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With all due respect to my Mormon friends out there I don't understand how a single person can remain totally celibate. Masters Bating is the most natural of urges and you lean to do this as a baby.

With that said, I'll be that most Mormons that say that they remain totally celibate do actually do this but say they don't just to appear to be some kind of super human being. I don't know anyone that would be willing to give this up for anything including a religion.

Do they take hormones to suppress sexual feelings? This just doesn't seem possible. Oh, I didn't want to actually use the word but it is a medical term so I think it's ok:)

2007-06-21 14:45:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

Yea, I think that you're right. Everyone masturbates regardless of age, sex, ethnic background, or religion. Some of these Mormons may be fooling new recruits but they certainly are not fooling me nor themselves. Sure it's gross but you learn to do it as an infant.

What about those Priests in the Catholic church that aren't gay? There are some that do not abuse altar boys and you know that they are not raping women! You cannot tell me that they are taking the same hormone therapy that these Mormons are taking? LOL We know what they are all doing.

2007-06-22 02:46:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Uhm, I think the question is nuttier than a Snickers bar.

How can a single person remain totally celibate? How about they control themselves.

It isn't "super human" to be in control of your body. I'm guessing that you smoke, drink coffee, drink alcohol, drink Pepsi, or do drugs--all things which take you out of control of your body. Anything that is used as a means of addiction takes your body out of your control.

Mormon's have been taught from the time they are very young to be "in control" of their passions.

Of course some Mormon's masterbate. Some Mormons also do drugs, drink tea, beat their wives, have sex outside of marriage, watch football on Sunday's, have evil thoughts, read pornography, and many other evil things are done by Mormon's.

But, most Mormon's try very hard not to do those things. When they error, they go to the Lord and ask forgiveness.

I think you'd find that most Mormons are people. People make mistakes. People even do stupid things sometimes.

They aren't too much different than other religions in that their Church is made up of human beings. The difference is that they try very hard at doing what is right. They try very hard at controlling their bodies.

I think most Christians consider themselves "sinners." I'm guessing most Mormon's do too.

But every Mormon I've ever known has been better at repenting, trying, and following Jesus Christ than most people in other religions.

Mormons wouldn't take "hormones" to suppress their feelings for the same reason they wouldn't take other drugs to suppress their control (without a Doctor's prescription.)

I think you're just assuming that the Mormons you've met came through the same background you did. They don't. They are taught "control" from a young age.

The quote at the link below is from their Prophet. This type of moral teaching starts with kids as young as three in formal settings--and younger in family settings. The difference is how long they've been taught chastity.

A fundamental Mormon teaching, as I understand it, is that the sexual act is good. (Very different from the Catholic belief that children are all born in "sin" because sex is sinful.) Most Mormon's have large families because both the Mormon men and the Mormon women like sex. They don't have the inhibitions that many Christians and Muslims have about sex. The only real difference is that they believe sex is supposed to be between a husband and wife, and never outside of that union. Mormon leaders even teach that sex is good from the pulpit--but that it belongs inside marriage.

2007-06-21 21:50:16 · answer #2 · answered by Lorenzo 6 · 3 1

Sexual intercourse was sanctified by God to be used ONLY between a husband and wife. It is something that CAN be controlled, if one wants to.

Science shows that sexual intercourse does things to the body that nothing else does. In fact, studies have shown that the more a couple have sex and enjoy it together, the closer they come to each other. Now, THAT canNOT be an accident. It all ahs to do with endorphins and all that.

(not to mention that sexual intercourse leads to babies, which God also sanctified.)

Other studies are showing that the more sexual partners a woman has, the more likely she is to have problems conceiving children when she eventually does decide to have them.

The media and more liberal head shrinkers would like you to think that your sexual urges are normal and natural (they are) and that you should not supress them, but act on them and glory in it. But, more and more, people are finding that being that sexually active is not as fulfilling as they thought it would be. More and more they are wishing they had been more chaste.

2007-06-23 04:57:17 · answer #3 · answered by mormon_4_jesus 7 · 2 0

I DO NOT THINK YOU LEARN the MASTER as a baby unless your parents told you to stop playing with that part of your body and you kept it up to annoy them and oops, you realized it actually feels good and releave stress. I learned it from being sexually abused. Most people don't learn about it until their teens, kids just touch it becuase its a part of their body. I think you are sorely misinformed, or have a problem with master-bating yourself as a child.
As for the mormons, I can't speak for myself, I was sexually abused and therefore learned it from being sexually abused as a baby (my dad thought he could hide it from me and my mom because I would forget it, I guess he never thought, I would do it to myself to releave stress) my mom read romance novels (both parents are mormons) and my dad had national geographic books.
I have read many psychiatry books and they all say that touching your sexual body parts as a baby is normal, but most kids don't learn to masterbate until they are in their teens when their hormones kick in, to a child a sex organ is just another part of their body, unless a predator has awaken something in their sex organs that should have never been awaken at TOO early an age in the the stage of their life.

2007-06-22 09:52:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Young men in the church are asked at age twelve by their bishop if they use their "little factory" - ever. It's part of their "priesthood interview".

However, I don't know if the young women are ever asked if they 'change their own oil'. It would seem awkward.

There are 'other' acts of erotica the 90 year old Viagra-less male leadership condemns, and have issued letters to the local leaders to ask certain questions during the temple interviews. Without going into any detail, they're not supposed to do *that* either.

Whew! I need a cigarette....

2007-06-21 22:09:47 · answer #5 · answered by Dances with Poultry 5 · 1 1

The God of the Bible, the Maker of heaven and earth made that rule and passed it onto Moses in something most commonly known not as the Ten Suggestions, but rather the Ten Commandments.

That rule applies to everyone.

Pastor Art

2007-06-21 21:53:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Most Christian denominations regard premarital sex and masturbation as sinful. You have to confess to them if you are Catholic. And it is not just Christianity -- many other religions, especially Islam, uphold premarital chastity.

Apparently, suppressing one of the most basic and satisfying of human activities is considered to be a sign that you are true to your religion. I don't understand it. If God made sex enjoyable and satisfying, why would he also expect you to deny yourself?

2007-06-21 21:53:50 · answer #7 · answered by Sandy G 6 · 2 0

Well its not official Mormon doctrine not to "do that" but a lot of them do and they are taught that from a young age by their families. Kindof like the Mormons who dont drink caffeine.
And if they are strong in their beliefs, they will want to be pure for marriage, and wanting to give as much as you can to your spouse is important to a lot of people. Yes, it is hard, but I have heard of stranger sacrifices made in the name of piety

2007-06-21 21:51:10 · answer #8 · answered by Encyclopedia Magandaca 2 · 1 1

Well, the only answer I can think of is this: Yes, they are supposed to remain completely chaste. BUT the only girls in high school I knew who were pregnant, were impregnated by Mormon boys. I'm just saying...

2007-06-21 21:50:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Would you want to give lots of power to someone who had no self control???

Chastity is not easy, however it does teach self mastery.

Christ taught not to lust after a woman that wasn't your wife. How do you masturbate without lusting??? How do you have premarital relations without lust?

Fornication is one of God's laws. There are blessing to obeying this law, and consequenses for not doing so.

2007-06-22 08:43:26 · answer #10 · answered by Ender 6 · 4 0

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