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i am an ecclectic, eccentric, unique, & creative individual when it comes to my shopping habits,and the way i decorate my house!! believe me, i'm not bragging!!!! i am just trying to explain myself!!! i like to shop at places like thrift stores, goodwill, garage sales. etc. !!! not because i'm cheap, because i like unique & different things, older things!!! i also take a keen interest in other people's likes & dislikes!!! i love to go over their house to get a sense of their personality!!! so, sometimes, when i'm shopping at my favorite places, i find something that i know someone will love!! if i have the means, i buy it for them!!!! i never buy ANYTHING that is in bad condition!!! i would never insult my friends that way!! now, here's, the thing: they will ask me where i got it from!!! i get all nervous about it, and usually lie to them, because i am afraid they will say that they don't want it, or think that i'm cheap, and won't recognize the thought behind it!!! am i wrong?, right?

2007-07-01 20:44:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Etiquette

7 answers

You should tell them the truth. If you really think they'll have an issue with Goodwill, just say you got it at "one of those vintage places I love to shop at." I personally LOVE it when I find someone got me something and it was a super deal. Yard sale, thrift store, dumpster diving (wait, no, not that one), it's all fine.

My sisters and I always send our gifts to each other WITH the price tags on to show what good deals we got. It's totally fun and I don't feel like they were put out because they thought of me.

2007-07-01 22:45:12 · answer #1 · answered by imamom4god 4 · 0 0

I would tell them honestly where I got it. EVERYONE has bought something wonderful at a garage sale or Goodwill.

I think it's very generous and thoughtful of you to get things for other people. I can never buy gifts because I never know what people would like. But my gf has great taste in those things, it's almost like she's psychic. I wish I had that ability. Maybe it's a gift women have to make up for not being able to kill spiders & stuff.

You have to wonder whether your judgment of what your friends would like is good or not. I mean, if I was you I would wonder. So I would ask them 'Tell me the truth--do you like it or not?' And don't get all huffy if they don't like it, or next time they'll lie to save your feelings.

They know it's the thought that counts, and I know they appreciate it. I sure would!

2007-07-02 04:00:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You sound like you have great energy and a lot of life in you!

My guess is that you are a real outgoing person and take a genuine interest in the lives of others and that you always keep it positive. Am I right?

Your "hobby" of bargain hunting is delightful and rewarding to you and can be interesting when it comes to re-selling the things that you are finished using. When it comes to friends or relatives that you wish to reward, your hobby may not be as appreciative or gratifying to them. That may explain the lack of excitement in their response upon receiving a gift.

While the "art" of locating a thoughful gift is your specialty, it is a personal pleasure that you savor. Your friends and relatives may not share the same "thrill", so they won't ever appreciate the "bargaining power" or "search efforts" that your gift required.

God bless you for your thoughfulness and love for others! Remember that we aren't all baseball fans, or classical music fans or even pick-up truck fans...nor are we all adorers of modest treasures.

So, keep your friends by sharing just the stories of your treasure finds. You no longer need to offer these little treasures to friends who would rather select their own furnishings and accessories. It is a matter of personal taste, so don't take this personal at all. You are a great friend for wanting to share!

Bless you

2007-07-02 10:36:08 · answer #3 · answered by joe_on_drums 6 · 0 0

I think that if someone thinks enough to get you a gift, then it really doesnt matter where it came from. I also think its rude to ask anyway. just say thank you and be greatful to have a friend that takes the time to notice what you like. or.... mabey the reason that they asked is because they liked it so muchthat they may want to go see if there is more stuff like it. If they dont see the thought behind the gift, even a hand made card...then I dont think those are the people that I would want to suround myself with. never be nervous or ashamed of who you are. if your a good person then thats what counts.

2007-07-02 04:02:01 · answer #4 · answered by eightieschick70 5 · 0 0

Although you LOVE things from goodwill etc, other people may not love it. My opinion is a little different than yours- I feel like I have enough of my own crap, I don't need someone else's. Maybe your friends are like me and are trying to live a clutter free life. Although it is very generous of you to buy them gifts, maybe they feel they will have to reciprocate and don't have the means to do that. I would lay off the gift giving and either save your money or buy something for yourself.

2007-07-02 10:24:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well if they think that then their snobs so screw them so ummm that just makes them bad friends and you found some thing for me that i would love at a grage sale id flip i love garage sale shoping and other places im not cheap they have the best stuff and why buy some thing for $100 when you can find it a t a grage sale for $20 or less nothat i excpect that for it to go that low but they have fun and cool stuff their so ummm if they dont like it dont bother for them any more so yet again screw them tell them the truth

2007-07-02 03:54:07 · answer #6 · answered by catman13 1 · 0 0

Thankfully, I've never had anyone ask me where I got a particular item I've given them. Yes, it's the thought that counts but sadly, a lot of people put more value on how much the item cost rather than the intention of the one giving it and you can't change that about them. If you don't feel right lying about where you got the items, then just tell them the truth. If they can't appreciate your intentions then that's their problem. There's nothing you can do about that.

2007-07-02 03:57:54 · answer #7 · answered by jdhs 4 · 0 0

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