true or not and I promise you will receive an answer.

2007-07-22 18:07:37 · answer #9 · answered by duhanlorian 3 · 8 1

Gods - Many people don't understand the Mormon belief that we can become like God. They think we're after power and glory and that we are seeking to set ourselves as equals to God. This is not the case. Let me explain with the following analogy. When I became a father, I did not become my father's father. He will always be my father and I will always love him and respect him and look up to him. At the same time, when I look at my son, I want him to have the best of everything. I want him to be as smart and strong and fast as possible. This is how Mormons see our relationship with God. If/When I become a God, I will not be God's God. He will always be my God and I will always love him and respect him and worship him and I will never feel like I am his equal. At the same time, I believe he looks at me the way I look at my son. He wants me to have all that he has and to be all that he is. I'm not after power and glory, I just want to grow up to be like my father. After all, if God's children grow up to be Gods also, does that make him anything less? If anything, I think it makes him greater. Mormons see their relationship with God as a parent child relationship. Most other Christian religions see Man's relationship with God as more of a master servant relationship. God did not create us to simply serve him. How shallow and self centered would that be? God loves us and wants us to be as happy and as free as he is.

Adultery - You are judging others based on your own definition of adultery. The Dictionary defines adultery as "voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than his or her lawful spouse." The key terms here are "lawful spouse." Joseph Smith and Brigham Young each had multiple wives, but they were lawfully married to them. As such, it wasn't adultery. If you study history you will find that such practice was not that uncommon at the time throughout the United States. It was a much different world then. An unmarried woman had virtually no rights. She couldn't vote, own land or hold any real job. An unmarried woman was a social outcast, and if she didn't have someone to support her she would be extremely destitute. Woman in such circumstances would often prefer to be a 2nd, or 3rd wife than have no husband at all. You also have to consider that men had a higher mortality rate than women. If the husband died and there was no one available to marry it put the widow in a very difficult position. Many plural marriages were completely nonsexual. In the 1800's when polygamy was practices marriage wasn't about love or sex like it tends to be today. It was more of a business arrangement and was a social necessity. Plural marriage wasn't about lust, it was about compassion. When society and conditions changed in the US, polygamy was no longer necessary and was done away with by law and by revelation from God.

2007-07-23 15:38:00 · answer #10 · answered by atomzer0 6 · 4 1

You hate Mormons.....we get it.

Adultery is wrong. Polygamy was practiced in the old testament as well. The old testament prophets who did so were adulterers by your definition.

2007-07-29 23:57:47 · answer #11 · answered by Ender 6 · 0 0

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