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Why is it that any man that gets a mail order bride is automatically judged as a loser? I understand that it is wrong to abuse a woman and to mistreat her, but what about the men who put women on a pedastal and treat her right.

There are men who need mail order brides because there is a shortage of available women in America. Think about how many single men that are out there that are good people and have quality personalities that have trouble finding women because they may not meet the standards that women in America hold.

I just can not get a girl no matter how hard I try. I have been going out to bars and clubs at least 4 times a week for about 10 years hoping to hook up with someone and I have not been able to get anything, no one night stands, anything. I just can't attract girls and I have used up every trick and nothing works. Every single woman in America refuses to date me and my face is the ugliest face in the world. It's hopeless.

2007-06-21 17:49:58 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

A woman told me I am ugly. I went into a bar in Beverly Hills and when I said "hello" to her, she told me "I didn't pay $4,000 for these breast implants to talk to ugly people like you."

I am a 32 year old virgin that has never kissed a girl before.

I am way too shy to approach women. I am afraid of women. The are way too intimidating. I am afraid of rejection. I am too shy to approach women. I want women to come up to me. I want to get a girlfriend without risking rejection.

Every single women in America refuses to go on a date with me.

Women only date men that look like Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt. .

I can't meet women in church because 80% of the women are in relationships and the toher 20% are not in the singles market.

When it comes to hunting for girls there is too much competition out there.

2007-06-21 17:51:59 · update #1

28 answers

If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends us flowers every spring and sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen.
He could live anywhere in the universe, and yet He chose your heart......

Wherever I am in this life, right here, right now, is where God meant for me to be
The trials and tribulations, the pain and self-doubt that I am going through
are all a part of his lesson plan as He refines and strengthens me
I have no right to give up on myself because God never did......
He was always there waiting patiently to love, to listen, to comfort, to heal
and to show me that once I learned to forgive myself and love myself
I would be free to love others and to share a joy I never knew I could feel.
I have no regrets as I leave the past behind, for I know I am never alone
Whenever I need Him He is always there, ready to guide me home
Right here, right now, I know that I am a blessed, beautiful child of God
Softlyseeking Spirit, and the comfort of His unconditional love....

So don't ever think you're ugly because you are not, you were made perfect in God's image. You might be different but you're God's beatifully made creation. And with God, all things are possible including finding your true love who is out there. Do what you feel is right in your heart and don't have to ask anyone's advice for it, God will help you as He'd always done in your life in the past regarding all personal needs and wants.

2007-06-23 13:04:48 · answer #1 · answered by bEiNg DiScIpLiNeD 5 · 3 0

First of all--stop trying. Trying to get someone is very much like those revolving doors. No matter how many times you go through them, you will only end up in two places-1) alone or 2) with someone but still feeling alone.

Try making friends with women and see how that goes first. You say you are intimidated by women, but it seems you just don't understand them. Making platonic girl friends may help. Besides these friendships with girls also provide more opportunities to meet other girls.

Don't know what to say about the mail-order brides. These women may not know any better & submit their lives for this as a last resort for "better life." Thing is you seem like a nice guy who just hasn't relaxed a bit. I think you will marry your best friend (a girl of course :P).

Good luck & cheers!

2007-06-21 18:02:22 · answer #2 · answered by inquisitivegirl 2 · 0 0

Bars and clubs? To begin with sir, you are looking in the wrong places for a truly decent woman. Sure there are some there, but not many. Also a decent guy usually isn't found single in a bar looking either. As far as you looking ugly, have you ever heard beauty is in the eyes of the beholder? There is absolutely no doubt that you are loaded with insecurities. Now as far as mail order brides..... Have you ever met a man that is living a wonderful life with a mail order bride? I didnt think so. So many of these women come from poverty stricken places with legal issues and are only interested in gaining legal entry into the states that its scary. I have known two such men that went that route and neither of them lasted more than 90 days past the marraige. I truly hate to say this, but at 32 years of age, its time to grow some hangers. What more can a woman say to you other than no when asked for a date? Saying anything more (like the one that you described) shows a true lack of intelligence on theyre part. So dont sweat it. Maybe your expectations are too high. Who knows this for sure. The one thing that I can assure you is that the states are far more richer with decent, single, interesting females for you than that of other countries. My opinion is that you should forget about the idea of "buying" a woman who for the most part is only interested in you for what you can do for her. Go to the beach this summer. Look in your local paper for singles activities. Place an ad in the singles sections for dates. Go to a dating firm. Hell even signing into a dating sight on the web would be better than mail order (and Im no fan of those either). Now this may sound a bit redicules, but what state do you live in? Is it a state that has controlled cat houses? It may be a good idea to visit a pro to build some confidence before starting out cold. I would imagine that one of the reasons that women dont find you stimulating is because of your lack of experience in conversation with them. I am a very happily married man and have been for several years, but I would venture to bet that if you and I were to go out on the town here one night, you would wind up layed. Its all in your sense of confidence. Have you dated every single woman in the US? Then to say that they all refuse to date you is just another way of saying Ive got no balls. When I hear stories such as yours, I often wander...In what cave has this guy lived all of his life? There is some one for everyone. So relax, slow down and heed some pointers from other guys.

