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what are your views on abortion?

mine: once it's got a brain, it's a living being. up until that point though, it's just a bundle of cells and therefore, it's not possible to "harm" it. oh, and abortion as birth control (as in, if you're too stupid to use a condom) is never ok, imo.

2007-07-01 18:58:14 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

professionalfem: i agree with that. i don't like the idea of abortion after the first trimester, but i'm definitely pro-choice. i'm not going to tell anyone else what to do, as it's their decision.

i guess what i'm asking is, just what are your views in general? like, if you were ever faced with it.

2007-07-01 19:03:43 · update #1

to clarify the birth-control thing: i used to know a girl who never used condoms because she said and i quote "well, i like it better without one, and besides if i get pregnant, i can just get an abortion"

2007-07-01 19:11:31 · update #2

10 answers

Pro choice here... (NOT pro-abortion, as the conservative republicans like to call us)...

I believe it is a woman's right to choose, period. It's not my place to say what she can and can't do with her body. I do not support any law that says otherwise.

Personally, until the 3rd trimester, I have no problem with any type of abortion. I DO NOT support abortion as a form of birth control and if a woman has more than 1 in her lifetime for any reason other than health reasons, there's a problem there. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY support it in cases of abuse, rape or incest no matter WHEN it is performed. No woman should have to carry the product of a violent act inside her for any longer than she wants it there.

I don't believe it's a baby until the brain is functioning and it has a fully formed nervous system. In cases of late-term abortion for health reasons of the mother. I don't believe the baby's life is more important than the mother's.

Ultimate, it's the woman's choice and not mine.

My husband is pro-choice, but his stance is: Let's just call it legalized murder and be done with it.

2007-07-01 19:18:02 · answer #1 · answered by Rogue Scrapbooker 6 · 1 1

Every woman has a right to decide what does and does not happen to and inside her own body..

Whether a woman uses abortion as birth control or not is her choice..

Until a fetus is able to survive outside the uterus (even with extraordinary measures) it is a parasite..


i guess what i'm asking is, just what are your views in general? like, if you were ever faced with it.

If I were faced with a pregnancy at this time I would abort...

Having my last child 10 years ago I dies on the delivery room table.. I have been given a 5% chance of surviving another pregnancy, the fetus has a 5% chance of survival..

I have taken precautions to prevent pregnancy which include tubal litigation followed by exploratory surgery to make sure the tubes were cut, tied, banded, and cauterized shut.. I am currently taking birth control pills, and my husband and I use condoms with spermacide or abstain from sex during the most fertile days of my cycle...

I have done all I can to prevent pregnancy and will not feel the least bit guilty should all methods fail and I abort.. My husband fully supports the choice of abortion should it come to that..

P.S. don't bother with the "it's gods will" crap, I have heard it all before.. I am Atheist I don't believe any deities ever existed...

2007-07-02 02:07:34 · answer #2 · answered by Diane (PFLAG) 7 · 2 0

I believe that the soul enters the body at the moment of birth (with the first breath). Until that moment, it is just a house for the soul still being built.
I don't believe in the late term abortions. I've heard some stories I don't care to repeat and (in the back of my mind) I hope they were just made up to shock people.
I also believe that when a fetus is aborted or miscarried, that same soul comes back for the next pregnancy.
From my studies on Karma & reincarnation, it really sheds a different light on why we are born into the lifetime we are in.
The idea of using abortion as a means of B C, is just stupid. Unfortunatly there are a lot of stupid people out there which actually makes this idea possible!

2007-07-02 02:20:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I don't know where life begins. Until I do, I'll error to the side of caution, and consider any viable fetus as alive.

From the practical standpoint, I definitely think that if someone other than the mother can be held for murder for killing an unborn child, the mother should be held to the same legal standard.

The degree of double standards that currently exist in the abortion laws, from father's rights to baby's rights, are absurd. If made equitable, even pro-abortion advocates would reconsider.

For example, if the baby is not considered a living creature to a certain point in gestation, then the decision to allow gestation to go past that point is the mother's, and hers alone. If pro-choicers were honest about their contentions, the father should then not be forced to support that child, since the decision to have it (under pro-choice doctrine) is uniquely the mothers.

2007-07-02 02:16:11 · answer #4 · answered by freebird 6 · 0 1

I think self awareness is more important then the existence of a brain. We kill plenty of animals with brains, it's the capacity of those brains that makes a difference. Anyway most research suggests that babies aren't self aware until some time after birth, but I think birth is a good cut off point, just to keep on the safe side. Personally I'm not particularly comfortable with the idea of late-term abortions, but I understand that that's only my emotional response and obviously no one but myself should be bound by it.
As for abortion as birth control, sure it's undesirable. It's unpleasant for all involved and an unnecessary drain on our medical resources. But it would be irresponsible to prevent people from having abortions in that situation. I mean, you don't punish someone for being stupid by making them responsible for a baby.

2007-07-02 02:06:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

A lot of living things don't have brains, and a lot of things we kill have brains. So it's a lot of gray area -- what is a brain, anyhow? Does a brainstem count?

This is all gray area enough for me to leave it to the wisdom of doctor and patient. I can't think of anyone more qualified to make such a difficult ethical decision.

2007-07-02 02:03:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The sad thing is you can not be picking and choosing who "deserves" abortions or not.

You either have to make them legal or illegal. But, if you make them illegal then you would just go back to being a third world country as far as women are concerned.

p.s. I was faced with it and I never regretted my decision. I don't agree that people should shame women when they are faced with the same decision.

2007-07-02 02:01:34 · answer #7 · answered by professionalfemale01 3 · 6 2

I am pro-choice... yet I also feel that there is a strong over-population problem... hmm... what does that translate as?

I am a strongly devout Humanist and all life is valuable. I see murder as murder, but freedom is freedom and is valuable beyond degree.

2007-07-02 02:07:23 · answer #8 · answered by Invisible_Flags 6 · 1 0

Preliminary precautions to avoid pregnancy like use of condoms, discharge outside, use of rings etc is ok. but abortion after pregnancy is inhumane. Never do it for legal child.

2007-07-02 05:37:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

THAT womans carrying the baby THAT woman decides!

2007-07-02 02:28:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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