Christ Died on Friday and three days later is Sunday.
2007-06-21 11:00:10
answer #1
answered by slice39 3
Matthew Mark & Luke seem to say that Jesus and his disciples ate the Passover meal the day before he was crucified. John says that the meal the night before the crucifixion featured Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and speaking extensively a "Last Will and Testament" speech. He notes that Jesus died on the cross at the same hour the lambs for Passover were being slaughtered in the Jewish Temple. There is a discrepancy between the accounts. Scholars note that the difference may be for theological reason since John features Jesus as "The Lamb of God".
Which is correct history? There is an important caution. The people of the time did not follow the same calendar as we do. There certainly were seven days in a week but there were countless variations even among the Jews. The Babylonian group had a different lunar cycle than the Alexandrian Jews. The Jerusalem Temple was innundated every feast with pilgrims from all over the world. They came at approximately but not exactly the same time. Since the calendars were comtimes not exact the locals around Jerusalem sometimes waited before announcing the dates for the major feasts. In fact the groups near where Jesus was raised(Galillee) had a slightly different calendar than the Jerusalem group. Their feasts might begin up to 72 hours earlier than the Temple group. Jesus' disciploes, since they were from Galilee could have been following their own calendar even though they were in Jerusalem. Then the emphasis that John wanted to make could be understood since the Passover group from Jerusalem would have been following a calendar 24 hours later. The Day of Preparation was for the Sabbath and that would hasten the removal of the bodies from the crosses on Calvary. The women who wanted to annoint the body of Jesus for formal burial had to delay until the Sabbath was ended. They started out very early on the First Day of the Week(Sunday). The point all the Gospels make however was that there was a context of Passover for whenever Jesus was crucified. The preparation day for Sabbath(Friday) was the day of the crucifixion.
The empty tomb was discovered on the day after the Sabbath. Hence the earliest believers observed Sunday as the day of the New Creation and as a replacement for the Jewish Sabbath. Note in Revelation Chapter One that the vision John had on Patmos was on the Lord's Day. What He witnesses was a symbolic worship service going on in eternity in which the risen Christ offers his sacrifice to God in union with the people on earth.
2007-06-21 11:18:08
answer #2
answered by 2
He died on Wednesday, and was buried before sundown. The next day ,Thursday,was an annual Sabbath. One night and one day.
Then came Friday the preparation day. Two nights and two days.
Then came the Sabbath and at the end of the Sabbath he was resurrected before sundown. Three nights and three days.
He would have been resurrected at the same time that the Priests by tradition were cutting the ceremoinial grain for the wave sheaf offering that takes place The next day, Sunday, at the morning sacrifice at 9:00 AM. He was taken from the earth as the first of the first fruits at the appropriate time thus fullfilling the type.
When the women came to the tomb be it early in the morning while it was still dark or be it when it was dawn the fact remains it doesn't say he had just gotten up and left. The fact is the tomb was already empty. Not a proof of resurrection on Sunday.
Remember the account of the woman clutching at Him early in the morning and he said touch me not for I have not yet acsended. That means it was not time for the morning sacrifice and he had not yet been accepted as the first of the firstfruits.
All you "Christians" who keep saying Friday Crucifiction and and a Sunday resurrection, you need to consult your 6 year old on how to count three days and three nights. Or try this count backwards. The best you can do counting partial days is three days and two nights.
He said one sign the sign of Jonah, that he would be in the belly of the earth three days and three nights and you guys can't even get simple math right.
Cemetary bum: Yeah I know I spelled it wrong but its how I feel about it. You go to one and bury reason.
Inclusive yes but he did not say three days he said three days and three nights. He was very specific.
Hey guys the early church in the BIBLE the book you say is the infallible word of God shows the early church met on Sabbath not Sunday. Do you even read the book?
2007-06-21 11:12:21
answer #3
answered by Tzadiq 6
Just remember that Jewish people in the first century counted inclusively. That means a day did not require a 24 hour period. Thus, Friday (no matter how long Jesus was dead on Friday, even an hour would count as a day), Saturday, and Sunday equal three days. Christ was definitely resurrected on Sunday because that was the day the early church started meeting on (This would be quite counter-cultural since Jewish people usually meet for worship on Saturday thus giving greater certainty that the apostles believed something substantial happened on Sunday, aka the resurrection). In John's account Jesus dies on Friday, right before the Passover started and when all of the Passover lambs were slain.
2007-06-21 11:06:52
answer #4
answered by seminary bum 3
Sunday is the correct day. The Bible says that Jesus was in the tomb for 3 days and nights. With that in mind that would rule out Friday as the crucifixion day because the math doesn't work out. Using the Jewish calender and time parameters it looks as if Wednesday was the day of His death. Then He would have been in the grave for three full days. The term "Good Friday" was a Catholic holiday and they don't want anyone to know the truth. You want truth? The catholic church actually put Hitler into power and secretly funded him throughout his entire reign. They don't want us to know that because its a fact! The catholic church wants power and money. Yes that's all they really want is your money. The book of Revelation talks about a "Great Whore" in the end times, which many believe to be the Catholic Church. I mean look at the way there whole religion is set up.its just there for power and money. the pope is like a dictator. Why do you think they funded Hitler? They hated Jews and they knew Hitler would kill them. why do they hate Jews? they hate anyone who does not believe the same way they do. facetious pigs!
2007-06-21 11:28:50
answer #5
answered by Jason F 2
Died on Friday afternoon ; resurrected on Sunday morning, before sunrise.
For those who claim that you couldn't fit THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS into that time frame, they need to understand
1. that the Jews counted part of a day as a day.
2. the meaning of a 'high day' - that was when an annual sabbath coincided with a weekly sabbath (something like when Christmas falls on Sunday)
3. numerous other texts that talks about THE THIRD DAY (including the resurrected Jesus himself telling the two downcast disciples on the road to Emmaus - 'today is the third day')
Of course, in the prophecies of Daniel, it says that 'in the midst of the week, Messiah shall be cut off'. But this is prophecy and that 'week' refers to the final 7 years when the Jews would have that special significance/consideration in the sight of God. In the midst of the week, i.e. in 3 1/2 years, the Messiah will be killed. "Midst of the week" cannot be taken literally to mean Wednesday.
2007-06-21 12:05:14
answer #6
answered by flandargo 5
He was resurrected on "the first day of the week", which is Sunday. That's why church is on aSunday, because it's celebrating the resurrection.
I don't know what Preparation Day is, but the crucifixion was the Friday before.
2007-06-21 11:00:58
answer #7
answered by K 2
died friday, Nisan 14 (april 3) and was already resurrected in the third day Sunday, Nisan 16 about 40 hours later of his dead.
2007-06-21 11:15:14
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Friday at 3pm. The skies darkened and the earth shook. Arose on a Sunday - Easter Sunday for Roman Catholics. "He Is Risen".
2007-06-21 11:06:39
answer #9
answered by sparky 4
crucified Friday, rose again on Sunday
2007-06-21 11:00:57
answer #10
answered by Anonymous