2007-06-21 18:33:44 · answer #3 · answered by pappysgotitgoinon 5 · 0 0

You just aren't trying hard enough. And you lack of confidence shows. There are many people far uglier than you that get plenty of women.
A mail order bride is for someone who has just given up, and only think about their own needs. It's not love, she is marrying you so she can live in America, and you just want her so you can say you aren't a virgin. Try different places other than clubs bars and church. Let your friends set you up, and try dating services. It's going to take a while.

2007-06-21 17:55:52 · answer #4 · answered by kjhbh, 5 · 0 0

Well i think you need more confidence. You are not ugly. Come on. Ive met real UGLY guys who had loads of girls. They were very confident. Do you know of the saying "men fall in love with their eyes, women fall in love with their ears?" Charm them...entice them......you have lots to learn. If you reach 50 and still nobody, mail order brides would be an option. Not now though. Don't let those superficial women get you down. Bars and clubs are not the places to meet good women...try someplace else.. good luck and remember it's all about "charisma"...

2007-06-21 19:22:22 · answer #5 · answered by cole_nafr 2 · 0 1

Confidence is the key my man. Dating boils down to confidence. I don't think a mail order bride is your answer. I think you need to go down to Beverly Hills and tell that same girl, "You got charged $4,000 for those? You should return them tomorrow." Because women like that need a man to tell them how it is. A normal girl isn't full of themselves. Most women lack self confidence. They are always worried about their chest, butt, teeth, whatever. Not to sound like an idiot, but you need to take notes from the 40-year old virgin. Quit putting the pu$$y on a pedestal.

Just be yourself man. Whatever that might be. Be yourself. Thats the only way you will be truly confident. Don't worry about what women want. A woman wants a man who knows what he wants.....then goes after it!

Good luck!

2007-06-21 17:59:46 · answer #6 · answered by coreydennis2003 2 · 1 1

bars are a no no for anyone looking for someone good, unless you're just trying to get laid (which is also a no no). you need to go to coffee shops, stores, anyplace really that doesn't involve alcohol. you honestly don't have to get a mail order bride, you're just looking wrong. everyday, just talk to women, small talk really. for example, you're waiting in line for the check out at the grocery store. just make a comment about the line. or at the coffee shop (try not to do starbucks, inless it's a nice looking girl) and buy them something. if you notice a woman reading, ask her what book it is, or if you have read that book before and you liked it.
eventually, you will get better and better talking to NORMAL women and they'll see that you're confident, and just a great guy.
boost your self esteem too b/c how could you want someone to love you if you don't love yourself?

2007-06-21 18:02:41 · answer #7 · answered by lexybex 2 · 0 0

Maybe you are trying to hard. But don't expect a girl to come up to you, that is what would make you a loser. And have you ever considered face surgery?One more thing, believe me I don't want a Brad Pitt. Guys like that have the idea that they get any girl they want and so they will very often just play them.

2007-06-21 17:59:21 · answer #8 · answered by princess 1 · 0 0

you don't have a high opinion of women though - I've seen some of your previous answers - perhaps you can't meet a girl because she senses your dislike and distrust of women in general.

Oh, and by the way, please don't tarnish all women witrh the same brush - nothing will turn us opff faster - How can you say every single woman refuses to date you ??? Have you asked them all???? you sound very immature - I guess it shows.

So, the girl with the fake boobs was mean, so what - you should have laughed pointed and said "You paid $4000 for those ????? ha ha ha " and walked away -

Grow up.

2007-06-21 17:59:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well go ahead and get one brother...You don't need our permission to get hooked up...Lots of ways to be happy in life and if this is what gets the job done for you then right on....Don't live your life according to other people's standards and for god's sake stop looking for your future wife in a bar...Try some online dating or something before you dish out the bucks for an online bride.

2007-06-21 17:55:58 · answer #10 · answered by theanswerman 4 · 0 0

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