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I see so many questions that are asking why we believe something that's not proven. Well, here's the answer to that disturbing question. We have been changed in our spirits, by the Holy Spirit, and we just know. We can see another Christian, who is a TRUE Christian, and identify him/her right away by the light in their eyes. It is a sense that grows gradually stronger, as one's life with Christ does. It is something that has to be felt, to be appreciated. Having faith enough to KNOW in your heart, that no matter what, you are protected by the one who can create a universe, and create YOU. It's pretty awesome, and I'd wish it on my worst enemy!

2007-06-21 17:43:00 · 19 answers · asked by KJ 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Rich~ I share your passion for nature too. No, it seems that we aren't that different! I wish everyone was as sensitive to the beauty in the world!! Peace!

2007-06-22 15:04:14 · update #1

I'd rather live like there's a hell, and find out there isn't, than live like there's not, and find out there is!! And I sacrifice nothing, because the material world isn't my bag anyway. I'd rather sit by the ocean than shop.

2007-06-22 15:08:24 · update #2

Printninja~ whatever trips your trigger

2007-06-22 15:11:10 · update #3

naw m~ yeah, well said!

2007-06-22 15:12:55 · update #4

Tuberoot~ Amen

2007-06-22 15:14:09 · update #5

Full Gospel Shirley~ Glad to know you!

2007-06-22 15:17:34 · update #6

19 answers

Amen to all your words, that are truly spoken by a CHILD OF GOD. You have strong, unmoveable faith, and we are called to taht. GOD is so blessing you. Continue with Jesus, walking in the Spirit, living in the Spirit, and having SOME of the kingdom of God right here on this earth now, as you have been so blessed. I too have very strong faith and it is God that blesses me every moment of every day. As long as we stay in Him, we will have every answer to every question we need answers for.
Now, back to your question. No, I dont find it amazing that Christians can believe in God. I find it utterly amazing when ppl do not believe in GOD. THere is so much evidence around us at all times of this God that designed this whole plan for His glory. It is all INTELLIGENT DEISIGN of God, It is creation of God, not evolution as the devil so greatly has tried to get so many to believe, and many do. But, the fact is, God says more will come in during these last days, so we dont give up. WE keep living truth, obeying truth, speaking truth boldly as Jesus did. We cannot compromise on Gods word, not even a little. Cant change one little thing. Cant add to His word or take away from His word. It is JUST as HE says it is. Many will come into Gods Kingdom in these last days, and many will become more rebellious towards God and leave their faith> Its all talked about in the Bible, thats how we KNOW it is truth. It is just in our KNOW. and we dont give up. we just keep praying, speaking for change, and believing for it, according to the will and puposes of GOD. as He says it, not as we say it. We call out things that arent as tho they already are. And you know what, Faith is still what moves mountains today. The stronger our faith, the easier our mountains will move. Yes, a true Christian KNOWS all of these things in their heart, and celebrates Jesus every single day. We must pray without ceasing, and walk in the Spirit moment by moment, and God will renew our faith, restore us to wholeness, and give us a spirit of revivial in our hearts and minds continually. Walking in the Spirit of Gods love is the key, that and strong FAITH. Your words are an encouragement. God bless you. Press on with Jesus.

2007-06-22 02:49:52 · answer #1 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 0 0

It's amazing that Christians believe in Bible god because not only is it not proven, but there is no evidence at all for it's existence. There is even evidence to support it's non-existence if it's the same being reported in the Bible.

If you can tell if someone is a Christian or not by looking at them then I am sure James Randi has a check for a million bucks waiting for you to prove this ludicrous claim.


Faith is not a way to knowledge. If you had knowledge you wouldn't need faith.

"Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, "yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come down, down. down. Amen!" If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it." - Dan Barker (former preacher)

As for god protecting people: Tell that to the good Christian parents who are sitting somewhere in a Children's Hospital watching their child die a slow horrible death from Leukemia right now.

You say that it is something that has to be felt to be appreciated. Christians aren't privy to some special feelings or sensations that others aren't. People of all religions and people of no religion can become emotionally overwhelmed or feel a deep sense of awe or joy etc.. come over them. Quit thinking that only Christians share these experiences that are a part of human nature. You aren't special.

2007-06-21 18:14:10 · answer #2 · answered by AiW 5 · 0 0

Because faith in the supernatural is dangerously consoling- it's the opiate of the masses, according to Karl Marx, and I totally agree. Many Christians do not study the Bible with alacrity and dedication.

