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could there have been another way of forgiving the sin of Adam or was there a larger issue involved?

2007-06-21 17:39:13 · 11 answers · asked by zorrro857 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

Well, the larger issue was that he died for all people (past, present and future). God use to allow animal sacrifices, but they had to be done often. He sought one sacrifice to cover all sin and that was Jesus.

2007-06-21 17:43:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I didn't always understand why Jesus had to come down to earth and die for us. Couldn't some blessed prophet do it? Why God's only son? I was told that Adam's blood was perfect, and that no one on earth could match it (the mosaic law called for 'an eye for an eye') Someone equal to Adam had to do it. It also had to show that a human being could be loyal to God until the end, as an answer to Satan, who was the reason the first humans sinned. So, Jesus did not only come down to save humanity, but to prove a point to all the heavens and the earth, that humans do deserve a second chance, that we can live under God's law.

2007-06-22 03:48:05 · answer #2 · answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7 · 0 0

I really don't think that there was another way.

It's a spiritual thing, and we typically don't understand what that really means. We can't typically see them, and we can't even wrap an understanding around eternity, a time without time. Mindblowing! Isn't it?

So we have this spiritual world where nothing can really die. And there are consequences for things that need special attention. That's what God did with those circumstances, He changed the access to Him with Jesus. He made an impossible thing possible. He wouldn't accept sin, yet He made a way for some sinners to rid themselves of it.

Just writing this blows my mind! Are these my fingers typing this out?! The depth of these things are beyond fathoming.

2007-06-22 00:49:50 · answer #3 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 3 0

Well Jesus prayed if there was another way, to let it be done that way... But the fact is he still died on the cross so no matter how much plotting or conspiring we do, apparently God felt it was the only way. But just today I realized something. The Jews were agricultural people and sacrificed their best animal as a sign of their sincerity. Anyone would give something that means little to them, but to give your most prized possession shows your seriousness. Now....... Jesus refers to us as sheep, and typically the shepherd would kill one of his sheep to atone for his sins. Yet as it goes, we are the ones with the sin, and Christ, the one making the sacrifice was without sin. Instead of sacrificing his favorite sheep, he said, "No, take my blood instead". You see it totally reverses the Jewish law. The Jewish law required a shepherd that broke the law to kill their best sheep. Instead, Christ was a shepherd without sin that died for the wrongdoing of his sheep. In some ways there are so many similarities between the Old and New Testament, like Moses and Jesus were both lawgivers and judge, but there are many differences too, and this is one of them. There is something else I was just going to say, but forgot.........

2007-06-22 00:50:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It is a long story.But I will shorten it as much as I can.
When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden,God killed a lamb to cover them.
The lamb gave its blood ,sacrificed its life to cover the nakedness .
So in Gods anger He cursed mankind.
The blood has always been required for the covering of sin.
But God made a better way.He became flesh ,and took the place of the lamb.The blood of Jesus Christ does that which ,no other blood could do.
The blood of Jesus is able to not only cover your sins,but forgive them .
Jesus is the Lamb of God,the Lion of Judah.
I hope this helped.<><

2007-06-22 00:52:25 · answer #5 · answered by funnana 6 · 1 0

No, there was no other way to forgive the sin of Adam.

Remember what Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane the night before He was crucified. In Matthew 26, verse 39 He prayed.

And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will."

The cup refers to the cup of suffering, that is to say, the crucifixion that would take place the next day.

If there had been another way He wouldn't have gone to the cross. It would not have been necessary.

2007-06-22 00:48:01 · answer #6 · answered by Northstar 7 · 2 0

Jesus didn't die just for Adams sins, He died for all man kinds sins. Since no human is with out sin, Jesus, who was without sin, died for all of our sins. There is more to it than just that, but that would take more room then we have to go into it.

2007-06-22 00:48:56 · answer #7 · answered by jenx 6 · 2 0

Adam was a perfect human, so the only way was for a perfect human sacrifice. Jesus was born a perfect human. He was given so that he could buy us back from sin. Think of it as if you were to borrower money. If you borrow $10.00 from a friend, would they be happy only getting $3.00 back. No, to pay off your dept you would need to pay back the full amount. Jesus paid off our dept.

2007-06-22 13:53:00 · answer #8 · answered by purplemrskitty 2 · 0 0

So He would'nt have to die for the sin of Eve?

2007-06-22 00:51:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

to reconcile the fallen man back to the almighty

2007-06-22 02:17:23 · answer #10 · answered by Silly BaBy505 1 · 0 0

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