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My wife has a very serious case of endometriosis which causes her alot of discomfort before during and after her period her specallist has said the only solution is for her to have a histerectomy to make more room for the veins is their away to reduce the veins a histerectomy seems to be rather primitive way of going about it not fixing the problem if she gos on the pill it will help abit but the pill does not agree with her has anybody have any sugestions

2007-06-30 22:19:31 · 8 answers · asked by Tmacka 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

8 answers

I have been dealing with endometriosis and pelvic congestion syndrome (sounds like this may be one part of her problem if the veins are swelling and such). I would recommend getting another opinion from someone that is more experienced with endometriosis.

To find out even more about information about endometriosis and also drs that can be of help please check out this link: http://www.endocenter.org

There's also an online group run by this organization that you can check out at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/erc

For the dr list they run check out: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EndoDocs (with this one you state where your location is and one of the members that is in that area will try to help you find someone)

Please let the moderators of both lists know that someone from Yahoo Answers referred you to the lists.

2007-06-30 22:27:03 · answer #1 · answered by sokokl 7 · 1 0

As a woman, I think doctors are quick to suggest hysterectomies, oophorectomies and mastectomies. But I asked an oncologist why they were so often suggested and I got a pretty good answer, basically, it's the only way to be absolutely sure a cancer won't come back. Doing a lumpectomy can be pointless as a more radical surgery will just be needed later.
However, your wife's endometriosis is not life threatening, therefore, removing the offending organ should be the solution of last resort.
If, however, your wife does not want children (ever, no matter whether you do or not... lots of people remarry) or is beyond childbearing age, then there's not much point to having a uterus. Of course, the ovaries produce hormones so make sure you know what, exactly, would be removed in any procedure.
If she does, in fact, want to get pregnant one day the doctor needs to be told. That way pain management and fertility can be reprioritised.
Finally, this goes for anyone having a major surgery: GET A SECOND OPINION.

2007-07-01 00:07:42 · answer #2 · answered by k 4 · 0 0

Has she been diagnosed through a lap? If not, this is important, if so, then it may be time for another one. A hyst will not cure her, although that is the belief of many obgyns. What she needs, to give her the best chance of long lasting relief, is to find an endo specialist-one who deals mainly with endo and one who is highly skilled at excising the endo. Most dr.'s do not understand endo completly so there is a lot of misinformation out there. Having a dr. that does not excise the endo, isn't skilled enough to remove it all, or doesn't recognize every form endo can take, will not fix her problem. Unfortunately there is no cure for endo. I would suggest googling dr. david redwine, or dr. andrew cook, both are highly recognized endo specialists, dr rewine was, if I believe correctly, the pioneer of excision surgery. They have very helpful info on their sights. I would also maybe go to www.obgyn.net-lots of good info and a message board with women who are very knowledgable and can provide lots of support as well as great info. Good luck.

2007-07-04 01:49:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Now everyone can cure infertility using this natural remedy http://pregnancyhelps.info
infertility can run in the family and one of the first things the doctor asks you when you go to a fertility clinic is your family history regarding cases of infertility or other reproductive issues.
If infertility is caused by genetic disorder then it's not unusual that one of the kids (your mom) doesn't have it and another does (your aunt).
two months of trying is still to early to be concerned about the fact that you might be infertile and it's also quite early to go to a fertility specialist. Go to a regular Obgyb to get a closer insight and see what ways there are are to improve your fertility rate.
Also remove alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes from your life because they might influence your chances too. Stress is also a risk factor when it comes to infertility.

2014-12-21 06:53:22 · answer #4 · answered by BARGERSTOCK 3 · 0 0

Not sure why this is listed in respiratory diseases,because it is a female reproductive problem.....
But I have had to deal with endometriosis since my early 20's.
My doctor did laproscopic surgery(thru belly button,and used a laser ) to remove my adhesions,and it worked. I would get a second or third opinion,too many docs are too quick to do hysterectomys ...trust me,they should be willing to do laproscopic first,even if its just to look and see what is REALLY going on in there,instead of just guessing and wanting to remove it ALL......After the laproscopic surgery, I was put on provera for a year to continue to allow the adhesions to reduce(she wont have a period,at all) and it worked,one of my tubes was finally open enough to try to get preganant............ and I did........
After that I was put on the pill to reduce the chance of it getting worse again....yeah the side effects suck,but a low dose one should help. Any good OB/GYN should ALWAYS WANT to try to preserve the womans fertility,and reproductive organs first,and not jump to conclusions...get a second or third opinion,there are MANY good OB/GYN's out there!!!!!!!! Get the exploratory laproscopic,,,so you know EXACTLY what shes dealing with.......
Good luck,and dont let her be pressured or coerced into the hysterectomy,unless it is ABsolutely (and youll know) the final and ONLY option.......

2007-06-30 22:34:29 · answer #5 · answered by ellenoreriggbee 2 · 0 0

Get Pregnant Quickly While Synergistically Reversing Infertility. http://pregnancy.kyma.info

You will get pregnant very fast and give birth to healthy children regardless of your age, how long you tried to get pregnant or how severe or chronic your infertility disorder is. Discover the secret of "How to get pregnant quickly"!

Check here http://pregnancy.kyma.info

Now you can learn how to be in the successful 8% group that keeps infertility off forever by working synergistically with your body.

2014-10-06 17:40:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hello, i hope these few links help your wife with some extra information from fellow sufferers.

2007-06-30 22:32:30 · answer #7 · answered by Leo 7 · 1 0

If you have infertility problems,
you can obtain useful information with this program http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=177
I hope it helps

2014-08-14 03:57:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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