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Is there a Dr/Nurse that can help me out here? My Dr's appt isn't till the 28th (soonest I could get) and I can't afford urgent-care visit. I don't know how serious this is--worried it's a clot.

Some background: I'm 33, fem, lrg (300lbs). Just got off of a 12-day WATER-fast (nothing but water for the entire duration). I found out later that I was apparently supposed to do a 4-day vegetable-juice fast PRIOR to doing this. So I guess that was mistake #1. Mistake #2 was my junk-food binge (no purging though) where I had mexican food, doughnuts, lots of fried shrimp, hamburgers, french fries and a rootbeer float (it was a buffet) over a period of three days immediately following the fast. Immediately after that binge last night, I noticed both of my ankles (not the feet though) were very swollen. No pain--even as I type this (which is the following day). Today I had a salad & pure orange juice & tomato soup. Swelling has gone down a little bit, but not much.


2007-06-21 11:58:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

3 answers

If there is any possible chance of a clot DO NOT Massage. I agree with elevating your feet. Pain is not always associated with a clot, but if you have color change or temperature change to the touch, then get it checked. I am a clotter and multiple stroke survivor due to hyper coagulation.
Good luck

2007-06-21 13:32:28 · answer #1 · answered by dat93 5 · 1 0

Elevate your feet. And yes massaging would be ok.

Blood clots in the legs are associated with severe pain and swelling and redness. Edema in both legs is not a symptom of a blood clot. In heavy people the weight presses on the veins and slows the removal of fluid, so edema results. Over a long period of time, small black spots can also occur from blood being trapped. That's called hemostatic edema. hemo means blood and static means slow or stopped My husband took diuretics for that for many years.

Are you trying to loose weight? Is that what the water fast is about? It was dangerous for you. The binge was not, but the water fast was. Take the time to research the glycemic index and a ketogenic diet. See how your body digests food and stores fat. I promise you, as God is my witness, if you stick to eating only low glycemic foods you will loose weight. If you keep your blood sugar below 100, no matter how much you eat, you will loose weight. Just research it. Unless your body uses food as sugar and raises your blood sugar over 100, you cannot gain weight.

My husband weighed 500 lbs. I weighed 300. We are both less than 5'5". Atkins ketogenic diet saved our lives. He lost over 200lbs and I lost 150 within a few months. I know what it is like to gasp for air as I walk. I know what it is like to pray that I will be able to walk to the next bench where I can rest without collapsing. I have been where you are. It's been almost 6 years since I lost weight. A ketogenic eating plan will work. Don't kill yourself by waterfasting. Just research this and see if you want to try it.

(((hugs))) You take care of yourself. Be ever hopeful. Life is good. Tomorrow is another day, so don't worry about a binge last night. OK?

2007-06-21 19:23:35 · answer #2 · answered by nancy johnson 3 · 0 0

you should call the emergency dept and ask them. it doesn't sound like a clot but your weight makes you suseptable to many things. why not call the doc back and tell him the situation.

2007-06-21 19:25:55 · answer #3 · answered by racer 51 7 · 0 0

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