The easy answer would be to say that God told humanity to be fruitful and multiply, so BAM, there were more humans.
The better answer is--you are interpreting the Bible literally. Don't.
The Bible was not intended to be a history book or a science book. It was intended to be a religion book. It is a record of God's relationship with humanity.
Understand why the Bible was written, and against what cultural backdrop.
In the ancient times, there were multiple stories from different religions claiming credit for the creation of the world.
Many of the other gods and goddesses were in conflict with each other, and with humanity. Many of them required things like human sacrifice and certain sexual behaviors in their worship.
Some ancients even worshipped the sun, moon, stars and other created beings believing them to be gods.
The God of Israel was different. He did not require human sacrifice. He does not require sexual practices in worship. He requires a contrite spirit.
One epic claimed that humans were created, because the gods were tired of working, and they wanted humans to work for them.
Another creation epic involving Marduk is graphically violent.
Israel's God is different. He is a good, loving and holy God.
He is not in conflict with other gods and goddesses because there are no others. He is God alone.
Israel was a verbal society. They told stories about God and his relationship with them.
Their primary concern was not to be theologians. They were a people who loved God and wanted to affirm that YHWH is the Creator of the Universe.
They did not care about Cain's wife, or details like that. Today, we are preoccupied with "who, what, where, when".
They were preoccupied with why and how.
Like the ancients, we also have more than one story of how the world was created. Like the ancients, we can adapt some of their basic stories, but reject the parts that go against God's nature.
Many would brainwash us into believing the universe happened randomly, without a Creator, or Intelligent Designer.
If you have ever studied the solar system, or human anatomy, you know it did not all just "come together" randomly.
We were created by God, in His image.
Hope that helps.
2007-07-14 21:32:48
answer #1
answered by Tim H 4
The answer to this is simple, but you have to read the Bible chronologically and not jump and skip forward and backward.
Remember: Adam lived over 800 years. Do you suppose he would only have three kids, and all of them men and then populate the world? No. He had daughters too. And Seth lived hundreds of years, and Enos, etc. There were other people. They were all related and in the same family, yes. But were not Adam and Eve technically brother and sister as well? In a way yes. Remember the human genome was perfect in those days and not mixed and mixed and mixed. You could marry a relative. Besides: who else is there?
At any rate the Bible does not say the giants came from fallen angels. All it says is that they existed, and this wasn't until the days of Noah (who wasn't alive during the life of Adam anyway). Genesis 6:4
And also, who says Cain wasn't already married?
Who did Seth marry? Enos? Cainan? Methuselah? Noah?
Relatives. If you look into some Apocryphal and Pseudopigraphal works, like the Book of Jasher, or the First and Second Books of Adam, you even get names for some of the wives.
2007-07-14 21:07:24
answer #2
answered by martinlh 4
As I see this, there are two possibilities, the first (and generally accepted answer to this question) is that Cain married his sister. Generally speaking, only boys were recorded as being born, sisters (with a few exceptions) were not recorded. So it is entirely possible for Cain to have married his sister. The law prohibiting marriage between brothers and sisters hadn't been given then, so it wasn't a sin.
The other possibility (this is my alternative answer) is that Adam and Eve weren't the only humans that were created. I don't think (note "think") this is what happened, but I don't believe you can completely discount it. The reason I say there might have been other people created at the same time as Adam is because in Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 to 28 God (excuse me for using an English Bible and not the Hebrew) plainly talks about men and women being created as part of the first week.
Another thing to note is we don't know how old Cain was at this time. He could have been in his 20s, but then he could easily have been older (or younger).
2007-07-14 21:53:45
answer #3
answered by Bad bus driving wolf 6
Adam and Eve had many children and it is never stated that Cain and Able were their first two children. Probably Adam and Even had many other children before these two were born. Seth is the third child of these two parents mentioned in the Bible yet the Bible states that Seth was not born until Adam was 130 years old. So say Cain was born when Adam and Eve were 100 years old. They could have easily had 50 children by this time and those children would have had children and so on and so forth. There could have been hundreds or perhaps even thousands of people in the world by this time.
2007-07-14 22:01:45
answer #4
answered by CaTcHmEiFuCaN 4
Cain married His sister, Adam and Eve had other Children Cain and Abel are mentioned because their is such an important lesson there... we only hear about 4 of David's Children when we know he had about 3 wives at least and a few concubines, all that would have produced children with birth control not very effective...
