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It seems to me that with the election of George W. Bush in the president's seat, Christianity's agenda has been making marked advances, with laws being changed in their favor (the third-trimester abortion law, for example) and the renewed battle to replace prayer activity in public schools. How far, before rationality and non-religious thinking reassert themselves, will this slow, deliberate removal of citizen freedom extend?

2007-07-01 21:59:55 · 15 answers · asked by ? 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Seems to me that most of this, as evidenced by the answers displayed here, stems from a blatant misunderstanding (or outright lie) that our nation was founded on Christian principles, and therefore should adhere to them.

..quite frankly, if any Christian would bother reading their Bible, I'm quite sure that most of them would see that our nation was indeed founded upon Judeo-Christian principles. Problem is, they wouldn't like it... considering they would see that those principles would be genocide (cowboys and Indians), racism (John Smith... founded Mormonism, right?), slavery, and bigotry.

As far as I can see, atheists are making themselves known and people are seeing it. This should have happened a long time ago... it's high time SOMEONE pointed out that the emperor's naked.

2007-07-02 01:06:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

To the very top as it has from it's inception.

There is nothing wrong with prayer in school of any religion. When we are finally at a point where we can acknowledge and respect each other and their beliefs will we see progress beyond what it is now.

We can all learn from each other.
I cannot abide that any one human being can preach the whole truth, but rather his glimpse at the unfathomable awe that has lifted it's veil to them. And yet within us all is the knowledge of all, as much as the cell contains the blueprint for the whole.

To think that the US government can govern all would be foolish. It was meant to give us a safe structure to operate and live within, often free from the very things it oppresses. Freedom of most things is a fallacy unless you have money. And yet I feel thankful for the freedoms I do have such as this forum, which others cultures do not permit. It's a mixed bag.

I would never want to be leader of this country, but I would greatly desire to be an adviser to the leader of this country. There is so much o be done and undone.There are so many that work towards their own ends that the true greater good is forgotten. Some are even so corrupt now as to truly believe that you have to "play the game" to get what's best for everyone.

It will all collapse soon. I predict within the next 100 years.

2007-07-01 22:06:06 · answer #2 · answered by Jess 2 · 2 0

I hate to burst your bubble, but Christianity has had strong influence since the country was founded.
You need to read up on American history. The first textbook in the public schools was a BIBLE.
It was only after the secular-humanist atrocities in the 60s did Christianity begin to lose influence with the government and the country in general.
Again, read up on American history. do a comparative search on statistics, and the general condition of the country in the 50s as opposed to today.
You have had your secular humanist 'success', and the result is mass-murder, rape, and assault in schools that are supposed to be safe for kids to learn.
Crime in through the roof. EVERYTHING is accepted EXCEPT Christianity.
40 million dead children since Roe v Wade in our 'final solution' for the unwanted. Hitler would blush.
Citizen freedom? You have had it since day one. How old are you, 12? Its seems obviously painful that you are probably under 30, and have no clue what America was before you were born, or what it was based on, or you just choose to ignore it.
I guess that is what the secular humanist system wants you to believe.
How about THINKING outside your little self-made bubble? You will find that there are millions of Americans who disagree with you. If it were up to you, all the churches would be turned into abortion clinics.
Lets, see, what else has the lets-kill-God crowd done since the 60s:
'Free love' movement and the introduction of AIDS.
Virginity and abstinence are not honored goals, but dirty words.
Free condoms for everyone!
Run away STDs. This is will result in more and more kids being born (the ones not surgically ripped out of the womb and thrown into a dumpster) with all manner of disabilities, and some being infertile.
Rampant drug abuse.
Sky rocketing crime.
Riddle me this, batman: We have had guns in this country since it was founded. Kids dragging around Daddy's rifle, target practicing and going hunting. We NEVER had a problem with mass-murder. WHY? We knew it was wrong to kill. It had something to do with those Ten commandants that were crammed down our throats every Sunday. The prayers at the dinner table, and the PRAYERS AT SCHOOL.
Now you have idiots doing drive-bys and killing everyone except the person they were shooting at. People getting killed because they had nice sneakers, and the other kid wanted them.
The problem in America today is the LOSS of our moral compass, not trying to 'push' it into the main stream. It HAS been the main stream since the founding of the country.

