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I am not trying to judge or criticize in any way! But why do you, if you do, feel you have the RIGHT religion and think all the others are wrong?? How do you know? Or do you? Is it right to say the other religions are wrong? They probably feel the same about your religion, that yours is wrong and theirs is right. It is like a never ending cycle of... I cant think of the right word...

2007-06-21 11:48:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Of course. All believers, no matter what religion, feel that they are right, otherwise they wouldn't be believers. I personally don't subscribe to any "religion". I am a non-denominational christian. I feel that all religions have their faults. Maybe not in their fundamentals, but in their delivery.

For example, the church I attended as a child had several members who discriminated against people who were divorced, or unwed parents, or alcoholics, etc. That was wrong. We are all sinners. We all do something wrong on occasion. It's not in anybody's power to judge anyone else. I may not agree with another's perspective, but they're entitled to their own free will and opinions. It's not place to judge them. I can try to encourage them to believe what I feel is right, but I never push it. If they tell me they don't want to hear it, that's it. We don't speak of it.

2007-06-21 11:54:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I once asked my spiritual teacher which religion I should choose in life,as I had a hard time finding the truth.My teacher told me that the reason I had a hard time choosing a religion was because I was already free from all limitations that would bind me to any one train of thought or doctrine and that I should always keep an open mind and judge not lest I be judge.I am now an open minded occultist working for the betterment of all of mankind.The path to God can be found in any of the worlds religions if one is open minded and honest with ones soul.There is no such thing as the only son of God ,we are all sons of God and the Master Jesus demonstrated a high state of divinity that we 'all 'will at some time in our evolutionary journey achieve. The sons of men are one and thus we stand.AUM

2007-06-21 16:52:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't feel that Christianity as a religion is right...I know that my relationship with Christ is the only way to get to Heaven. I won't get into the booksmart aspect of it because any body can dispute that. I know that what I have is real because I've witnessed the glory and mercy of God in my lowest points. I believe and know that the Bible is true and if I had to, I could find the non-religious based sources to prove it. To sum it up, I know that my "religion" is the right one because it's not about religion, it's about a relationship with my Father and my friend. And it's not about following orders and not breaking the law, it's about living in a way that pleases the love of my life. God bless!

2007-06-21 12:04:30 · answer #3 · answered by jassie192000 2 · 0 0

while i grow to be 15 I set out on a non secular adventure to come across solutions for why we are right here and what happens after. I studied many faiths, faiths and colleges of concept. In my mid 20's i got here upon Christianity and God. the only place He surely confirmed up. the only place i got here upon each and all of the solutions. i'm a Christian. I do nonetheless learn different religions, yet i do no longer do it to come across solutions. I do it to be responsive to what they think. how are you able to help somebody see easy except you already know the darkness they are in. Now that being pronounced there are various good issues to examine in different religions. some has pronounced all of them have a splash fact, a splash easy. and that i agree. yet Christianity is all fact and all easy. With God there is not any darkness, no longer even a shadow of turning. there is not any opposite direction to God yet with the aid of His Son Jesus Christ. we don't all worship an analogous God. Jehovah isn't Allah. they are 2 diverse entities and diverse personalities and diverse targets. Jehovah isn't Ra or Amon or the different God. Jehovah, Yahweh is the only authentic residing God. don't be deceived.

2016-10-02 22:04:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The nature of belief, whether it is in a religion, political party, or ones taste in food and clothes, is that you have chosen what is correct. I think you are asking instead if I accept that my belief is subjective as it cannot be proven as fact. Personally I do and as such will listen to someone Else's views, but reserve the right to agree to disagree. Some believers feel this is a weakness of faith, but since I've listened to a great many people and have changed my beliefs relatively little, I would argue that it is instead a matter of respect and tolerance.

2007-06-21 12:01:40 · answer #5 · answered by kenr61 2 · 0 0

No, I'm Christian and I don't feel that I am in the right religiously. I view it as a personal experience and this is how I want to worship.

I don't feel that other religions are wrong. I just feel that it's someone else's way of expression.

2007-06-21 11:51:14 · answer #6 · answered by maroonbabycarrots 2 · 0 0

no lindsey I don't think my religion is the right one and only one. For me I am a christian but I'm my own person. I believe it each persons choice of spiritual following and their personality that makes them think they way they do, not a religion. for instance I believe in my god but I don't believe that my religion is right for everyone else. What I do believe is that everyone has a right to choose their own paths as long as they are not phyisically, mentality or verbally abusing someone else. what works for me is respecting others and the environment as you would have them respect you. my motto live, love and laugh, work hard - play hard. every moment is precious use it wisely. love your family and friends. take care of the environment so that future generations can live healthy too. P.S. I don't believe that any religion is perfect including mine, religion can't be perfect because religion is guided by human belief, humans are not perfect we make mistakes all the time. we just have to try to learn from them. All I know is that my belief is right for me and I don't believe that I should try to force my beliefs on to anyone else. All i can say to anyone out there, do whats right for you.

2007-06-22 05:56:29 · answer #7 · answered by fire and ice 4 · 0 0

In todays time, All religion is wrong.

Religion has definately got our civilization to this point, but is not needed anymore. Science has ridden Religion or it will.

Religion divides the masses & has been a institution for the past 2000 years which is responsible for alot of bloodshed.

Before us humans were educated or somewhat civilized, there was no religion amonst animals & the Earth was pure.

No Religion is right anymore. Screw Jesus, Mohammad & the Old Testament.

Planet Formation

2007-06-21 11:54:24 · answer #8 · answered by Joe P 1 · 1 2

Personally, I think that most religions have lovely things about them. I'm Jewish, but I have visited numerous churches and there are many Christian prayers that I think are beautiful.

Equally, I once attended, just out of interest, a B'hai gathering, and enjoyed it immensely.

I don't believe that any one religion has a monopoly on the truth. That said, I am proud of my own religious heritage and would defend it passionately!

2007-06-21 11:56:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well if the person is good and doesn't believe that jesus is the mesiah then i can accept that....some others think if you don't believe what i belive then you shall die....like some radical islamists...not all are of course .....to me if you are a good person and accepts others then i don't care what religion they are

sure i think religion is good it gives a sense of morals to me..that is not saying an Atheist has no morals it is saying that to me religion means belifs, higher power, Love, peace, doing the right thing...of course this is my religion it is not saying other religions aren't like this i just don't know other religions

2007-06-21 11:57:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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