How about you about reading the whole bible( spend 15-30 minutes each day, and you'll be finished within a year) and really, begin from Exodus. I want you to understand the cruel, despotically -overpowering ,blood thirty being Yahweh is. I want you to read about what happened to the freed Israelites once Moses had been commanded by God to tell the Pharoah to liberate them. I want you carefully scrutinize this sonorous line-reiterated after almost every passage in the beginning of Exodus, "but I will harden Pharoah's heart, so that he will NOT let the people go" God ordered the Pharoah to let them go- so then why was he hardening the kings heart so that he will adamantly REFUSE to let them go? I would especially like for you to carefully read the book of Job, and to really get a more profound insight upon Yahweh's diabolical nature. Read upon what happens to Job, a noble God- fearing man from OZ who bore 10 children and cared for plenty of animals. Read and meticulously observe how God made a pact with Satan by unsuspectingly slaughtering all his children and animals- only to see if this respectable man would curse him once in return.

To really comprehend the genuinely sadistic, insidious character of God, read Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Judges, and Job. Those books are extremely compelling.

- A girl who doesn't pick and choose which verses to study, evangelize or commit to memory

2007-06-21 17:50:20 · answer #3 · answered by Abi 2 · 1 0

Emotions are emotions.................you can get the SAME FEELINGS through any religion or NONE AT ALL. You refuse to THINK about and QUESTION what you call truth, instead accepting the word of someone else that they are interpreting a book written by bronze age refugees in the correct context. You are accepting superstition without testing it for yourself except by feelings, which can be reproduced under a variety of circumstances. Feelings aren't proof.

2007-06-21 17:56:03 · answer #4 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 1 0

You're imagining things, Christian. And in Christians like Ted Haggard, the dazzling light of Christianity is often confused with the harsh ocular glare of homosexual lust or the actinic incandescence of carnal lust. It's really, really, hard to tell these lights apart, so silly sheep-like Christians often back the wrong leader just because his eyes glow.

Silly Christians, tricks are for CHUMPS!

2007-06-21 18:09:20 · answer #5 · answered by PIERRE S 4 · 1 0

What a GREAT post. I too as a Christian get sickened by the number of questions about God put in a rude manner here on Yahoo Answers. There is nothing wrong with being curious, but to many people put us down for believing, and loving our Saviour Jesus Christ. I hit the question with scripture, and advice on how they can turn there life to the Lord. Don't be mad at these people, embrace them. We are to seek out the sinners, and the lost and bring them to the Lord.

Again, great post. !!!

2007-06-21 17:51:27 · answer #6 · answered by wisconsindeathtrip03 3 · 0 2

"It has no info, you haven't any longer any thought who wrote it, you haven't any longer any thought no count number if that's certainly actual" possibly you ought to do a touch study.... because it has many info... like did you already know the Bible mentions atoms? (Hebrews 11:3) and there's a lot of evidence for virtually each and every of the thoughts interior the Bible that asserts they occurred. and it certainly passes the attempt of an historic historic record extra advantageous than virtually the different we've at present. "did no longer the previous testomony say you may sell your daughter as a slave" the passage interior the Bible is unquestionably there to assist look after the girl's rights (in a time whilst human beings might ought to sell their daughters because of the fact they have been in debt and could no longer get out of it)... because it says that if she is positioned into slavery the owner can't sell her and can't have her as a intercourse slave... and because it states someplace else interior the regulation you may basically have hebrew slaves for a max of 7 years. "stone your new child to loss of life for changing to a distinctive faith" the civil punishments have been made to be complete with the help of a particular team of human beings, and earlier the punishment happend the guy in question might bypass to courtroom and for all circumstances the place it would require civil punishment a minimum of two witnesses had to testify against the defendant and the witnesses ought to no longer be the guy's kin or enemy and then the courtroom will do a go examination.... with the loopholes the Bible supplies them to rule out defective witnesses it there develop into so little civil punishment going on that if a courtroom sentenced somebody to be killed extra advantageous than as quickly as each and every 7 years the courtroom develop into considered murderous. "What makes you so specific that there is heaven and hell?" that i will basically say demands faith, and consistent with risk a touch little bit of excellent judgment in case you already know that we've a writer...

2016-10-18 08:05:49 · answer #7 · answered by boice 4 · 0 0

That's a mental patient kind of answer -- I believe I'm Napoleon, therefore I am.

The fact that you feel something doesn't make it real. People of other religions feel just as strongly as you do, yet you would probably tell them they're wrong because they have different beliefs.

Feelings are just that -- feelings. They come from you, not some outside source.

2007-06-21 17:50:37 · answer #8 · answered by YY4Me 7 · 2 0

This ridiculous attitude was the only one Christians could afford when they were being slaughtered en mass by the Romans. Since they had no way to avoid death, they employed the only thing they had left.


And to this day, the quality shines through. Your question proves this splendidly. Thank you.

2007-06-21 17:53:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Same goes for, say, a Buddhist. They just know. Christians aren't special in that. Everyone thinks they're right.

Also, that "light in their eyes" thing is total bollocks. People who don't know me assume I'm Christian because that's what everyone is around here. There's no light, you boob.

2007-06-21 18:00:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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