You can't prove the existance of something which doesn't exist.
2007-07-14 08:48:05
answer #1
answered by Joe Bloggs 4
It depends on what you think the concept or word God, means! Going by your life you say there isn't a God, okay, then who or what created your life? The sun shines everyday. Who or what made that sun? Life and nature all have a pattern, an inner rhythm. These patterns are all arranged within a highly organized, co-ordinated network of dependencies between one aspect of the system to any other aspect of this whole system called life or creation. You are a part of that entire system. So, how can you feel apart from that system? You need the sun for your life. You'd be dead without it. This sun, overseeing our Earth, far outshines any number of human man-made lights, a gazillion to one! You are rather, a soul, who perhaps has lost inspiration along the way somewhere, through whatever experiences you may have accumulated thus far, and your awareness of your own inner guiding light has been lost or obstructed. Our little minds can get overwhelmed with the complexity of the workings of creation, but miracles abound everywhere. You only need the eyes and ears to see and hear. Take off your blinders, and throw away the dark blanket over your heart and soul, and you'll start to pick up glimmers, here and there. You are at a point in time where you are in a negating mode. Life does not spring from negation and negativity. You continuing to view all life from that perspective, will surely deaden all joy for you. I've personally experienced miracles through those around me. People who should have died, that survived. Myself included! God's there, as I've personally been brushed by that touch of the Divine. And the proof is all around you, every minute. Life, creation, the sun, the moon, the rivers, the trees, you and I! Life, I repeat, can only arise out of positivity and light! So lighten up your attitude. The evidence is right in front of you! And perhaps, start taking note of the inherent intelligence behind and within every living thing! Take care!
2007-07-14 10:01:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes there is a God and I have proved Him time and again. So can you. There is a way; if you will seriously consider and seriously persue what I am about to tell you.
God speaks to every person, often countless times in the course of our lives, in a still small voice. You have heard it but have not recognized it. If you make fun of this you will miss it; and never see it because it is so simple.
Even with things amiss in your life, and from the time you can first remember, you have had hopes in your heart for various things. Sometimes the only hope you had was that your new day would be better then the day just past. Are you with me?
The hope that keeps showing up; that is God. The hope that you feel, however small, is literally the God that formed this entire universe. You see, God hides in our hopes.
You may think I am crazy but let me ask you. Considering your life, and a few others, what real reason do we have for feeling any hope at all? If hope is just a chemical reaction; what great things in your life have been setting it off?
"Hope springs eternal in the human breast," wrote Alexander Pope. What is eternal but God? So I tell you that the closest proof of the presence of God are those glimmers of hope in your own heart.
Once you understand that God is present in your feelings of hope; the task turns to recognizing how to respond to that hope. It can be ignored, misused, denied; I mean tell me; how many people do you think ever pay attention to their hope(s)? Or even imagine they speak for God?
God hides in hope and in simplicity. Knowing these two things; you know more about God, and how to prove Him, then many of the great sages of the world. I have given you something to listen to and watch for and something to pray to; if you can accept it. If you can accept this, it will prove more powerful and more real then adverse circumstances in your life or the greatest occult teaching. May the Lord Jesus give you both sight and hearing in this matter.
2007-07-14 19:59:26
answer #3
answered by Tommy 6
There is proof everywhere for the existence of God... History, archaeology, quantum physics, anthropology, psychology, nutritional biochemistry, botany, herbology...
The problem is that one doesn't find the evidence until one formulates some hypotheses. "Seek and ye shall find."
All of the sciences use observable phenomena to arrive at the truth.... but first they look at what they already know, and begin to formulate hypotheses (or possible explanations), which they then seek to prove or disprove.
Finding internal proof for the existence of God goes by the same method... formulate hypotheses, then experiment to see if those hypotheses are correct.
Alma chapter 32 describes a simple experiment to find out whether or not God is real:
27 But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words.
For a description of the whole experiment, click here:
It's true that faith often precedes the proof... and even atheists exercise faith in their own hypotheses before they begin an experiment... If they didn't believe their hypothesis could be true, they wouldn't bother to go ahead with the experiment... and then we would all be lacking so much proof of things as they really are (eg earth is round, evolution, knowledge of galaxies, etc)
So, faith precedes the proof. Even if all you can do is "desire to beleive."
2007-07-14 11:33:45
answer #4
answered by MumOf5 6
Everybody is entitled to his opinion and the fact that you believe there is no God is nothing new. To start with, anything which has a name exists. Infact, the truth is all the big names you might have heard of in the scripture and religious books themselves did not know God accurately.The reason is simple. God is as tiny as a point or a dot and so elusive that nobody can know Him or have His introduction except when He comes personally to give His own introduction as to who He is and what He is. Until then we are all atheists( this has to do with not knowing Him as to not believing in Him).
But ask yourself why and how you came into existence? Before you were born where were you and where do you go after death?There should be a reason for your coming on earth and not just to eat the whole day and sleep the whole night and die the next day.
Some people believe there is no God because He does not seem to care about the many injustices going on in the world let alone to interfere and put a full stop to all that
Look at the natural calamities which continue to claim many innocent people on a daily basis globally. Why did He not stop them from coming? Didn't He know beforehand because He is all knowing and to stop them before they occured?Did He create us to suffer and have sorrow? These are some of the many questions lingering on the minds of people as to question the relevance of God in the scheme of things.
The truth about God is that He is a detached observer very caring, loving and extreemly sweet. Having given man his freedom and wisdom, all He does is to sit back as it were and watch His chlildren as they perform and use their talents to their own benefit knowing very well that the law of karma will at the end of the day play its role in the drama.
