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Sorry if that's vague, I'm trying to completly get this.

Sin is not having faith in God, even for one split second. And to not have faith would be something like thinking about the head cheerleader....yeah her.

But God created us so we couldn't lead the perfect life...it's impossible, or at least the odds are greater than 1 in 10 Billion*.

And then worst of all He comes down as a man and leads the perfect life just to rub it in our faces.........brutal.

So God accepts forgiveness for sin right? You ask Him for forgiveness and He will accept you in His kingdom if your heart is pure. Before Jesus no one entered His kingdom, not even Moses because no man was worthy of Him. Now God has come down to Earth and lead the perfect life, and died for our not having faith in Him, and His forgiveness, and His Kingdom and glorious love awaits.

See I get it, but I still think He's a bit of a jerk!

* = my ballpark estimate on amount of humans past and present.

2007-06-21 18:26:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

I think I'm up to saying this 7 times today now: Sin is a creation of Man. Man is flawed. The concept of Sin is flawed. The universe does not operate on our feeble concept of right and wrong, good and evil. These are simplistic definitions we have given to situations (and I might add these views are subjective and differ from culture to culture, society to society), the universe works on a far grander principle of cause and effect.
- Esoteric Christian Mystic.

2007-06-21 18:28:40 · answer #1 · answered by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5 · 1 2

You can say what you want about God, but I have news for you, call him anything you want, the worst names you can think of, he don't care. It only hurts you. Yes having no faith in him is a sin. A BIG ONE. Jesus said at the Passover Feast before he died. Take this and drink this, for this is my blood of the New Testament, Jesus came an died for our sins, it says so in John 3:16 among other places. Sin is forgiven with faith in Christ. John 14:6 and John 5:24, 25.

2007-06-22 02:03:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your reasoning is askew.
Let's see...."one" sin could be "not having faith in God".....which has nothing to do with "another" sin like thinking about the head cheerleader.

God created us perfect (remember Adam and Eve) but they chose to disobey one tiny little rule He gave them. God does not create imperfection. Man himself is responsible for that.

God came to us in man form(Jesus) not to rub anything in our face, but to give Himself as our replacement for our sin debt. (More about this below).

God accepts forgiveness under certain conditions:
Old Testament....a blood sacrifice for atonement of sin
New Testament....belief in Jesus as our substitution and final blood sacrifice for atonement of sin

Before Jesus came, died, and rose from the grave, man could enter the Kingdom of Heaven by making animal sacrifices in the temple under God's specific directions. The blood of the animals would "cover" his sins and give him admittance to Heaven. These sacrifices were a picture of the one perfect and final blood sacrifice that would come and be made in the person Jesus.

All this was done because of God's love of mankind and to correct the corruption man caused by his choice to disobey God and continued choices to disobey God. God has made a way for man to be redeemed. He wants only for man to choose God's way....Jesus....but will not force the choice. God wants a loving relationship with man that flows both ways.....He doesn't want a robot. So, He patiently waits for man to come to Him.

2007-06-22 01:47:09 · answer #3 · answered by Joyful Noise 5 · 0 0

Yeah, he's a huge jerk. Supposing he exists/created us, he created us to be imperfect, and set the bar way too high. Then he's punishing us for not jumping over that bar.

That's like spanking your three year old because he can't do calculus.

And, it's begging the question to have faith in god. One believes in him because he said to do so. So it is logically impossible!

Some god. Pfft.

2007-06-22 01:31:31 · answer #4 · answered by Rat 7 · 2 1

As a representative of all mankind, Adam sinned, and by that sin, all who came after (that would be everyone) were born with a nature to sin. God made and announcement at that time that He would redeem man from sin. Jesus came, a representative from God. He did, in fact, lead a sinless life. Now, because He did, just as Adam sinned and sin entered into human nature, we can be redeemed from sin through Jesus' life of perfection. We were meant to be holy, but when sin entered into human nature we became unable to attain holiness. Jesus lived a holy life, and because He did, we can claim His holiness for ourselves if we are willing to believe that there is no other way to attain holiness, and, in fact, there is NO OTHER WAY.

Why was this necessary? The only price that can be paid for sin is death (physical and spiritual, but spiritual death being far more permanent). God has a standard of perfection that is shown in the Law of Moses. As with any law, if the law is violated, there is a sentence that must be passed. This is what justice is. Justice is often not fair, but it is just. Now, God doesn't like having to dispense justice, He'd much rather just forgive everyone and let bygones be bygones. But Justice is as much a part of His character as love and grace. He cannot just let sin go unpunished. So, He came up with a way to justly forgive men for sin, and then provided a means for that method of forgiveness to be permanent. He let us sacrifice animals in order to forgive our sins. However, as a created thing, animals are only suitable for forgiveness for short time. Eventually the magnanimony of sin must again be paid. So God took a part of Himself, Jesus, and sent Him to earth to live a perfect life and pay the price of sin one time for all time for all men. Because He was divine, Jesus alone is able to be an eternal sacrifice for sin, and because He lived without sin He was an acceptable sacrifice for sin. Jesus was not ordered or commanded by God to do what He did. He did it of His own will, because He loves us, and God allowed it because He, too, loves us and WANTS to forgive us. So by Jesus' sacrifice, we can be forgiven in grace for our sins, and Justice is served since the penalty for sin has been paid by Jesus.

None of what was done was done to rub anything in anyone's face. It was all done for you, and all because there was no other way to bring it about. It was all done because of God's enormous love for YOU. If no one else in all of history would ever believe it, He still would have done it just for YOU. God and Jesus would both have paid the price JUST FOR YOU ALONE. Now, just how, exactly, does that make God in any way a jerk?

2007-06-22 01:42:38 · answer #5 · answered by Steve 5 · 1 1

The Jewish law required a shepherd to kill his most valuable sheep if he sins.... Christ was a shepherd who died in the place of his valuable sheep.... And Jesus did not die for "the sin of disbelief" he died for sin, period. Having faith or not having faith is from the beginning irrelevant - we all sin and all need redemption from that sin. Redemption through Christ. Sanctification through the Holy Spirit. Justification from God.

2007-06-22 01:36:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

First off, Christ did not say sin is not having faith in Him... If you have the scripture to back it up, please repost...

I do not believe you think God is a jerk, I think you are really wanting answers about His love....

2007-06-22 01:32:44 · answer #7 · answered by karen_03625 5 · 0 1

He had to think of something as Baal was there first and didnt give a ****.

2007-06-22 01:29:57 · answer #8 · answered by Nickki K 2 · 1 4

You obviously don't get it!

2007-06-22 01:30:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3


2007-06-22 01:29:38 · answer #10 · answered by K 5 · 0 3

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