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I have my own opinions, but I am interested in what other people think.

2007-06-21 14:59:59 · 38 answers · asked by katherinernilson 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

38 answers

A woman on disability. She gets a check every month, and gets to stay home to do things that need to be done. Like get my food ready, wash my clothing, take care of my kids, pay my bills, etc etc. That way when im out with my girlfriend I don't have to worry about those "Petty" issues women seem to mess up (somehow!)

2007-06-21 15:03:48 · answer #1 · answered by studiousprofessor 2 · 0 6

Heehee... doesn't this have the potential to open a can of worms... neither is better than the other in my opinion, I think the mom makes the choice which best suits her family whichever the circumstances might be... i class myself as both... I am a part time nanny but my son comes to work with me and stays with me the whole time. The mother i work for gets a lot of negative attitudes from the other moms as she lives in a area where most are stay at home while the hubbys work. Its sad, because the truth is, she's single with no financial support and chooses to work to provide more for the kids and my main purpose is to spend time with the kids so they are not home alone after school... everyone has different views and choices and only they can choose the right one for themselves... so again.. neither...

2007-06-21 15:08:22 · answer #2 · answered by JK 79 3 · 2 0

I actually read somewhere that people are realizing these days that it is financially better for one parent (not necessarily the mother) to stay at home and take care of the kids because child care costs so much these days. However, it's USUALLY the mother, and statistics also show that for every child a woman has, her income will decrease by 7 percent. If you have an actual career, and not just a job, it might be wise to keep working because of the pay raises and promotions you could be getting over the next few years. It's a tough call.

If you just mean morally, I don't know. do whatever you want. I think as long as it makes you happy, you should do whatever you want.

2007-06-21 15:16:11 · answer #3 · answered by Dolyn 6 · 0 0

what kind of option is neither? I think if you have the choice, it is wonderful to work in a part time job where you can make some money and have a life of your own beisdes being a mother and have flexibility and not too much responsibility to your job so that your kids can come first no matter what. I think that's pretty ideal.
Unfortunately, most of us live in the real world where we need money and have responsibilities and have to make priorities. Many women do not enjoy staying at home full time with their children and doing nothing but mothering. I love being amother and i have done it exclusively on and off for nearly 18 years. I have never worked full time but, I have worked part time some of the time. Most of the time this has worked out really well but, I'm very lucky because my husband wants to work full time and he makes enough that it is not required that I make a lot of money in my job. If both of the parents have jobs with big responsibilities, some where along the line the children are going to be left wanting because they will not be able to come first. Older chidlren may be able to understand this but, a two year old with the chicken pox would really be happier if one of his parents could stay home with him. In an ideal world someone should.

2007-06-21 15:10:02 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's what is better for the mom and her family. Some women want to stay at home but aren't able to because of financial reasons. I personally think that it's very rewarding to stay at home with your children, which is why I quit my job. But I have several friends who work outside of the home and it works well for them and their families. That being said, I couldn't give up work entirely so I work from home and am my own boss. I'm a WAHM. Also, both are very hard work. Moms are on call 24/7 whether they work out of the home or in the home (with a "job" or not). I don't think people can say that one is really "better" because it depends on so many things and asking others to say which is "better" lends to people judging where it's really not their place. Does that make sense? :)

2007-06-22 04:16:05 · answer #5 · answered by WAHMmy 2 · 0 0

Me & my husband have this battle all the time. I believe that a stay @ home mom does the same amount of work as a working mom. Stay @ home mom works 24/7 andvthere is never a break and someone always need you. When a mom who goes to work has a break away from the child. It not about how much work because the "work" is on a completely different work level. But the type of work a working mom does is different. So I think they are equal.

2007-06-21 15:12:46 · answer #6 · answered by luvae3187 2 · 0 1

i think its better being a stay at home mom i think its harder than getting your kid to a nursery and then you go to work . But i think if you are working or a stay at home mom you love the child the same the only difference is that when you are at home you get to teach your child everything when you leave them at a nursery someone elses does it. I do now that some moms will love to stay with their kids and they cant some moms got to work hard so they can give their kids a piece of bread to their mouths. So in my opinion i prefer to b a stay at home mom but i dont judge the working moms live is hard and sometimes you cant do what you want and that dosent make it wrong.

2007-06-21 15:12:50 · answer #7 · answered by user 3 · 0 0

I think different things are right for each person. I think a woman should have her own goals and dreams. I don't feel that a womans entire life should be about her child, even though it basically is. Just because you are a mother doesn't mean you can't have a career. But, some women really have no dreams of their own. I think you should have the right to do what you want and not be persecuted for it. I am going to college and staying home with my son. I only go a few days a week, and I still get plenty of time with my son. I am doing what I want to do, and I really don't care what anyone thinks about it. I think that it's good for a woman to make her own money.

2007-06-21 15:08:41 · answer #8 · answered by Autumn 2 · 1 0

I don't think either one is better. I've been both. When I worked I did it because my family needed me too. Now that I don't have to work I stay at home and I have noticed that because of it my kids are better behaved, happier, and that we are closer. Some people think that being a stay at home mom is easier. Its not. For me it is way more work. Now that I am a stay at home mom I do a lot more things I couldn't have done while working. I wonder why they call us stay at home moms anyways? With itty bitty ball, swimming, dance, kinder music, piano, literature appreciation, and PTA I am still waiting for the part were I get to stay at home.

2007-06-21 15:14:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've done both. They both have advantages. It is up to the family. For us I am a much happier mom when I'm working. I was raised by a working mom and never considered being a stay at home mom until I fell into it by accident for 3 years.
My kids love their day care and school. They have way more friends than they had when I was at home. They are exposed to a wider variety of experiences. We can afford art classes and gymnastics (they are limited to one activity each, no over scheduling kids need to play). And I come home ready to spend time with my family. Happy to be doing what I went to school for years for. Feeling much more fulfilled than I did staying at home.

2007-06-21 15:08:49 · answer #10 · answered by Heather 3 · 1 0

Well, I am a stay at home mom. My husband and I decided he could make enough w/his job that I would not have to work...outside the home that is.
I do work...I cook, clean, do laundry, shop for food etc. I volunteer at my daughter's school, I'm a vp on the PTA board (i'm in charge of all the room parents for the whole school) and much more. Don't let the SAHM thing fool you we just don't get paid, but we sure work are bums off.
My mom worked growing up and I missed it when other mom's came to pick up their kids from school, came to assemblies, came for the class party's and all the other activities. I know thier are mom's out there that try to fit all if not some of these things in along w/the job and I applaud them.
SAHM and LOVE IT!!!!

2007-06-21 15:05:31 · answer #11 · answered by starlight 5 · 1 1

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