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What is your opinion on it??
Do you think it is better? Or worse?
I think it is great and it is Better Just cause you learn at you pace and you can learn more Hands on~!

2007-06-21 13:36:09 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Home Schooling

DO NOT CORRECT MY DADGUM GRAMMAR I asked a question and Want an answer not a Dumb remark about my grammar I mean Have you seen some of these other peoples grammar!~!!!!

2007-06-22 13:33:50 · update #1

25 answers


2007-06-21 14:29:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think homeschooling is absolutely the best education method around! I homeschool my three children, and in the process I am filling in all the gaps that public school left in my own education! Anything I don't know I find that I can research and learn along with my children. In addition I don't have to worry about my children falling into the wrong crowd, surprising me with an F on a report card, or getting shot in a school shooting! We spend time together, learn together, and have fun together. Who could ask for a better situation?

2007-06-23 04:54:14 · answer #2 · answered by Thrice Blessed 6 · 2 0

The public school atmosphere was modeled after the communist philosophers who were promoting a state controlled education. Their purpose was for political reasons. Their aim was to take children from out of their parents influence which was and still is thought to be harmful in the formative years of a child's upbringing so that the state or government could "reeducated" or brainwash the children with professional teachers, trained, appointed, and funded by the state to to help them become more politicaly correct. So when they grow up they will all be wards of the state, little puppeteers to vote for all the politically correct issues dictated by the state. A classroom of varying students with a spectrum of personalities must now conform to the one expected model the single teacher sets forth. They must give up their individualism and give way to conformism in order to be accepted. Is there any wonder that students of public schools are rebelling against society to try to find their own way.

So corruption and upheaval upsets the picture so out comes the private school to the rescue. But are they any different? Maybe a little bit but they also set the standard that the student must conform thwarting individualism. The values are different but the method is the same.

I prefer homeschooling. I am a product of the public education but have shed the views that were impressed upon me. I've tried my children in private schools and was very disappointed in the environment. My children have thrived with homeschooling. We have a close knit family, enjoy spending time together, and learning together. We started with the same classroom model but abandoned it to a less formal education. Textbooks are important, we chose Christian textbooks because they are less biased and have a more truthful account of history and a healthy worldview. We've tried various methods, one-on-one teaching, group sessions, video classes, distance learning, and sometimes self directed studies as their interest was. They have been able to develop special interests in art and music and had more time for it than they would have any other way. They have even won national awards in these areas. They are tested annually with the state standardize tests and do well and some have earned college scholarships based on that.
With the cooperation of the private schools the children have been able to compete in sports as well. They have no trouble with socialization. They accept people of varying races and cultures, or varying economic differences quite readily because they have not been so isolated or restricted in their thinking. They see all people as individuals and give them respect. Children from the public and private school love to "hang" with my children because they are so much fun to be with.

I believe homeschooling is the finest education a child can get. A parent does have to be involved. It takes dedication and discipline on both parent and child alike. It is a lot of work sometimes and a whole lot of fun at other times and scheduling helps a great deal but it is all worth the effort.

Homeschooling Mom of six children, for 18+ years
It's not just survival but a way of life and I wouldn't do it any other way.

2007-06-22 15:08:38 · answer #3 · answered by TeacherMom 1 · 2 0

I think homeschooling is much better than public or private schools. If you are thinking of going to high school instead of homeschooling I would still say to homeschool. I strongly believe that the "high school expierience" is the most overrated joke. I expeierienced high school for two years (public AND private), and I have had enough of it.

As a homeschooler you get to have just as many (if not more) social opportunities, therefore you become a more rounded person socially and intellectually. I somtimes don't understand why people want to put thier kids in school.

2007-06-22 13:01:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I currently homeschool both my sons who are 3 and 7. I find homeschooling better suits their individual learning styles as they are not pace by the group as a whole but can grasp their skills in their timeline, they set thier pace. Field trips are often easier even though you may not get as large as a group discount at many places of intrest but many still offer a homeschooling discount you usually only have to ask. Also homeschooling allows for many families to schedule thier vacations when the entire family can attend and often get cheaper off season rates to many attractions and hotels.
I tried the public school system with my sons and I went through school k-12 , my experience wasn't the worst or greatest but my oldest child had a very negative experience .. I find for my family homeschooling is the best option and each year as a family we review whether or not it is still our best fit.