Cain would have been afraid of His siblings taking out retribution for killing a brother.
2007-07-15 12:13:54
answer #5
answered by Abbasangel 5
Leanne, you have a good heart, but you mistook my comment about pat answers as a question. My point was then and is now that my beliefs changed and one reason was due to studying the bible I was forced to see the errors and contradictions, and could no longer go around with pat answers. I call an answer a "pat" answer if it tries to explain things that the bible does not explain to make it appear correct according to the bible.
You will not get any correct answers because the bible does not explain. When I was a Christian sometimes I did not even try to explain things using "pat" answers and merely quoted Duet.29:29 which says the secret things belong to God. This too is a cop out in my own view and I just could no longer keep defending something I did not believe.
I say you have a good heart because you asked why I no longer believed and you took my story and tried to minister to me, which I am not fussing that comes from your desire to serve God, but in doing so you mistakenly thought I was asking you a question and, no, I was just answering your question by using examples of why I cannot believe anymore. It was bible study that kept me a Christian all those years, and it was bible study that caused me to rethink things and leave.
People read the account without adding to or taking away from. You will find it clearly seems that Adam and Eve had no other children til after this incident. Seth was not convieved until after this happenned, the bible also does not say Adam and Eve had more children, until after this incident.
This is one example atheist have used to defend their disbelief. I know because when I was a Christian I was lead many people to Christ and some were agnostic, most were people who believed in God, but never became a Christian or was what Baptist like to call backsliders, but I never saw one atheist come to believe. I studied with a few, but not many because in order to win a convert that person must first believe the bible is the word of god and contains no errors.
The atheist will show every error in the bile and thus the invention of the "pat" answer.
"Pat" answers as I call them are for the believer to keep believing not for the unbeliever to come to believe.
As I pointed out to Leanne, one pagan answered this very logically, those people who Cain was afraid of was the "other" people. That pagan view is that the god of the bible is a local god and Cain was being cast out into other areas where other people lived and other gods.
2007-07-14 23:20:25
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
There is no answer in the Bible that explains who Cain's wife was or where she came from.
The same is true about anyone Cain feared would kill him.
What can only be assumed is that Cain was referring to one of his brothers or sisters who would be angered to learn he killed Abel. If you believe we are all descendants of Adam and Eve then Cain's wife must have been one of his sisters. If not, then it is possible she was someone else. The Bible is not clear on that either way.
2007-07-14 21:06:31
answer #7
answered by out of the grey 4
Got to go with Dragon Dog here, there is no mention in the Bible that Adam and Eve were the only ones made by God. People often read into the Bible things that are not there, because we want to know it all, but only God knows it all. Remember, His ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts are higher than ours.
We are the children, and God is the parent. Just think about how much wiser earthly parents are than their young children... Surely God is infinitely wiser than the wisest among us. So, the Bible doesn't explain it all.
2007-07-14 21:09:28
answer #8
answered by Mel W 6
On the length of time which is unknown to Cain, the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve have spread throughout the land where Cain got his wife. He do not know that his wife is his sister, yet that was allowed during that time.The people that Cain suspected to kill him are his brother unknown to him and the other people. They have spread the whole nation within the power of God and there is no impossib le for God to do if he wanted to do it.The pastor that could not answer your question is a false pastor who belongs to this verse in the bible.
2Pe 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2Pe 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2Pe 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
2007-07-14 21:08:34
answer #9
answered by Jesus M 7
Unfortunately, most pastors know little or nothing about theology. Today, we have college programs in "pastoral studies," which do not teach theology. Theologians are typically employed as professors, authors, etc. A couple of exceptions are Presbyterians and Unitarians, both of which still require theology as a prerequisite for the ministry.
The book of Genesis is meant to describe the genealogy of Abraham. In the ancient world, the first known ancestor was always described as "formed from the earth," which was an idiom for 'indigenous.' The same format was used to describe the origins of Phoroneus, Pelasgus, Cecrops, Deucalion, Helen, Adapu, etc. I believe that the author of Genesis never intended to say that Adam was the first human being on earth.
2007-07-14 21:07:50
answer #10
answered by NONAME 7