So it is not that God made some people rich and others poor, others very powerful and others weak. No, He gave you and I the same treasures of freedom and wisdom and how we use them is our choice but at the end of the day we will have to account for our deeds rightly or wrongly.
Assuming your father is a judge and you are brought before him for breaking the law of the land. What do you expect him to do, to leave you and go scot free? No, he will deal with you according to the law. So it is not to say that God gives sorrow or punishes anybody.No, we punish ourselves because what one sows is what one reaps. He has no hand in anything that we do.This is how He works. God takes pleasure seeing His children using their talents to the fullest , encountering problems along the way and yet don't give up but continue to make intense effort to get to the top. But above all He wants us to know Him as He is and what He is and because He is perfect He wants us to be as perfect as He is.
Perhaps, it is important to state that this is not the world that God created for His children. He did not intend that His children should come to this world and suffer and have sorrow, pain and discomfort.The world that God created is a wonder to behold.Its name is called the land of immortality where there is no death but happiness, peace and prosperity. However, that place has come and gone. Where we are now is called the forest of thorns(hell) which is being controlled by satan the devil and satanic forces.But He has no control over them because they are also playing their part in the drama cycle.
In the light of this, what do you expect to see and experience in the kingdom of the devil? Peace, happiness and prosperity?No. These are hard times but God is counting on your wisdom and the freedom to choose to sail through the stormy seas.
That God gives both sorrow and happiness is not true.He is the Remover of sorrow and the Bestower of peace and happiness.And because He is the Lord of the poor He loves all His children equally whether you are a theist or an atheist.
Perhaps, I have to add that anything which does not exist has no name and for the fact that the name God exists is ample proof of the fact that He exists. Besides, most of the top scientists in the world are of the opinion that there must be a divine brain behind the solar system and creation as a whole which beats man's imagination
2007-07-18 05:19:18
answer #5
answered by ebenjosiah 5
God proves Himself to exist. Nature declares that there is a God somethings just can not be reasoned away. Even the human body is a masterpiece in itself without a God there is no possible way for a bunch of atoms to connect in such an organized way and form something as complex as a single cell let alone an entire person. If you have the opportunity go out tonight someplace away from the city lights and look at the stars. Their beauty alone declares that there is someone a whole lot bigger than me out there. And the fact that I am still alive proves that our Creator is loving and merciful, because I fall short of the glory of God all of the time, without the sacrificial blood of Christ I wouldn't have a chance. Read the gospel of John and Romans.
2007-07-14 08:59:32
answer #6
answered by All 4 His Glory 3
You can't prove there is a God, you can't disprove there is a God (although specifically defined Gods could arguably be disproved).
However, just because something cannot be proven either way DOES NOT mean you have to sit on the fence and/or think there is a 50/50 chance some kind of God exists. Personally due to the total lack of evidence I don't believe in any Gods.
2007-07-14 08:50:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
And in the earth are tracts (diverse though) neighboring, and gardens of vines and fields sown with corn, and palm trees - growing out of single roots or otherwise: watered with the same water, yet some of them We make more excellent than others to eat. Behold, verily in these things there are Signs for those who understand!
Heyy mate,just click on the link.
I hope you will find what you try to find with the lots of proves.
2007-07-17 02:20:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
look around you! NONE of this could possibly be here all by chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there IS a God, and he loves you & everyone SOOOO much!! he created everything! Genisis 1:1 says "In the beggining, God created the heavens & the Earth". how could a tiny baby be made inside a mothers womb by chance?? how can HUGE trees grow from one tiny seed??? how does everything work perfectly?? if there were even a tiny bit more or less oxygen in the air, we would die!( i learned that in science this year). HOW CAN THAT HAPPEN JUST WITH A BIG BANG?!?! it makes no sence!! how could we all be here for no reason? just to live and to die? my friend, we arent. we are here for one purpose. to live for God!! when we die, we either go to Heaven, or to Hell. They are REAL. all you have to do to become a child of God is admit that you are a sinner. we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. then ask Jesus to be your personal Saviour. John 3:16 says "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, and whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life!!". i will be praying for you! i cant force you, but if you make Jesus Christ you personal Saviour, you will be filled with a joy that NO one else can give you! I am a Christian and i love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! You have a choice! you can choose to become a Christian! i will be praying for you!!
2007-07-14 12:00:02
answer #9
answered by ♥david_archuleta♥ 3
I can't offer proof (and I don't think anyone can, seeing as God, being supernatural, cannot be studied directly), but I think the preponderance of the evidence favors belief- I think there are too many things that we more likely acquired them from a higher being that also has them than from a naturalistic universe in which they would otherwise be absent. For example, we can sense no intelligence nor consciousness in matter itself, yet we possess both. While we can't rule out that we always possessed them or that we acquired them from a naturalistic universe that has neither, is it not a more believable scenario that we obtained them from a being that can give both because it has both itself? The same could be argued, perhaps to a lesser extent, for free will and our senses of beauty and morality (although one could argue that both are merely illusory, I would think it more likely that they seem real because they are).
2007-07-14 09:16:41
answer #10
answered by Deof Movestofca 7
You cannot prove or disprove the existence of a universal negative. This does not mean that there is no God but I would guess that "going by your life there isn't" and that perhaps is as you want it to be. Congratulations for the fulfillment of your hearts desire.
The personal experience of God in the life of one that knows of His existence would be a subjective reality that cannot be demonstrated to one that chooses not to believe in such a thing. If the evidence in support of Gods existence was shown you, contrasted with the evidence orf His nonexistence, it still holds true that the truth of His existence to the skeptic is conditioned upon that skeptics apriori decision to not believe
2007-07-14 09:02:55
answer #11
answered by messenger 3