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We go on and on, being religious....
but we forget we have been quite intolerent of other religions than our own? why is that? arent we supposed to treat everyone equally? because i was tought that everyone is equal in the eyes of the lord and savior...was i tought wrong?

i want to know why a group of people who dont worship what we worship, suddenly become "non-belivers"....true they dont believe in our god...but they believe in their god (i see a thing here.....the romans might have pondered the same thing when christianity was emerging)

AND why is everyone elses religion automatically wrong, and ours is right?

hinduisim is considered the oldest still practiced religion to this day...older that christianity....could it no t be the true religion.....
or greek religion
or roman?

i believe in our god the lord and savior maker of the heaven and earth and the father almighty....
but i just want to hear some opnions...

2007-07-01 18:59:05 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

I think that people are inherently prideful. It's human nature to be that way. You're right. It isn't really something that is taught in any religion.
Christians aren't the only one's who do it.
Consider Islam---Christians are infidels.
Could it just be that it is our nature to critisize and condemn? I don't doubt it. Doesn't make it right, doesn't make it fair, but it proves that nobody is perfect. I think it's important to just realize that we're all doing our best here, that life is hard, and it throws whammies at everyone. That's no reason to say someone is less than you. Jesus taught us to love one another, the Jew and the Gentile.
But Jesus taught us a lot of things that we don't do. It doesn't necessarily make us bad people, it's just proof that we have a lot to learn. The most important thing is to align yourself with the teachings of the Savior and hold fast to those, because you'll never be in the wrong. That's hard to do, I know, believe me. But, he doesn't expect you to be perfect all of the time. That's really why we're here on this earth, to become closer to perfection. Rome wasn't built in a day.
I hope that helps. great question.

2007-07-01 19:05:32 · answer #1 · answered by Amber 3 · 1 1

First of all let me congratulate you on a very good question. Now the thing with christianity is that it doesn't really tell the whole story. I am jewish and have this questions for you:
1) Do you believe in G-d?
2) Do you believe that G-d is allmighty?
3) Do you believe that G-d is timeless?
4) Do you believe that G-d is absolutely perfect?
5) Do you believe that G-d is just?
If your answer is yes to all of them then why would G-d have a son? If there is a son of G-d then that makes him a semi-G-d.
Have you ever heard of Plato, Apolonio, Alexander the great and Pitagoras? Well they all have one thing in common with jesus, their story was written by greeks in greek writting style. And because of that they also have the same kind of birth, they are all believed to be the sons of virgen mothers fathered by the supreme G-d. Do you know what christ means? It comes from the greek christoph which means "saviour", the new testament was written in greece, by greeks and for greeks but they had no idea it would become a best seller.
I also ask christians this: if you believe that the old testament is true then why does the new contradict it? The bibles that christians have are edited and censored, the Torah has been the same for 6 thousand years, letter by letter but for some reason christians believe that king james' version is the right one.
Christianity simply condems other religions so that they can contain knowledge, knowledge is the enemy of faith, the whole christian religion is founded on faith ignoring historical facts and logic when it should be supported by it. The whole story of jesus from birth to death is ilogical and contradicts logic.
I am not trying to convert you or anything of the sort, it is forbiden to convert anyone to judaism.
I just wonder why is it that christians are not encouraged to read the Torah if they belief that is the same old testament they have in their bible? I hope it helps and if ANYONE is interested in having a logical adult discussion on this please im me, I would be more than happy to, I truly enjoy intelligent conversations. G-d bless

2007-07-01 19:33:42 · answer #2 · answered by ttepinzon 2 · 1 0

This is precisely what I have been pondering for several years. I have married a Christian and have always been trying to understand the word of God as depicted in the Bible.This makes us visit the Sunday service quite regularly and I even take the Holy Communion...though I am a Hindu by birth and I even now....not converted etc. We participate in all activities of the Church and we find great peace while being there. Contararily it takes a lot to make my better half visit a temple and even if it happens they are very scared and keep aloof making it very obvious they do not want to understand.

Christianity and Islam have been forced on people either by propoganda or force so they always fear to even check on other beliefs. So Christains are taught to belittle other faiths and constantly remionded that Jesus is the son of the only God...PERIOD!! There are ofcourse many things which are desirable in the HIndu thinking as well ...like untouchability etc But never have we been taught to ridicule any faith.

Being a Hindu is just the way of Life and we are constantly reminded of the God within / conscience...so we start to seek this inner peace which is what ultimately everyone desires.

The bashing of Hindu / other beliefs does continue ofcourse they are diminishing by the years.I discussed this issue with a Padre and he remarked that Christains will be much better if they had the faith of a Hindu.
Yes! the days are not very far we will all learn to respect one anothers belief....the world will then be a better place to live.

