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I want to stop smoking. I hate smoking. Why do something you hate? What can I do? This is a powerful drug that i never thought I would get addicted to when I first started 5 yrs ago.

2007-06-28 06:05:25 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Respiratory Diseases

29 answers

It's really hard. I smoked for 16 years. When I quit 6 years ago it was really hard but I am so glad that I did. I quit cold turkey. I just know I can never have another one ever. I still think about smoking, but even though on some level I still miss it I am SO glad I don't smoke. You have to do it in your timing and for yourself. I had quit 3 other times, I was even hypnotized once, didn't work. One day I work up and said this is the week. I smoked my last cigarette on April 25, 2001. Good luck it's hard but worth it.

2007-06-28 06:11:29 · answer #1 · answered by applecrisp 6 · 0 0

I have been QUIT since April 3rd. I was smoking 2 1/2 pak a day. Have smoked for over 30 years and tried many unsuccessful times until I used CHANTIX a new drug. I had almost no cravings and rarely even thought about a smoke. I am off the meds now and still good.

The side effect at first for me was nausea for about 5-6 weeks. Now the last 6 or so I have had muscle weakness and joint pain, a common side effect. It is real bad right now. My Dr just did some test yesterday to check for lupus because of other symptoms, but i believe it is the Chantix.

Was easy to quit on this stuff.

2007-06-28 06:22:29 · answer #2 · answered by deb2polar 3 · 0 0

Mind over matter. You can't let something control your life. DO you want to be a damn slave to that killer cigarette. Fine then, sell your soul to the very thing that will shrivel your lungs and make them black and goopy. Your kids (or family) will never see you grow up, you won't be a real man because you can't run as fast or play normal sports. You'll be a bum.

Or if you have the will power, the determination to be in charge of your own life. YOU call the shots, you be healthy and do yourself a favor. YOU will not be lagging behind everyone else. People will find one less fault in you :-D The girls will respect you more and you'll feel better once you do it and join the boat that only a few people have done.

Peace and good luck. Think about anything but cigarettes and keep yourself busy ;-)

2007-06-28 06:10:17 · answer #3 · answered by justmyinput 5 · 2 1

The patches do help. If you find you have a reaction to it, then try another brand. The adhesives can irritate your skin. Keep lots of water and tea around to drink, eat pickles, chew gum, eat popcorn or sunflower seeds, hard candies and plan ahead. Above all, stay away from other smokers and places where people smoke. Don't go near the types of stores where you usually buy smokes!

I know it's hard to quit thinking about it, but you can find ways to occupy your mind and distract yourself for a little while, and really all you need is just a little while. If you go and buy some or bum one, you'll start again, so don't do it! One good way to deal with it is to take a nap. I did a lot of sleeping when I first quit. Taking a brisk walk can help.

Change your thinking. Instead of thinking about how you are denying yourself, think about how healthy you are going to get. One healthy thought leads to another, one healthy action leads to another.

You have to change your habits too, the way you do things and such. I still have a hard time talking on the phone because it makes me want to smoke, so I still don't call people very often. I have to plan ahead and have sunflower seeds or something to pacify myself. Use this example to help you put together a plan of action and then go for it.

2007-06-28 06:15:59 · answer #4 · answered by lady_greentree 3 · 0 0

I know how you feel. I hate them as well. They stink and are SO EXPENSIVE! However, I'm truely addicted; I started 5 years ago as well and didn't think I would get addicted.

I tried the nicotine inhalers... they didn't work. The gum is a waste of money. I don't know, personally, about the patches, but they didn't work for anyone I know! My mother and grandmother have quit recently by taking the new anti-smoking pill, Chantix. Interestingly enough, it has no nicotine in it. I think I'm going to try that here in a couple of months.

If you want to try it, you better have good insurance, however; I hear the stuff is pretty expensive without it.

I truely wish you the best of luck. I know I need it!

2007-06-28 06:14:15 · answer #5 · answered by Thinking 5 · 0 0

Sorry, but I've been smoking since I was 16, and I'm 56 today. What I did do, about 15 years ago, I cut way down, to the point where - when I get paid, every other Friday, I buy 3 packs of cigarettes, and that lasts me until the next pay day. I've never really wanted to quit, but I wish you good luck in your efforts.

2007-06-28 06:28:38 · answer #6 · answered by HipHopGrandma 7 · 0 1

Sorry I wish I had an easy answer for you. All I know is that it is not going to be easy to quit. Of course you can't stop thinking about it especially if you had one between your fingers every 5 min. You might have to wean yourself away from them instead of trying to quit cold turkey. Most people never think of alcohol or tobacco as a drug but statistics show they kill more people than other cancers not associated with either. Congrats on wanting to quit- it takes a strong person to want to get away from their addiction. If you really want to quit, you'll figure out what works best for you as far as trying to occupy yourself instead of giving in and smoking. Good Luck & Stay strong!! :)

2007-06-28 06:15:50 · answer #7 · answered by Butterfly 2 · 0 0

You phrased it right "its going to kill you" if you don't stop smoking. You can stop smoking if you really want to and put your mind to it. Call 1800no butts for some support. It is free.
By the way, a graving for a smoke lasts about a couple of minutes. You can over come those minutes by brushing your teeth or drinking some water. The best way to do it, is cold turkey. Just don't touch one ever again.

2007-06-28 19:49:42 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

just go read a book. if you dont know any good authors these two are really good but really different. try meg cabbot or iris johansen. and you dont like to read?? go see a movie or go out to eat with your friends but leave the cigarettes at home. that will get your mind off of it for a little while and youll feel so good you didnt smoke you wont want to start again. plus reading is a lot better habit

2007-06-28 06:10:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The patches work great . You have won part of the battle by beening ready to quit. My bf has to quit he had a slight heart attack but they gave him acript for CHANTIX(varenicline) tablets . I bought them for him 1 month is all it take the pack costs $118.00 at Walmart Pharmacy most insurance won't pay for it . From all the test results I've read it works in ten days are so and you can't stand smoke or to smoke because it taste so nasty. Good luck whatever you choise.

2007-06-28 06:23:09 · answer #10 · answered by paws4shy 3 · 0 0

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