I'm a second degree Blackbelt in Judo and I have done alot of work with BJJ guys also. I love grappling
That said in a Purly Self Defence Situatuon ON THE STREET. If you can only learn one Most(including BJJ Blackbelts)will tell you to take Krav magra.
If you are able to take some time and do alittle striking training that answer might change but if you can choose to do only BJJ or Only Krav and it is only for self defence on the street most people will tell you Krav Magra is the way to go.
You have to remember that Krav Magra is made specificelly for Self Defence and nothing more. Very few instructors of Krav Magra haven't been in fights. Most have because they learned it to help them. It's not like Karate or even BJJ where someone can learn it for the simple reason that they wanted to and it looks cool.
Krav Magra is only made for self defence. Anyone who tells you that they don't know it will be effective doesn't really know what they are talking about in this matter.
2007-07-14 07:47:01
answer #1
answered by jeff b 3
I have done various martial arts for more than a decade, and I recently moved to a different city and needed to find another system to practice. Both Krav Maga and BJJ was on my shortlist (along with Wing Tsun and Vale Tudo).
I'd say that both BJJ and Krav Maga are good systems, in that they are pragmatic and efficient at what they set out to do. But they have different focus, and this is what makes one of them more suitable for self defense.
BJJ consists of lots of grappling, wrestling and take downs, with a preference for groundwork, choking and locks.
Krav Maga is practiced as a self defense system, in that the training is oriented to violent conflict in a wider context than than just 1-on-1 fighting and particular moves to deflect attacks.
This wider context includes the presence of multiple opponents, environment awareness, potential weapons, physical reactions to violence and things like that. Many martial arts claim to cover these concepts, but in Krav Maga these things are actually an integral part of the training from early on.
In the end I chose Krav Maga over BJJ, partly because I valued the self defense aspect over improving my fairly weak groundwork skills. I'll probably give BJJ a try some time though.
2007-07-14 08:00:08
answer #2
answered by Johan 1
Based on the level of what ranges are used: I would go with Krav Maga. BJJ has little to no striking, while not only is Krav Maga self-defense ready out of the box, but it has fighting in multiple ranges. That's the only parameter I can work with, because:
A. They are both great styles.
B. It's not the style: It's the practitoner. If you practice BJJ enough, you may not need striking for all we know. It's advised that you practice some to complement the ground fighting, but who knows?
2007-07-14 06:55:26
answer #3
answered by Kenshiro 5
theoretically krav maga since it is a complete system. However the problem is like 99% of martial arts 99% of the time it is taught in a useless format.
If you don;t know much about self defence you run the risk with any of these rare of exotic styles of being taught something useless, especially by an instructor who may have never been in a real fight himself.
And then you end up in your first streetfight looking like the tradtional martial artists who got cleaned up in the first UFC's
At least in any BJJ class, even though its all grappling, you know you are learning technqiues that actually do work, and you will drill them enough you can actually make them work.
2007-07-14 07:58:02
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Krav Maga.
2007-07-14 17:20:51
answer #5
answered by thepaladin38 5
Krav Maga for the street and BJJ for the ring. Some of Krav Maga moves are illegal in the ring.
2007-07-14 10:47:21
answer #6
answered by gannoway 6
One on one it is said BJJ is the best, because the majority of people you'd fight on the street will know how to throw a punch, but will be lost when on the floor. However i recommend Krav Maga because my guess is most street fights won't be one on one, and you'll be forced to fight whilst his friend watch. Therefore if you go to the ground to get him in an armbar you could be kicked in the head by his friend.
Keep in mind however that Krav Maga is a truly ruthless martial art, and even teaches you to defend yourself by biting your attacker on the neck, therefore if you're going to take it up be sure you have no problem with fighting 'dirty'.
2007-07-14 11:45:12
answer #7
answered by Wobbles 2
I would say krav maga.
BJJ can be applied for self-defense, but it's geared toward competition. And it does have its weaknesses.
On the other hand, krav maga was formed by Israeli soldiers for hand-to-hand combat. I would say that system is much more germane to self-defense.
2007-07-14 15:35:31
answer #8
answered by ATWolf 5
Krav Maga was designed for street type self defense and is more practical. Anyone can learn it.
2007-07-14 07:40:45
answer #9
answered by djm749 6
I would say Braziian Jiu Jitsu
2007-07-14 06:31:40
answer #10
answered by Wahid D 2