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All I know is he's a hindu god or something and he's strong, and looks like a monkey. But I'd like to know the details of the deity. Like, what does he represent. Is it strength, or is it that he's really strong, so though he may not symbolize it, as a God, he's pretty muscular? Just curious, and why did the head god decide to make this diety a strong monkey? Just cuz strength isn't the first thing that comes to mind when u think of a monkey. honest answers plz, thanks.

2007-06-21 14:40:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Hanuman's Character as Assessed by Sri Ram
Valmiki Ramayana, Sundar Kanda, Canto 3
Literal translation, verse by verse (Gita Press, Gorakhpur).

Addressing Ram and Lakshmana

Hanuman said:

Sent by that high-minded Sugriva, king of the leaders of monkeys, I, a monkey, Hanuman by name, have sought you. The said pious minded Sugriva actually seeks your friendship. Know me to be his minister, a monkey sprung from the loins of the wind-god and arrived here from Rsyamuk (mountain) in order to oblige Sugriva and disguised in the form of a recluse (Brahmin), capable as I am of going wherever I please and acting as I please.

Having spoken thus to the aforesaid heroes, Sri Ram and Lakshmana, Hanuman, for his part, who understood the true meaning of words and was an adept in expression, said nothing further.

Hearing the foregoing speech of Hanuman, the glorious Rama, who wore a most cheerful countenance, spoke (as follows) to his (half) brother Lakshamana, standing by his side:

Sri Rama said:

He who has arrived here in my presence is a minister of Sugriva, the high-minded chief of monkeys, whom alone (Sugriva) I was seeking. Answering in sweet words with affection the aforesaid monkey (Hanuman), who is a minister of Sugriva, knows how to speak and is a true tamer of foes, O Lakshmana!

To speak in the way he has done is not possible for one who has not studied Rgveda with an eye to its meaning, (who has) not memorized Yajurveda and has no knowledge of Samveda either. Surely the entire range of (Sanskrit) grammar has been studied by him in many ways, as is clear from the fact that nothing has been wrongly worded by him (even) though speaking a good deal. No fault of expression was noticed anywhere in his face nor even in his eyes, nor again in his forehead nor in his eyebrows nor in any one of his other limbs.

The speech from his bosom and articulated by his throat is marked by absence of prolixity (too great length; tedious length of speech), is unambiguous and unfaltering and does not make a grating impression (on one’s ears), uttered as it is in a modulated tone. He utters a wholesome, distinct and remarkable speech, that is grammatically correct, fluent and delightful to the mind.

Whose mind will not be rendered favourable by this wonderful speech, which has its seat in the three articulating organs (viz., the bosom, throat and head)? (To say nothing of others) the mind even of an enemy with his sword uplifted will be made friendly thereby. How can the progress of undertakings of a king in whose service no such envoy exists actually meet with success, O sinless brother? By the very pleading of an envoy, all the objects of a sovereign in whose service there happen to be agents adorned with hosts of such virtues are (surely) accomplished.

Sri Hanumanji is an incarnation of Lord Siva.

Brihaspati (the preceptor of the gods) had an attendant by the name of Punjikasthala who was cursed to assume the body of a female monkey. The curse was to be removed on her giving birth to an incarnation of Lord Siva. Accordingly, she was born as Anjana and, together with her husband Kesari (so named on account of his being as brave as a lion), lived a life of chastity and purity. She performed intense Tapasya (austerities) for a great many years, during which period she worshipped Lord Siva who being pleased with her granted her a boon. She asked that He (Lord Siva) be born to her so that she may be freed from the curse.

When Dasaratha, the king of Ayodhya was given the sacred payasa (pudding) by Agnideva to share among his wives so that they may have divine children (Ram, Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna), by divine ordinance, a bird (kite) snatched a fragment of that pudding and, whilst flying over the forest, dropped it where Anjana was engaged in worship. Pavandev (the deity presiding over the wind) delivered that fragment of pudding to the outstretched hands of Anjana who immediately swallowed it. With that grace, she, in due course, gave birth to Hanumanji. Thus we find that Lord Siva incarnated as Hanumanji in the bodily form of a monkey through the grace and blessings of his god-father Pavandev, with Anjana and Kesari as his earthly parents.

As soon as Hanumanji was born, Anjana was released from the curse and wished to return to Heaven. Hanumanji asked his mother what his future would be and how he was to earn his living. She assured him that he would never be destroyed, and said that fruits as ripe as the rising sun would form his food. Thinking that the glowing and glittering sun was food to be eaten by him, the baby Hanumanji being divine in nature, made just one leap for it. He was 1600 miles from the sun when Rahu, who was exclusively enabled to harass the sun (thus causing eclipses or obstacles to the sun) complained to Indra (king of the gods in heaven) of this new threat to his power. Indra struck Hanumanji with his thunderbolt, wounding his chin and causing him to fall down to earth.

