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I am sick and tired of athiests and liberals who reject jesus, and insist they have a right to practice paganism and hedonism.
You WILL worship Jesus.
We need to give muslims a choice- worship jesus, or be wiped out..
Sorry, desepraste times call for despreate measures- we must protect the word of Jesus by foercing non beleivers to accept him....
I once beat an athiest bloody and wouldnt stop until he accepted jesus- this may be the only way to handle non believers.
You WILL worship Jesus....
Isnt it high timne liberal scum be told to bow before god jesus?

2007-06-21 10:47:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

Think back to He Whom you worship for a moment. Would He use such hatred and violence to call His children to Him? I think not. I DO think that He would be most unhappy with you to hear you condone such evil acts in His Name.

May God bless and keep you.

2007-06-21 12:42:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Forced? Hmmm Think about that. Did Jesus FORCE anyone....ever? Did he not live a humble existence when he walked this earth? Did he not take the leapers, the prostitutes, thieves and the lost to him and shower them with love, understanding, blessings and patience? It was the zealots he admonished for the false pretence of their displays and not following of the true path. Did he call for anyone’s death or be "wiped out" if they did not follow him? Did he fight the guards as they lead him to the cross? Did he lash out against them or did he walk the path he knew God had asked of him. Loving trust, forgiveness for those who were to also play a role?

You who say you speak/follow the word of Jesus are perpetuating hate and arrogant ignorance. You look down on others in the name of God. You can talk to 1000 pagans and not one of them would come from the place of hatred you emote. You do a disservice to those who understand the meaning of being Christian; The ones who live life in the example of the Christ. The God I know is a loving God, one who would be disgusted if the people of this world were herded and "forced" to kneel. I hope you re-connect with the message of the Christ and let some of that hatred/anger funnel into the love and gentle way of the one you argue so strongly for. Peace Brother & Blessed Be.

2007-06-22 18:27:30 · answer #2 · answered by Name of love 1 · 0 0

There is no way you mean this.

First off, no one can be forced to worship God. He gives them free choice in the matter, so He would expect you to do the same. You can't even persuade people to believe -- even God makes that possible for them. The Holy Spirit must be present (John 3). Have you read Acts?

The Bible says, "Every knee shall bow." If they don't willingly bow down in this life, they will "bend the knee" in the next one.

But, it's not any your business.

2007-06-21 18:01:58 · answer #3 · answered by fanofchan 6 · 1 0

I am personally sick and tired of people who think that have the ONLY truth. Does that mean that I am going to go out and beat you senseless just because you do not agree with me? No. I feel that it is better to listen and respect one's opinions, than not to. Then again, if someone wants to call him/ herself a "CHRISTIAN", act like one. Be CHRIST-like. If he were alive today, he would be a hippy. A peaceful individual that helped those less fortunate. He was a nonviolent demonstrator of what we should all be doing anyway.
I am a moderate and believe that you are in bad need of some counseling. "If" you do go to church, talk these feelings over with your pastor or bishop.
One final point, we are all unique. Therefore, we will naturally all have our own way of viewing things. Cramming your views downs others throats, is not the way to go. Relax and learn from others. Read your Bible.

2007-06-22 13:09:24 · answer #4 · answered by Cj M 2 · 0 0

I am a liberal (pro-life, pro-gun control, anti-embryonic stem cell research, anti-death penalty, anti-war) who voluntarily worships Jesus. I think that forcing people to worship Jesus (whom I believe is God, the second Person of the Trinity) is wrong. It goes against the freedom to worship,or not to worship, as you please.

Times are not so desperate as to force people to worship Jesus. That would only make Christians as wrong as the Roman pagans who killed Christians because Christians would not worship the Roman emperor and other gods.

2007-06-21 18:04:51 · answer #5 · answered by Katheryn G 3 · 1 0

No one has to worship Jesus.

How would you feel if someone tried to get you to worship something that you absolutely down to your core did not believe was anything but regular human being, if he existed at all.

You can beat people all you want; I personally hope you go to jail.

But you can't force people to believe what you believe, because believe is not a choice. We all heard the story, some of us just don't buy it.

You sound as bad as any terrorist I ever heard of, though.

2007-06-21 17:57:49 · answer #6 · answered by MSB 7 · 0 0

You don't even sound like a christian or " jesus worshiper". You just want to cause problems. Maybe you you should get off the computer and take a walk outside, get some fresh air.

2007-06-21 17:59:00 · answer #7 · answered by mistalina 3 · 0 0

People like you are the reason that people hate christians. There is nothing about you that reflects the life of Christ. He would be ashamed that you call yourself a follower and would have nothing to do with your hate and lust for power. You seriously need therapy not to mention a good beating yourself. I hope the next liberal you piss off beats you until you have found some humility and a REAL desire to follow Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-21 18:01:04 · answer #8 · answered by NONAME 5 · 0 0

Dude, you need to calm down. Why are you so intent on making sure you are right? If you are right then what does it mater if someone else rejects your belief or not? I sense that something much deeper is going on here. I seriously would encourage you to talk to a pastor or a psychologist. This is not healthy for you or for the discussion on this answer page.

2007-06-21 17:58:17 · answer #9 · answered by seminary bum 3 · 1 0

You sound exactly like the muslims. And that is the reason they are being wiped out. It's the "worship our imaginary god or die" mentality that ruins your stance. Your attitude is very anti-American because we are all about freedom of religion.

You want to wipe out the muslims? fine
You want to punish the liberals? fine

But don't force your religion on other people.

Or you may find yourself being wiped out with the other intolerant fundamentalists.

2007-06-21 17:59:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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