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in a country where there is welfare, free h.s., democracy, freedom of speech, medicaid etc. what is the excuse of a poor American?
why is it that so many immigrants come here from europe and asia, hold spots in top universities and take in good jobs. these immigrants came from countries who couldnt give them democracy, medicaid etc, thats why they left. if the immigrants can make it without those luxuries, why cant americans with those luxuries?

2007-06-21 11:04:13 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

30 answers

It's too complex for a short post, but it involves breakdown of family, lack of access to quality education, etc.

2007-06-21 11:06:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Yes SOME are lazy and/or stupid. However, most are not. They're members of the underclass. Their fathers were poor, their great-grandparents were poor, and they can not seem to get out of the cycle. They may have free high school, but in order to survive they need to quit school and work to pay for food and shelter. Some of these people work VERY hard to make minimum wage.

The immigrants are able to make it good here because of one major difference-- they EXPECT to succeed. The poor Americans don't have these expectations, they think if it happens, then it happens.

Some poor Americans do want to succeed but can't. They don't have the money to even APPLY to college, much less go there. There are scholarships and loans out there, but not enough for every poor person in this country. Others don't even know about those opportunities. They just think they're not that type of person and couldn't fathom going to a higher education.

About medicaid, not everyone qualifies for this, and not everyone knows about it. It is a luxury, but not everything is covered by it.

There are just SO many reasons why some Americans can't make it in America. Pick up a book at your library or enroll in a college class about this if you want a deeper/longer reason. You will feel enlightened and sickened afterwards.

2007-06-21 12:05:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Are poor people in Asia and Europe, stupid/lazy?
in a country where there is welfare, free h.s., democracy, freedom of speech, medicaid etc. what is the excuse of a poor Asian or European?
why is it that so many immigrants come here from America, hold spots in top universities and take in good jobs. these immigrants came from countries who couldnt give them democracy, medicaid etc, thats why they left. if the immigrants can make it without those luxuries, why cant Asians and Europeans with those luxuries?

Not quite metro. Ever hear of sarcasim? I thought not. Go back to school and learn a few things unless making a fool of yourself is a hobby of yours. Which by the way you are quite good at. I'm still waiting for you to disprove my stats. Waiting......waiting.....

2007-06-21 11:11:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The temptation is always there for me to be lazy and it would be easy for me to be lazy but if I was I'd sure be poor.
There are hard working people I know that are poor and some of these have good jobs too. The problem can be they have more house than they can afford or too much other debt.
As far as stupid let's just say having a degree or any extra education or experience never hurt. Sometimes it has helped me get a job I otherwise would not have.
And of course some are poor due to no fault of there own ie: medical reasons and so on.

2007-06-21 11:17:26 · answer #4 · answered by kevin s 6 · 1 0

I might be wrong for assuming but they have immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean, and they are teaching in top university and they also hold down good jobs. don't stereotype get out there don't be scared to mingle with people. instead of looking at the media they will show you what they want for you to know and believe. That why most third world country is so behind the media plays a big part of how they perceive black in America or in general minorities. there are poor lazy and stupid whites in America just as they are poor lazy / stupid blacks but of course you know which one the media will parade on TV 10 out of 10 times .

2007-06-21 11:41:09 · answer #5 · answered by 1love 1 · 0 0

Some poor people have been on welfare for generations. There were some reforms a few years ago that placed a time limit on the welfare. This forced millions of them to go get a job. America is wide open and free. You are free to be successful and also free to do nothing for yourself and be poor.

The short answer is those that are poor in America are usually involved with drugs and having babies too soon.
They are free to choose this life.