2007-07-01 19:41:55 · answer #3 · answered by humbling 1 · 0 0

if you could take separate the worth of each religion from the bunk and put it all into a coherent ideology i'm sure what you are beginning to say would come together for you . Not only was Hindu first but Confucius and Buddhism predated christian thought and preceded some of the rehashed christian ideas but their are new trains of thought useful in living a better life not dreampt of before . when Christ was asked where is heaven he respond look inside yourself and find god and heaven .was this a hint for us or just hearsay or augmented verb age designed to exploit Jesus . and when the Muslims call Jesus a prophet who died in Damascus is christian belief the new improved Judaism and Mohammedanism the new improved Christianity ;if so what will come next maybe a secular post modern scientific system of reasoned morality that incorporates the best and most common ground of all accepted religious concept to date.

2007-07-01 19:17:28 · answer #4 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 0 0

I don't slam other religions..the term non-believers is just easier as far as lumping everyone together..Unfortunately even though Hinduism is the oldest religion (which I actually believe is Judaism)...The Romans, were a multi theistic society they worshiped the flesh, they had temples devoted to sex, drinking etc..they burned and tortured Christians for sport..They also totally plundered the Jews, and sold the ones that were not killed or did not starve to death into slavery..They hated Jews almost as much as Christians.. If you believe that everyone elses religion may be right along with ours, then you may want to consider studying your Bible a little bit more. I do not believe we need to downgrade or be rude to anyone no matter their beliefs, because that does not coincide with the teachings of Jesus we are supposed to pray for our enemies/those who persecute us (I know other religions are not our enemies) and we are supposed to pray for the non-believers and to witness to them. Like it or not the truth isn't pretty and that is the problem no one wants to hear the truth including Christians...If one does not believe in Jesus Christ, and accept him as their Lord and Savior they are going to Hell..it's plain and simple and unfortunate..since they have the choice. God Loves all of his children, but we are not all equal in his sight..if you do not confess him publicly and acknowledge him, then he knows you not...this is including other religions. It is not our job to convince them, it is simply to tell them the truth, and I believe we can do that in a non offensive manner and not call names...but hey Christians aren't the only intolerant ones on this site, or in the world..I am tired of being called stupid, or brainwashed for believing what I believe..because I am neither, but I am Free in Christ..

2007-07-01 19:29:09 · answer #5 · answered by Nicole B 4 · 0 0

I'm a Christ follower. But just hearing or reading the words "being religious" makes me cringe. What a colossal waste of time. I think that it's important to be kind to one another, not matter what the beliefs of the others are. God said to love him and to LOVE OTHERS. That includes others that are people on the other end of a computer in some other state or country. And spewing "religious" talk or hateful talk is not a loving act. As "Christians" we are supposed to follow Christ, not religion. You only have to look as far as the bible to see Jesus speak out against "religious" people.

2007-07-01 19:13:20 · answer #6 · answered by talliemay 3 · 2 0

I don't think we should put much or any emphases on what we people think about God as I too agree that we all seem to have varying opinions about God. Just talk to God for answers. Jesus once said "I am the way, the truth, and the life, No man comes unto the Father (but) by Me! Of course man wrote the bible so you will have to find your own answers.
Talk to God, not to man. And as I always say you can't be atheist, It's not an option, because man can not create man!

2007-07-01 19:15:40 · answer #7 · answered by K.B. 2 · 1 0

Religion will always be something of debate. I believe that we should all respect one another including our culture. But I admit that I do feel upset when somebody tries to trash christianity because I am a strong believer and follower. That's the only thing that gets to me. But I don't look down on other religions. I actually find it intresting to learn what's their point of view and rituals and others stuff, It is very interesting.

I don't try to push my believes on other people either. I have had people who think they can look down on me because I'm a Christian. I listen to what they have to say but all I know that my heart is set on following my savior. I have a strong faith and strong reason why I choose to be a christian. I also have many people who want to know more about why I have such a strong faith. I am also very happy to share my experiences with them :)

2007-07-01 19:14:49 · answer #8 · answered by Ebony 2 · 2 0

Because Christians want Christianity to be the only approved religion by mankind. They want to convert others into their established beliefs. After all strength in numbers helps promote more people to join. But sadly this will not happen. As others are following their own path such as myself.

2007-07-01 19:07:06 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are confuzing your american beliefs with your christians beliefs...

everyone is equal... that's an american belief...

The bible actually tells you stone the non-believer...
Moses killed all the people worshiping the golden calf...

Catholisism is very progressive in this aspect, however...they say that so long as you are a good person according you your own belives you may get saved....

Good Luck....

2007-07-01 19:07:59 · answer #10 · answered by Julian X 5 · 1 0

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