Not everyone with HPV develops warts. A person needs to have a kind of HPV that can cause warts in order to get them.
A woman can be tested for HPV by visiting her doctor. Unfortunately, there is NO test for men to detect HPV. They usually find out they have HPV by either developing genital warts or by finding out their partner has contracted the virus (from them).
Most people are unaware they have the virus and can go years and years before they find out.
Good luck!
2007-06-24 22:37:48
answer #1
answered by Alli 7
About 50% of sexually active women currently have HPV and 80% of women will have HPV at least once by the time they are 50 yrs old. The only way to be diagnosed with HPV is to have an active outbreak that is examined by a physician and can be confirmed by a blood test. But that doesn't mean that if you don't have any physical symptoms that your are not producing the HPV virus. This is why so many women have HPV. The blood tests are useless at diagnosing HPV without the physical symptoms. Be safe and always use a condom. Hope that helps a bit.
2007-06-24 12:55:15
answer #2
answered by Jason C 2
You can have an HPV test taken:
2007-06-25 07:26:47
answer #3
answered by Jorge T 2
you know you have hpv when a test for it (done with a pap smear). only certain strains, which happen to be the more benign (low cancer risk) strains, cause genital warts.
2007-06-25 12:51:56
answer #4
answered by pandora078 6
I assume you mean genital HPV? The Center for Disease Control has the best information on this. Please see
2007-06-24 12:26:30
answer #5
answered by july 7