2007-06-21 15:32:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

this answer may seem a bit long winded, but you asked so have the curtasie to read it. their are stupid & lazy people all over world. but here you can blame it all on the government. they keep the slow ones slow because they will cut school fonding if they don't pass them to the next grade instead of repeating the grade that they field. it's called no child left behind. the demacrates want to take care of you and give the stuped, lazy & poor all their basic needs, for their votes. they can bag, borrow & steal for the rest. the republicons create jobs for all of us. although they are low,low paying jobs. for yours and the rich industualest votes.and the poor,stupid & lazy can bag borrow & steal for the rest. and as for as the immigrants that hold those spots in those top universities, guess who pad their tuition. the American tax payer, thats who. and the goverment gives a lot of other immigrants up to $100,000 to git a fresh start, (ower tax money) and look at this new immagreation law. more cheap labor for the industrulist backed republicans, and more votes and people to be dependent on ower demacrats. kind of remminds me of what really started the civil ( or ) war between the states.you had the demacratic southern states that had slaves that they didn't pay, but they furnished all their basic needs. on the other hand the north the industralist backed repablicans payed wages bearly enough to live on, treated you no better then slaves under unsafe working conditions, and supported child labor. in the south if you you worked a slave to death you had to buy another one. in the north you just hird the next one off the boat. i do hope i didn't go over bord. but in the futhuer please don't insult my people or my country. insult my goverment all you want. atlest we have that right in America. hell, i an't to fond of them my self. but we still got the best system and country in the world. why else would all these foraniers want to move here?

2016-05-17 05:34:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow, some of the answers I have seen are literally just disgusting.

Some people are poor because they were born into a poor family and didn't have the access to an ivy league education, you nasty little twits.

Some people are poor because they are disabled in some way and unable to work.

Some of them straight up could just not afford college. I am 28 and STILL trying to get enough money for college.

Some had kids too young and instead of having abortions, they took a very hard route to raise said children. (Not that abortion is an easy decision in and of iteself.)

Some people are poor because they believe in one parent being home with the kids and so do not have two incomes.

Some people are poor because of drugs addictions. (Anyone who says rich people don't also suffer from this is obviously quite blind.)

Some people lost their homes and lives in natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsumanis, etc.

Some people work hard as hell all their lives and never achieve the same things another person does.

Some people starting out find it hard to get ahead in a world that charges outrageous prices for things such as food, gas, and housing.

So, are poor people lazy and useless? No. People who make assumptions without thinking, without walking a mile in another's shoes, and without human compassion---now THAT's lazy.

2007-06-21 11:20:41 · answer #8 · answered by Calliope 5 · 1 0

dude this is a feminist country.gal is the main focus of attention."i am not a gay ". here everyone goes behind a gal waste their future instead of going to school . this is a country where u can marry like 2 or 3 times if u want such is the freedom . thats y our countrys divorce rate is higher than any other countries in the world. 66%. shocking isn't?. in schools most of them are dumb. no one show up to the school, starts smoking at a very early age.wow .... , every one is taken by the fantasies of the modern world. no prayers in homes, drinking, getting addicted to marijuana etc and lotzs of fun stuff going on. many of my friends doesnt even know how many states r there in us. but they know abt all kinds of movies. and ****. i am sad with the way my country is going pimp

2007-06-21 11:19:55 · answer #9 · answered by turner_kevin 2 · 0 0

Clinton reformed welfare. Able bodied people must now work or get cut off from welfare. There are still children, seniors, and disabled people who legitimately need welfare. The image of the lazy welfare bum is an obsolete stereotype left over from the Reagan administration.

2007-06-21 11:19:41 · answer #10 · answered by wyldfyr 7 · 1 0

Wow - man, I've read some trippy surrealist fiction in my day but I feel that now I've reached the pinnacle of obscenely fun yet utterly confusing prose.

Your question digs to the very basis and foundation of humanity - why did tribes take the weakest out and kill them? Why were male children given rites of passage to bring them into manhood? Why are there poor?

Tomes weighing over 10 pounds and thousands of pages long have attempted to answer that and none have yet given me a satisfactory answer.


2007-06-21 11:09:40 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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