2007-06-21 22:47:52 · answer #5 · answered by Momma Nikki 1 · 1 1

I think it depends on the situation. Not all kids should be homeschooled. Right now I know a family who "homeschools" yet the kid stays at my house and does nothing but play video games all day while I teach my own kids. I know his parents do nothing with him at home either. Even a poor education in a public school setting is better than no education at home. That being said, I believe my kids (as well as most of the homeschooled kids out there) are getting a better education at home. More one on one time, an education tailored to fit their learning styles, and time to explore. They also are learning to think for themselves and they know its okay to be unique, public schooled kids are often wanna be clones of the more popular kids.

2007-06-21 21:53:39 · answer #6 · answered by Lorelei 3 · 1 1

Homeschooling is better. You can have closer friends. Learn at your own pace. Have more hands on experiences. Even though im homeschooled, i still get to meet new people. we have a homeschool group which is where a bunch of homeschoolers meet up and do some special classes. its so much fun.

2007-06-21 23:33:49 · answer #7 · answered by Emily B 2 · 1 1

I was homeschooled from middle school on, and once it was nice a first but it got old real quick and I HATED IT, did I learn more stuff in homeschool absolutly, but if my mom didnt know a solution to a problem, then I would have to figure it out, and I wouldnt get any help because she herself was not qualified. Plus alot of homeschoolers, most are real wierd kids, and have no social skills, thankfully I was able to play baseball in the summer for 6 years and was able to refine my social skills and was able to make friends quite easily, but once I got to college there were kids who were homeschooled and you could tell it right away,{I later asked them and infact they were} homeschooled kids I know have not one sociable skill, and its really pathetic to look at, as for what some people said, "it fits their needs," well wait until their child hits sophomore and junior year and if you were like me, I was taking quantum physics then, because of the very rigerous academia that was provided to me. As for hands on, you go to a small liberal arts college such as I and you have just a much hands on with the teachers and they know what their talking about, although I did learn alot from homeschooling, I think that a parent should not teach their kids but have a private tutor do that, I know I would have learned even more and would have been more beneficial to me, and now I find myself doing alot of teaching to my sister and now me the 21 year old college senior is teaching my 17 year old sister things she nor my mother have no concept of, it get old real quick. not to mention that the parent teacher conferences were a little weird....lol the cost per semester was $1,600

2007-06-22 19:37:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Well, homeschooling has its advantages and disadvantages. Like when you home school you don't have to wait for people like you do in school. You can eat lunch and snacks whenever you feel like it and usually you start later than going to a school. But when you are home schooled you can't be with friends or meet many people. So overall I think home schooling is pretty cool and a little better than going to a regular school. I hope you are having fun wherever you are going to school!

2007-06-22 14:45:57 · answer #9 · answered by TaKe A bOw 2 · 1 0

i think homeschooling is great! i am 15 in my Senior year of high school and have been home schooled since I've started school. except one year when i was in the 7th grade i went to a private school. but i think i have had an advantage because i have 4 older brothers and 1 younger. so I'm not alone in my schooling. and am not lacking in my social skills either. and besides being in a family of 6 children we naturally have lots of friends of varying ages.

but i think it might be harder to home school only one child because it might seem boring to him unless he had a real teacher there. you see we always did our school through BJU home sat and recorded are classes. so that our mom didn't have to be a genius to teach us algebra II. so i much prefer homeschooling to going to school. and besides you can ensure that he wont find out things at TOO YOUNG of an age. and when i grow up and get married I'm going to home school my children too.

2007-06-22 13:17:30 · answer #10 · answered by laugh_a_lot6 2 · 0 0

I think homeschooling is better And you still get to hang out with your friends it think Its great Ive been doing it for 5 years

2007-06-22 21:49:33 · answer #11 · answered by leo s 2 · 0 0

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