2007-07-02 01:09:45 · answer #3 · answered by fortheimperium2003 5 · 2 1

I humbly disagree with the premise of the question. For one, Bush is not Christian, but anti-Christian.


If the United States was truly Christian, and not hypocritically under the "guise of Christianity" we would:

1. not be at war
2. live in a country where the top 0.25% of the population owns more wealth than the other 99.75% combined
3. have homeless, we would use our own resources on the poor and not send $60,000,000,000.00 (60 Billion, 1 billion = 1,000 million) a year to Africa and billions more to Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, etc. etc.
4. have millions of children with NO health insurance (and a broken healthcare system)

America may claim to be a "Christian" nation, but deeds speak alot louder than words.

2007-07-02 14:47:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all abortion is murder. Second this nation has freedom of speech, that means that those that pray have the right to pray openly, just as much freedom as you have giving your own views. This nation began as a christian nation: there were 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention 52 were Christian and 3 were Deist.Religion is not a removal of freedom, it is restoration of the values that this nation was born with.

2007-07-01 23:10:12 · answer #5 · answered by wordoflifeb216 3 · 3 0

I think it would be nice to see the bit about loving one another make a teensy bit of an incursion into the US Government and its laws. Doesn't seemed to have started yet, this rather fundamental element of Christianity. In fact I seem to remember Christ actually saying that all the laws and the words of the Prophets hung upon it. Hmmm... Wonder if Bush & his peddlars of so-called Christianity have ever read that bit?

2007-07-01 23:08:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

So abortions a good thing to you then? Like it or not, we have a far better sense of morality then any of you ever will, because it comes from God. So when I hear "Christians are making the laws" I'm happy.

2007-07-01 22:05:22 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Hopefully, the faith of our Founding Fathers, most of whom were Christians, will be restored, not only in the White House, but in the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court!

2007-07-01 22:07:34 · answer #8 · answered by trebor namyl hcaeb 6 · 2 1

Don't only evil people kill third trimester babies for no reason, like a bith would neither benifet the mother or the baby. Rather then just kill the baby for no reason.

2007-07-01 22:08:01 · answer #9 · answered by allahdevil1 3 · 0 0

Spiritually speaking, those natural men and the demons incarnate as human beings like gamblinglords; warlords, druglords, armsdealerlords, etc under the deceptions of satan are the ones with incursions in the human gov't called the gov't of the beast of beastly behavior. This gov't is actually under satan. In contrast, the servants of GOD-the Prophets and Saints, pastors, priests, bishop, cardinals, etc of the spiritual gov't is under THE HOLY SPIRIT; and the purpose of the human gov't is to advance their members to the spiritual gov't. Moreover, satan is the author of all our sins. On one hand, the works of the servants of GOD on earth among men to preach the gospel of the Kingdom started in the following story. Please read on-in the beginning of time in celestial heaven, there were 100 million divine beings birthed by the mother of all-THE CITY OF GOD, THE HOLY CITY JERUSALEM (Dan 7:9-10). The primacy in these spiritual births is called THE SON OF MAN-THE LORD JESUS CHRIST in human image, WHO was made LORD AND GOD over this universe and its expanded world called the omega-the unending world. And in a celestial heaven assembly, they opened the books on the creation of the alfa to the omega. Each of these 100 million divine spiritual beings that included their human image like KIng David, Saul, Peter, Matthew, etc were given works or tasked for earth's work for the Kingdom of heaven to come. And they always declare this work with a dictum saying I am an unprofitable servant I have done what was my duty to do. So in the case of King Saul and King David's roles, what was written in the Scripture must be fullfilled as written in the Books.THANKS GOD; FEAR GOD; PRAISE GOD; GLORIFY GOD; HONOR GOD; LOVE GOD AND WORSHIP GOD. Pls visit my website-THEGOODNEWSOFTHEKINGDO

2007-07-02 02:57:58 · answer #10 · answered by Prophet John of the Omega 5 · 1 1

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