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The idea of Heaven seems to me nothing more than a cleverly constructed bribe.

If a person believes that a gold-plated paradise awaits them after this life - what other genuine motivation do they have to be a good person?

If the 'eternal payoff' for living a good life taps into human greed (ie. gold mansions and eternal life), where does that leave a person's desire to make this world a place of peace and hope for future generations?

Is it not similar to betting your whole life-savings on 'the favourite' horse in the Grand National?
How often does the favourite actually win the race?

If the idea of 'Heaven' is a bribe - who are the ones profiting?

If Heaven is not a bribe - what motivates you to live you're life with genuine concern for your fellow humans and nature?

Is this world just an old newspaper - fit for the rubbish pile?

2007-07-01 21:31:28 · 37 answers · asked by Feta Smurf 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

I can't convince you of that... but I think that there is a better way of looking at it. It is a facet of the 'pay plan'. You see, Christianity is essentially a criminal business enterprise... in fact, it is the world's longest running and most successful Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scam. The product they are selling is the illusion of 'salvation'... and the 'pay plan' doesn't kick in until after you're dead, and there's nobody there with whom you can register your complaint about having been scammed. Meanwhile the VICTIMS (having been deceived into believing that it is their God-given duty) are out there busily recruiting MORE victims. What a racket! FORTUNATELY, it only works on those who are gullible enough, and sufficiently lacking in critical thinking skills, to fall for it, and buy in to the prepackaged delusion. UNfortunately, THAT seems to account for about 75% of the population of the USA. (There are a lot more people who DON'T know how to think properly than there are people who DO know how to think properly.) That is why there are a lot more religious people in the USA than there are 'Free-thinkers'... including Atheists. Also, Christians are generally too dense to realize that proselytizing (spreading the 'good news') is a key element of the Christian MLM MARKETING PLAN, which was instituted after Christianity lost the political power that had previously allowed them to simply torture and kill anybody who did not comply. Now, they just try to pester and annoy people to death, through persistent obnoxiousness. If you stop to think about it, you will realize that Christians are very much like the Borg, on Star Trek Next Generation: "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." I would not be surprised to learn that thoughts of Christianity provided the 'creative spark' for the Borg concept.

2007-07-01 21:53:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

That's sort of a rhetorical question as you don't really want an answer. It takes a lot of text and insight to work up a proof and patience. Basically all actions lead to certain things, some you want and others you don't probably. Unless the witers where insane or blind, anyone senses that, but they sometimes don't see what the results will be until late. To prove the Bible is saying that is more lengthy and pretty much means reading the whole thinkg and then digesting it subconsciously as the images it produces are compared on that level for accuracy and consistency. It's also being compared with everything you ever learned, saw or thought as images with feelings and symbols etc. Then the answer pops out as intuition. It's worth the trouble, because that is using the other nintey percent of the brain, the macro of the brain that comes from information and time or experience, for some. The universe is an effect of some sort. Prophets dreamt and the symbolism is explained and even obvious, but phylosophy is having trouble proving your here to prove anything to, so how much proof can logic give you? Apparently logic alone without the relativity formula can't do it. Only by comparing everything and seeing what fits and answers all questions observable and not can you verify something as true and even then you need to except a premise before or after that whole process to fix a viewpoint to prove it from that viewpoint and it will work for any purpose you intend, but not contradictory ones forever, but even those for a time. Every 41.6 milliseconds the mind takes another picture and re-evaluates the whole premise as life moves on. In the gaps we only have quesstions and past experience so nothing is proved. In other words we are mostly in space as mostly space is in us so only now is true.

2007-07-02 04:21:06 · answer #2 · answered by hb12 7 · 0 0

Heaven is more of an incentive than bribe as we aren't getting anything in exchange immediately. Hell is the threat. It's orchestrated by people who want power, power that crosses all boundaries real or imaginary. Just remember how sinners were supposed to be punished by their fellow humans(stoning, crucifixion....) as if the very people who sang the praises of Heaven and terrified people with the threat of Hell didn't really believe it themselves so they told people that God wanted punishment doled out on this plane of existence too.

