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14 answers

The only benefit religion has is to those who are in charge. It is a system of control so powerful, it makes people blindly kill. Crusades, anyone?

Yes, it is harmful, no matter what the basis of the religion is, unless it is based upon the self.

2007-06-21 13:13:19 · answer #1 · answered by Satan's Own™ 5 · 1 4

1- "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." Acknowledging that we don't know it all...

2- "Thou shalt not make unto the any graven images"... and bow down to them. Common sense- don't worship a statue- what makes it so great??

3- "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" Respect is nice to see occasionally.

4- "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." (I heard about a study- taking a day off every 7-10 days actually increases productivity!)

5- "Honor thy father and thy mother." People who've been around longer than you usually know more about how things actually work...

6- "Thou shalt not kill.".... Yeah, having less senseless killings would be a good idea.

7- "Thou shalt not commit adultery." And how many hearts have been broken, how many homes and families have been destroyed because someone couldn't keep their pants zipped?

8- "Thou shalt not steal." Respect for others' things...

9- "Thou shalt not bear false witness." Personal integrity.

10- "Thou shalt not covet." Being content with what you have is a rare quality!

Wouldn't it be great if everyone lived by these ideals, had the qualities and characteristics that these 10 Commandments teach? No, I'm not saying the Judeo-Christian theology is the ONLY way to go, but just consider the idea...

Jesus said that loving your fellow man (every other human being on the planet) and loving God was the basis of all that was taught. If you love God, Commandments 1-4 are obvious a part of your life. If you truly love your fellow man, 6-10 are also given....

Edit--- Shawn B- I can see where you're coming from, but from my understanding, there are powers and natural laws that are in play that you seem to not understand or be aware of. If you truly want to understand Christianity better, please, feel free to IM me some time. I'd be happy to explain the things that you struggle with. (No, this is NOT an invitation to argue.)

2007-06-21 20:28:56 · answer #2 · answered by Yoda's Duck 6 · 1 0

Despite making everyone mad, I will say that a religion is beneficial if you have the true religion. Even beyond that it shouldn't be a religion about God at all, it should be a relationship with the true God.

False religions are generally harmful, and so are false philosophies and atheism.

[ I expect a lot of thumbs down!]

2007-06-21 20:17:23 · answer #3 · answered by ignoramus_the_great 7 · 4 1

I know my sins are forgiven, not by men but by God alone. I know that my future is assured and that I will spend eternity in service of my Lord. I meet with Him and He meets with me daily and my relationship with Him is amazing. He answers my prayers in sometimes quite remarkable ways and He provides for my every need. There have been times when I have had nothing and God has placed a meal on my table, usually much more sumptuous than I would ever have bought myself. His protection is ever over me. He has healed and delivered me miraculously. He has given me giftings that I didn't have before filling me with His Holy Spirit and the sense of peace in knowing Him cannot be found anywhere else. I tried many religions and occultic practices before He spoke to me and I know that there is nothing else in heaven or on earth that satisfies my soul as Jesus does.

2007-06-21 20:27:12 · answer #4 · answered by lix 6 · 1 0

Religion has been the cause of most of the wars in the history of the world. . .however, if people lived their true religions, there would be quite a peaceful place here on earth.

2007-06-21 20:15:09 · answer #5 · answered by cclleeoo 4 · 1 1

Faith. If you find faith in God then you also find faith in yourself and others. Does that make religion harmful I think not. If anything it will make for a better world as a whole if we all just followed some of the doctrine like compassion and helping our fellow man without expectations of other rewards here on Earth.

2007-06-21 20:14:14 · answer #6 · answered by debbie f 5 · 2 2

I don't know about religion, I'm not a religious person, I'm a born again christian (I walk as the Bible teaches and not as man made religions make of it) but I can tell you I have a heck of a retirement plan, and a home sweet home for eternity without any problems or warries!

Here's why I am not religious, but I am born again:

2007-06-21 20:14:38 · answer #7 · answered by monfille 3 · 2 3

I agree with you. Religion was created by man not God. It is stupid to label oneself with a religion. Religion encourages traditions and beliefs along with it's own interpretations. Jesus prayed before he was crucified for unity. Religion has created divisions among believers and there is no benefit in it.

2007-06-21 20:17:43 · answer #8 · answered by Hera 2 · 0 3

It gives people an invisible crutch to lean on during tough times.

2007-06-21 20:14:29 · answer #9 · answered by Armand Steel 3 · 1 3

Where else can one find justification for believing themselves to be one of the chosen few?

2007-06-21 20:16:52 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 2 1

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