The god-father Pavandev carried Hanumanji to Patala (the nether regions) and as he departed from the earth, all life was endangered. Brahma and all the other gods went to Patala and begged Pavandev to return. In order to appease him they conferred great boons on the baby Hanumanji. The blessings of all the gods made Hanumanji invincible and more powerful than any other being, divine or ordinary. Thus Hanumanji is an embodiment of the powers of all the gods and goddesses.

Hanumanji mentally chose Surya (the Sun-god) as his preceptor. Therefore he approached Surya with the request to be taught the scriptures so that he may manifest spiritually in daily life. Surya agreed to have Hanumanji as his disciple but pointed out that it was not possible for him to stop his journey across the sky as that would cause chaos in the world. But Hanumanji was so mighty that he surprised all the gods by facing his Guru, who had to be constantly moving, thus (Hanumanji) traversing the sky backwards and at the same time concentrating fully on his lessons.

In this way Hanumanji enabled Surya to perform his duty and to impart knowledge at the same time. Within a short period of 60 hours, Hanumanji mastered all the scriptures. Surya considered the manner in which Hanumanji accomplished his studies as sufficient dakshina (tuition fees), but Hanumanji pressed him to accept more. Surya then asked Hanumanji to assist his son Sugriva, who was living in Kishkindha, by being his minister and constant companion.

In the Service of Sri Rama

Sri Hanumanji met Sri Rama whilst Sri Rama was in banishment. Sri Rama, together with his brother Lakshamana, was searching for his wife Sita. (Sita was abducted by the demon Ravana). Their search had taken them to the vicinity of the Pampa Lake situated at the base of the mountain Risyamukha. Sugriva (together with his ministers) was hiding in this region. Sugriva was being persecuted by his brother Bali. Sugriva was suspicious that Rama and Lakshmana might have been sent by Bali to kill him. Therefore, to ascertain whether they were friends or foes, Hanumanji approached them in the guise of a Brahmin. His first words to them were such that Sri Rama immediately said to Lakshmana: "None can speak thus without mastering the Vedas and their branches. Nor is there any defect in his countenance, eyes, forehead, brows, or any of his limbs. His accents are wonderful, auspicious and captivating. Even an enemy who has his sword uplifted is moved. Indeed, success awaits the monarch whose emissaries are so accomplished."

When Lord Rama revealed his identity, Hanumanji fell prostrate before Him and Lord Rama picked him up and clasped him to His bosom. Sri Rama reveals His identity as the son of Dasaratha and prince of Ayodhya, but Hanumanji perceives Him to be the Lord of the universe and prostrates.

Thereafter the story of Hanumanji is inextricably interwoven with that of Lord Rama, and is exhaustively dealt with in the Ramayana of Valmiki and the Ramacharitamanasa of Goswami Tulasidas.

To summarise in a few words: Hanumanji introduces Lord Rama to Sugriva; goes off in search of Sita; discovers and consoles Sita in Lanka; Burns the city of Lanka and kills many demons; brings together Vibhishana and Lord Rama; returns to Lanka with Lord Rama, and features very prominently in the battle that ensues between Lord Rama and Ravana; saves the life of Lakshmana by bringing the Sanjivani (life giving herb) from the Himalayas; and served Lord Rama for as long as He lived a human life on earth.

2007-06-21 19:52:25 · answer #1 · answered by Sharma, Dr. Vinay k. 4 · 6 0

First, the right spelling is 'Hanuman'.

Second, Hanuman is deemed the deity who helps his followers to traverse life's logjams.

Third, Hanuman is the god of medicine.

Fourth, Hanuman is also the symbol of faithfulness.

The deeds of Hanuman as related in the Hindu epic the 'Ramayana' show that he faithfully served his deity Rama and Sita (avatars or manifestations of Lord Narayana -- the God of the world and Lakshmi -- the goddess of wealth and prosperity) during the 'Lanka kanda'.

The Lanka incident when Rama -- good -- had to fight with evil -- represented by Ravana -- the king of Lanka.).

Hanuman is represented as a monkey and is the son of Vayu, the Lord of air.

Hanuman occupies an important poisiton among the pantheon of Hindu gods.

It is popularly believed that during Ram Navami, the devout devotees can see Lord Hanuman in Ayodhya where the festival is celebrated with religious tenacity, much fanfare and gusto.

The most popular image of the smiling Lord Hanuman even during this festival is his tearing apart his heart (figuratively speaking) and showing the images of Rama, Lakshmi and the brother of Rama -- Lakshmana -- in the middle of his heart.

The reason why Hanuman is shown as a strong monkey is that human beings can get aid and support from Mother nature and her creations if man knows how to get them by respecting Mother nature.

This is a viable tool of promoting ecological education among the masses through religious or spiritual means which was more impressive and prevailing among the uneducated silent majority in the good olden days.