I do believe in heaven and hell...right here right now. This is how I approach my life. I make my life heaven in the here and now..and I am not so dimwitted that I could possibly entertain the thought for a single second that I can EVER experience heaven on earth by putting someone else in hell. OR....I cannot be happy by making someone else unhappy.

Oh and don't forget there was a time, not too long ago, that you could actually buy your way into heaven within the catholic church...if it was sanctioned...and it was!! how can that be wrong now but right then!???

2007-07-02 05:53:52 · answer #3 · answered by Michael B 4 · 1 0

I don't think its a bribe because if the only reason you were "being good" was to be able to go to some wonderful paradise, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons anyway. I believe true Christians understand the value and purpose of their religion on Earth. Christianity, if taught accurately, teaches peace, love, and harmony. THAT is the point of accepting Jesus. Heaven is just a bonus...

2007-07-02 01:59:14 · answer #4 · answered by Linz ♥ VT 4 · 0 0

Oh my sweet young person. If this world is an old newspaper, then you must be yesterdays news. Wake up girl; stop making everything so complicated; look around when you wake up, are you in heaven or hell. Both heaven and hell exist right here where you live. They are, particularly, of your own creation. You determine whether or not you are living a bribe. And oh yes, do you need a reward, such as heaven, to run a good race? The next time you are feeling sad or confused, just look up at the sky.

2007-07-01 21:41:41 · answer #5 · answered by johny0802 4 · 1 2

Heaven is definetly not a bribe. It is but a reward for people who believe in God. Believing in God does not cost. You feel good believing in him. Different from other religions, you do not have to buy oranges and funny hats so you can go to heaven. (their "heaven") In Christianity, you love God and you pray to Him. That doesn't cost anything. Life is limited, the afterlife is unlimited. You don't bribe God. Even if you do, He would not want you to and wouldn't accept it. Bribing is a sin. A good person means to not sin and believe in God. If you believe in Him, you dedicate your entire life to Him. Every time you think about doing something, you look at God's point of view. He is the true god. If the afterlife is a bribe, then why does God make bribing a sin?

2007-07-01 21:40:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Heaven is in the mind of the peceiver. I need a garden like Eden to share Eternity with all creatures in balance and harmony. I don't care about what anyone else wants, I care about what we all need. Greed is sinful. Deceit is sinful. Many pretend charity as Godly nations built on stolen properties.How can such a nation prevail? FEAR. Be not afraid.

2007-07-01 21:46:15 · answer #7 · answered by midnite rainbow 5 · 0 0

Heaven is not a bride, but those that are going to be there is the bride of Christ. It is not good people that will be in heaven, it is people that have done the will of God through Christ Jesus. Jesus said,"you cannot serve God and money..." therefore greed is not a part of a believer life. Our life is to reflect the Christ that lives within us. We do good because good is all we know to do. This world will perish, the question, is where will you spent eternity?

2007-07-01 21:44:29 · answer #8 · answered by I Wanna Know 3 · 0 0

The way the idea of heaven differs from the Kentucky derby is that religion teaches that a place in heaven is confirmed for someone who is righteous. It is not a game of chance. It is a bribe that will definitely be paid off- but I do not agree with your simile.
The ones profiting are clearly religious groups of this world who package adn sell this idea of heaven in order to lure followers and suck in their money on dubious church programs and donations.

2007-07-01 21:36:32 · answer #9 · answered by Riya Layne 3 · 3 0

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved
exclusively for them that believe in it. Further,
the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them
that believe in it on the supposition that
they'll go there if they don't.
HBT; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1

When you die you go to where ever you think you belong Heaven, Hell, Cloud 9, the VOID, until you realize that it's static and/or repetitive and just another illusion. It will fade away and you will meet with a more enlightened version of your self (Oversoul?) Who goes over your life with you. Together you discuss what you did right and what you did wrong (in working towards becoming more enlightened ) Together you discuss if you need another life or three and if so how you wish to proceed on your path, who or what you need to be to learn the lessons you still need to learn. Together you pick your next body and where it will come into being. If you choose you can take some R&R first in the higher plains of existence though Heavens (plural!) .

2007-07-01 21:40:23 · answer #10 · answered by hairypotto 6 · 0 1

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