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29 answers

yes most definately. I was driving on I95 in south florida and a bunch of big trucks with logs or something strapped down to them past me up and I suddenly got a flat tire. I was alone and scared. But a local truck to help move vehicles stoped to help me and I eventually got back on the road. I was mad because I was running behind schedule and then there was a traffic jam. I got a little more mad before I could get up to see what the problem was.
I was no longer mad because it was the trucks I was traveling with in a bad accident and I would have been killed because I had a small car. I knew then and there that an Angel gave me that flat tire.

2007-06-21 16:57:16 · answer #1 · answered by NANCY J 5 · 2 0


Water skiing (slalom) in the Sacramento delta about 15 years ago. I wiped out just as I was starting my cut back in a narrow slough. I hydroplaned on my back towards the levy made of sharp rocks. But just before I reached the rocks I was suddenly stopped, it felt like being caught in a large catchers mitt. I stood up in 2 feet of water standing on the rocks looking for what stopped me. There wasn't anything there that could explain my stop. I thought it was cool, but then realized what had happened when I looked at the rocks and saw that my splash reached the top of the 35-40 foot levy and I was standing at the bottom.

When the boat came back they all thought I was going to be injured badly or even killed. They were all amazed that I was standing there uninjured.

I was moving way too fast to have stopped so suddenly with out some kind of intervention. I can't explain how I stopped. I just know that I did and I know how it felt. Angel or not it was a miracle and someone was watching out for me.

2007-06-22 00:15:15 · answer #2 · answered by slice of jam 3 · 0 0

Yes--and more than once. My fiance and I were involved in a bad accident where the car rolled over and slid back the direction we came from 50 yards or more on ice and snow. It was before mandatory seat belts and I was thrown into the back seat. He got out of the car but was in shock and didn't realize I was trapped. I freaked out because I was afraid the car would catch on fire.

Another time I needed surgery and when the incision was made the doctor discovered my appendix had ruptured without me having any warning signs. If they hadn't operated, I would have died for sure. There was one other medical emergency that I was too sick to realize how close I was to dying until afterwards.

Each time I thanked my Guardian Angel. Now that I'm older I have to wonder if it was just that the Devil didn't want me!

2007-06-21 23:57:26 · answer #3 · answered by goldie 6 · 1 0

Just weeks before my 30th birthday I was in a severe auto accident. I was driving to work at midnight, I lived out in the country, so there weren't many on the road. Next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital 4 hours away, 3 weeks later.

Evidently my headache had made me pass out, I hit the embankment on my left, veered across the rode down a 25 foot cliff into a creek. My truck hit the water front first, standing on end. The ambulance had to have the tow truck driver lower the rescue worker down to me and then pull me up.

When I was life flighted to the hosptial, my husband got there as fast as possible. He was told that I had been in the water too long and I would have to have my feet amputated and I would have brain damage IF I ever woke.

THANK GOD my husband had faith. He wouldn't let them amputate and I woke up three weeks later without a scratch. And no Drain Bamage. :-) I had an angel looking over me and my family.

2007-06-21 23:59:05 · answer #4 · answered by Wendy C 1 · 2 0

Many times, I have been in a few car accidents, including one where I unfortunately hit a deer. My car was totaled, but all that happened to me was my eyeglasses were a bit bent, and that was from the airbag, not from the impact.

I avoided a really bad accident during the beginning of a sleet and snow storm, where a woman was speeding going over 65 on a windy road where it is 40, I was behind a plow and saw him start to move over slightly toward the side of the road.

I heard my deceased father in laws voice from the passenger seat to my right tell me to pull to the right honey...he always called me honey...so I did and this woman hit the plow and then bounced off of the side of my car, behind where I was sitting, if I had been over a couple of feet I would have likely been off of the road down in a ditch and deceased.

The plow driver was watching in his mirror after she hit his plow blade and said that it looked like my car got pushed in behind him, it wasn't moving normally, even though I remember steering it quickly to the right, but he kept saying that the back end of my car was moving toward the edge of the pavement ahead of the front end, even the police investigators could not figure it out with any sense of logic. There were no marks indicating that I had lost control of my car and thus the back end would've moved first.

The skid marks that the woman's car had made on the road indicated that she was still traveling close to 60 mph when she struck my car and I was stopped, but in a little Metro but my car did not move and only sustained a couple of hundred dollars damage.

I have angels and have been truly blessed.

2007-06-22 00:11:44 · answer #5 · answered by Sue F 7 · 0 0

Yeah sort of...let me explain.
When I was a kid I was in a lake and fell in a hole in which the water went really deep.
So here I am barely able to bob up and down so that my dad cant catch a glimpse of my head. I did this for about 10 minutes...soon I began to tire and started to sink. I started praying cause that's what I thought to do. At that point my dad (who thought I was playing a game) got the drift and came and rescued me. I almost died and I was throwing up water.
Anyway happy to be alive and also shocked that I hadn't crapped my pants I started looking for a restroom.
As I was walking on the side of the road a four wheeler comes and mows my feet down.
By this time I thought 2 things a)God had it out for me or B) I had horrible luck.
A few years later I looked back at that day and decided A and B were wrong assumptions because there was no god and there was no luck and so the bottom line is sometimes life sucks.

2007-06-22 00:02:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Yes and No.

I have escaped getting injured. But No, I didn't think that I was just saved by an Angel.

2007-06-21 23:54:35 · answer #7 · answered by Sapere Aude 5 · 0 1

You know, I think that's I've been saved from Angels many times. I don't really think about them much and I guess that's the point. Kinda similar if you look out for someone and you do what you can to help them without seeking attention to yourself. Wow! What an awesome God we have! :)

2007-06-21 23:56:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When I thought I was going to be left alone raising a baby on my own, I met my angel. A man unlike all others. While there are times his halo is crooked, his wings are always on straight and ready to protect me from the hurts of the world.

2007-06-22 02:47:22 · answer #9 · answered by Young Photography 2 · 0 0

yes a major road accident which happened while i was on sitting behind on the bike. Me and my friend was on the highway and while overtaking the bus suddenly a dog came infront of us, we were on 110 Km/h so my friend did use breaks (good decision) as several vehicles were just behind us. We banged with the dog and scattered from the bike on the road i rolled around 30 meters from the point of collision. It took around one month to recover from that injury. even after the accident and injured badly we drove the bike to home around 150 Km

2007-06-21 23:59:46 · answer #10 · answered by Abhinav Sah 3 · 1 0

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