2007-06-21 14:59:58 · answer #2 · answered by Nilutpal Gogoi 3 · 3 0

Hunuman is not a monkey he is something midway between the man and the monkey . He is known for his unconditional service and devotion to his master Shri Rama . He is known to have gained many supernatural powers because of his single pointed devotion towards his master . Physical strength is one of them. Esetorically he is a symbol of a tamed mind which has become the servant of the almighty, because mind is often compared to a monkey.

2007-06-23 20:29:55 · answer #3 · answered by shivamat bhairav 4 · 3 0


All the aformentioned websites will give you details about Hanuman.

Anyway, quick answers to your question. Yes He is a deity. He is an incarnation of Shiva and he took birth along with Ram (who is an incarnation of vishnu) and he was an important character in the epic of Ramayana.

He represents lots of different things including love, devotion, faith etc. You are right he is supposed to extremely strong,, muscular and athletic and he does represent masculinity as well. It is for this reason that in ancient vedic India many wrestlers and bodybuilders were enouraged to worship him. Even today in India, many wrestling, fitness and bodybuilding gyms will have statues of him.

About the fact that "why" he is potrayed as being an ape like figure, I must admit I need to do more research myself.

2007-06-21 21:40:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0


First those who don't know anything or just started to catch glimpses of Hinduism just shut your **** ok. Don't interfere in the things which you cant answer for the sake of 2 points.

Hindus see God in any form because he is formless and he can take any form.
We see him in Monkey, Donkey, Elephant, Human form and many other forms.
Hanuman is son of Anjani (mother) so he is called Anjaneya.
He is a great devotee of Lord Rama an incarnation of Lord Vishnu (to know what is incarnation you need to refer more books) and he help the lord to find his wife Sitamata, in which he gone from India to Srilanka in search and found her.
In the war between and Lord Rama and Ravana Lords brother Lakshmana was got hurt and he was supposed have a particular medicine which is available in Himalayas so he traveled to Himalayas from Sri Lanka. When he couldn't find the particular herb or recognise it, he brought the whole mountain so Lakshmana would be saved by the doctors who know about the herb.
Much more is there about him but better you know your self further, because knowing something personally by reading helps the person to understand and leaves an imprint.
If i want to know about Bible it is better that I read it.

2007-06-21 17:39:50 · answer #5 · answered by The More I learn The More I'm Uneducated 5 · 7 0

He is considered as off spring of the wind god (Vayu) in Indian philosophy. Even while he was young he used to travel through the sky by innate power. He thought the sun as a fruit and he started on an errand to pluck it. He was nearing the sun while Indra, the chief of gods hit him with his weapon. Hence his face become resembling like a monkey. He proved himself as a best devotee of "Shri Rama" and helped Rama in finding out his wife "Sita" who was abducted by a demon king "Ravan". His wonderful episodes are crossing the ocean, finding the place where mother "Sita" is kept in custody, burning of Sri Lanka, which is Ravana's capital city and flew back to Rama to inform about the whereabouts of "Sita Devi". After the war, he accompanied Rama to Ayodhya for the Coronation cermony. He is humble but mighty.

2007-06-21 20:53:52 · answer #6 · answered by nagarajan s 4 · 2 0

First , Thanks to "There is no escape " for inquiring about the greatest devotee of all times, Hanuman is a devotee, is what devotion can be at its best. He is a eternal servant of Lard Hari, and he manifested , when Hari manifested as Rama. and OM TAT SAT , has explained beautifully for you, all other aspects.

Secondly, people with partial knowledge are most destructive, i should agree.

Though i in no way compete for completeness, Still i am pretty much annoyed by the way such a great manifestation of Shiva, As the eternal servant of Hari is treated.

-- deito

2007-06-21 17:59:48 · answer #7 · answered by deito 4 · 0 0

Devotion to Ram

H- Humility and Hope
A- Admiration (truthfulness, devotion)
U- Understanding
M- Mastery over ego
A- Acheivements
N- Nishkama-Karma (selfless Work)

2007-06-21 14:52:51 · answer #8 · answered by Shawn B 7 · 2 0

Hanuma is Sanskrit for Quadriceps thigh muscle group. Hanuman is muscular and strong.
OM TAT SAT`s answer is good.

2007-06-22 00:14:37 · answer #9 · answered by J.SWAMY I ఇ జ స్వామి 7 · 0 0

The others have given you the best answer to this.

Lord Hanuman, for short, is a hero and a role model for many of us to follow...

2007-06-21 21:21:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

we hindus see god in every creation of god.for us god is everyehere ,in everyone.it is how u are searching.during satyug hanuman helped Rama for a noble cause,so he became a god.have faith in god and love everyone.

2007-06-24 22:20:53 · answer #11 · answered by rajeev k 3 · 0 0

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