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2007-06-21 14:51:50 · 21 answers · asked by richard b 1 in Politics & Government Military

To all of the idiots who dismiss the question by characterizing it as playing "the race card" or describing me as a racist .first of all get a dictionary and find out what a racist is .secondly there are companies ,minority companys with the man power and logistics who had the foresite to invest their money to develope their bussiness and still cant get lucrative gov.contracts .so for all you inbred idiots who cant give a productive answer to the question go back to bed with your sister or brother respectively and let people with something of substance contribute

2007-06-21 15:21:42 · update #1

To the young lady in the wings who obviously doesnt own a dictionary once again get one and look up the word racist.Next not only am educated i went to a college whos name you probably couldnt spell.As for poor minority I own my own Company and was featured in several well known business trade magizines .You seem like the one who has a problem with race and prejudice.Your ranting and raveing only confirms the fact that there are still people who have a problem believeing that race does play a pivital role in bussiness and as for you assanine assertion that the government doesnt consider race when awarding anything shows that not only did you miss the last 30 years in this country but that youve probibly never done anything in the real world but take orders at some fast food resturant . My question was a simple one ,why it envoked so much anger only lets me know that im in the right place .i think ill stay and take in the sights.oh yeah roll over and tell your dad i said hi.

2007-06-21 16:11:21 · update #2

21 answers

You're better off staying out of Iraq! Although, I heard on the news once that the terrorists are superstitious about killing black people.

2007-06-21 15:00:47 · answer #1 · answered by DF25 1 · 2 1

And how do you know this??

EDIT~~So, you're NOT a racist?? You made a broad generalization about the people answering this question as "inbreds" who sleep with their siblings. Can you please tell me HOW that is not racist?? It sounds like a bunch of bullsh*t about "minority" businesses not being able to get contracts in Iraq. It DOES sound like you are, like you have probably done a MILLION other times, playing the race card. "Poor me, poor me....I am a minority, poor me". If "Minority" businesses aren't getting contracts over there then it's because that specific business is either, not needed or NOT QUALIFIED. I HIGHLY doubt that the American government is saying "don't give that company a contract, it's ran by a minority"....PLEASE. Can you show some kind of data to prove what you are saying or is it just one of your MANY rantings about how the white man has held the black man back??? You are as MUCH a racist, uneducated idiot as ANY KKK member. Go buy yourself a 40, roll a "blunt", and you and your "hoe" go listen to some Snoop Doggy Dog (Hmmmm, sounds like the same kinda generalization that YOU made about US "inbreds"). Get educated, THEN ask a question.

EDIT #2~~~You went to a college that I couldn't even spell huh?? LMAO....let me tell you all the words in that "feel bad for the poor black man" rant, that you spelled WRONG.....

magizines (magazines)
raveing (raving)
believeing (believing)
pivital (pivotal)
bussiness (business)
assanine (asinine)
probibly (probably)
resturant (restaurant)
envoked (invoked)

Soooooo, your so-called "business" hasn't been given a contract in Iraq, not because you're black but because you're a moron. Whatever college you went to, GET YOUR MONEY BACK!! The education didn't stick. And it wasn't the uneducated, baseless question that you asked that pissed people off, it was calling us "inbreds" and telling us to go "sleep with our sister." Why is is alright for a black person to make broad, RACIST comments but when a white person does it, OMG, it's the END of the world?? Please, go smoke another blunt homey.

2007-06-21 15:13:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

If you want whats causing 50% of the problem, I suggest you google "Kellog, Brown, and Root". The pentagon has them doing most of the contracting work in Iraq. They're job is to hire other companies, who hire even more compaines, who then hire workers, to provide Reconstruction services.

Total there are 4 levels of profit making in just contracting before any work gets done.

I suggest you read the book in the link below. You'd be amazed at how the companies that are working in Iraq get those contracts (hint: a whole lot of old war buddies trying to make a living the only way they know how).

the other 50% of the problem, there aren't a whole lot of minority-American owned businesses that are global. Especially the kind needed in the Iraq reconstruction (security, electrical services, waterworks, and construction). Just try googling "Minority owned Security company" (or any from the above), and you'll have a very small list (or a lot of links that go to nothing).

2007-06-21 15:20:31 · answer #3 · answered by paladin_hammer 1 · 2 1

They are awarding contracts to people capable of completeing the contracts. I don't know too many minorities that own businesses that have the man power, or intelligence and already invested money to complete that kind of work. It's going to corporations which are really owned by nobody. (Shareholders who may be Black, White and Brown)

Way to go and play the race card though, stupid reverse racist. Have something not go your way, and CRY about it being racist. So annoying, you people should just concentrate on education.

2007-06-21 14:56:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 2

Kevin N nailed it on every point, those things he outlay-ed are exactly whats needed to be awarded a contract. And the government would go out of its way and has for minorities who do meet the criteria!

2007-06-21 15:00:16 · answer #5 · answered by Army Retired Guy 5 · 4 1

Who ever said that it's hard?

Playing the race card again is getting really old.
You need to blame something else.

I would like to add that this is a really pathetic attempt at trying to obtain sympathy or get ones point across.
And I reported it as abuse for calling us inbred and insinuating that all white poeple are the product of incest.

2007-06-21 14:55:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 1

Contact Reichsmarshall Cheyney, I'm sure he can get you a no bid contract. Of course there may be a large kick back involved.

2007-06-28 14:51:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The race card play by the Dems is seriously getting over used, nobody takes it seriously any more.

One of these it will be relevant, but nobody will believe them because they have cried wolf too many times.

2007-06-21 15:00:05 · answer #8 · answered by Dina W 6 · 5 1

Really? Is it hard to get contracts and jobs in Iraq? I would have thought they'd be having a real hard time finding anybody who would even want to do any contract work in Iraq these days.

2007-06-21 15:00:09 · answer #9 · answered by cynthiajean222 6 · 1 2

Because if think your Minority status entitles you to preferential treatment as you think it does in the US,,
NEWS FLASH!!! Affirmative Action is not a worldwide phenomena.

2007-06-21 15:23:20 · answer #10 · answered by kitkatish1962 5 · 4 0

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