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This happens in a recent question that I answered . They said the Bible is nonsense but that they believe in god . Isn't that sort of like saying they believe in sandwiches but not bread ?

2007-06-21 10:29:56 · 57 answers · asked by opinionated 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I'm sorry I should have stated the question I answered was directed to Christians . So How could someone claim to be a Christian and not believe in the Bible ? Please edit your answers

2007-06-21 10:44:12 · update #1

57 answers

Whoever said they believe in GOD but also says the bible is nonesense has been lied to, and, is obviously confused.
Religion and all it's laws in it was created by man and not by GOD. Man did write the bible, but GOD gave those who wrote in it a dream/vision to write what they did. GOD's word is life and not death.

GOD says:
Mark: 13:31 heaven and earth shall pass away but my Word shall not pass away. Verily I say unto you though heaven and earth pass away not one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the law until all be fulfilled. If you abide in me and my Words abide in you, ask what you will and it shall be done unto you.

II Timothy 3:16 says, “all scripture is given by inspiration and is profitable for doctrine, reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect and thoroughly furnished unto all good works”.

For those of you that only mentioned the book of revelations - did you read Revelation 1:16? or were you only fascinated by the monsters?
In Revelation 1:16 Jesus had in His hand seven stars and out of His mouth went a sharp two – edged sword and His countenance was as the sunshining – He’s coming back with the sword – His Word – the very thing he brings with Him is THE SWORD – HIS WORD
Also, have you even read any of the other books/scriputres in the bible other than revelations? You never start reading a book at its last pages, you begin - at the begninng.

GOD's enemy is satan, and satan will stop at nothing to corrupt and lie to every human being to get them to turn from GOD, curse GOD and discredit GOD. satan is the father of confusion and the father of lies. GOD is truth.

GOD's word is truth, and the truth will set you free. GOD loves you and HE cares very much about you and everyone posting a comment. GOD even loves those that do not acknowledge HIM, and those who don't believe in HIM or HIS word. GOD gave all of us free will to chose. HE will not force or manipulate you to acknowledge, worship or believe in HIM. It's never to late to save your soul and turn your life over to GOD. GOD made many promises. You can find them in the bible. Those promises were written for you and I. You just have to read the bible to find them. You can reach GOD through prayer and reading/meditating on HIS word. When you pray, you acknowledge GOD. Prayer is powerful.

2007-06-21 10:36:35 · answer #1 · answered by metalgods 4 · 4 3

Belief in god is that there is a greater power that can not be seen or proved. This power is unchanged and all ways effects every means of life. Christianity is believing in God.
You do not have to believe in the bible to be a Christian, but we like to use it as a guide. Not saying I don't believe in the bible but ...
The bible on the other hand has been changed per religions and written in many different versions. Studies have proved that the bible was not even written by disciples their about. When stories are written by others facts get changed. Change makes it hard to believe for some.

2007-06-21 11:21:14 · answer #2 · answered by loverofmickeymouse 2 · 0 1

God is not dependent on the Bible. Other cultures believe in God as an all-powerful being but do not believe that the Bible is true.

The Bible was written by people and people make human errors. Do you really believe we should be stoned for cutting our hair? That's what the Bible says. (Leviticus)

It is a collection of mythological stories, just like fables, which are meant to teach you a lesson and encourage you to be a good person. The fact that God is mentioned in the Bible has nothing to do with his actual relationship to the Book, which is actually nonexistant.

2007-06-21 10:35:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

What they are saying is they believe that a higher being exist. However, they don't believe it is the God mentioned in the Bible.

These people have their own ideas of what they think God is. Therefore, without any further thinking are quick to say they don't believe in the Bible. For the simple reason that they have picked and choosen what they wanted out of it not reading it in the full context from which it was written in order to fully understand it properly.

Many of the scriptures have been twisted by critics and athiest alike.Totally out of context with what God is saying.
Apart of satan's plan to keep God out of their lives so he can reek havoc in them. He doesn't want them to know that there is a Heaven and a Hell, after their life is snuffed out here on earth.
They make God out to be a bad God when all He is doing is sparing them from eternal torment which lies ahead, because of His great Love for His children.
That being said, they become self centered, ignorant about the issue of God, thinking all religions lead to God or that there are many gods and not the True God of the Bible.

Never reading or studying it in detail from cover to cover.
Therefore, drawing a uneducated conclusion on what someone elses ideas are on it and what little they have read if any, they quickly are eager to make their naive statements.

The Bible was written by dedicated followers of Christ Jesus, men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit, to write exactly what they learned and saw as they walked with the Lord. The healings, miracles and the phrophcies that were accurately made and has come to past exactly as Jesus said they would. The Bible is God Breathed!

We will always have skeptics living on there own limited knowledge. That is ashame for God says my people perish for lack of knowledge.

God has given us the knowledge and yet we toss it aside thinking it is nothing more than an outdated story book of fairy tales.

2007-06-21 10:50:49 · answer #4 · answered by Stormchaser 5 · 1 0

There are a lot of people that believe in a higher power called god or God and yet do not believe in the Holy Bible. That is why there are other Books other religions or sects use as their road maps to their destiny that the Bible calls heaven. Believe in sandwiches but not bread is not a true statement because you can have a sandwich without bread. There are wraps, crackers, and etc.

2007-06-21 10:41:35 · answer #5 · answered by Al Feel GoodH 2 · 0 1

The bible has nothing to do with true belief in god, be it the one outlined in the bible or not. It is even possible to believe in the christian god but not in the bible. The bible was written by men who were arrogant enough to think that they know the will of the divine and can accurately depict what god wants from all men. You add into that the amount of time and number of translations and idorations the bible has gone through in the last 2000 years, and it's easy to see why people are losing faith in the bible.

2007-06-21 10:41:57 · answer #6 · answered by lupinesidhe 7 · 0 1

What others have said is true, God is not a specifically christian God.

however, that said, consider it were a christian God, the statement can still be considered as truthful. After all the role God plays to different people is considerable.

In its essense you can simply take the view that the bible is not written by God through the hands of men and thus is liable to human interpretation / manipulation. and there you have it, simply put the Bible cannot be trusted without a pinch of salt (when you consider it like that!)

2007-06-21 10:34:34 · answer #7 · answered by upliftmof0 1 · 0 1

i'm not a pupil yet i will attempt to respond to a number of your questions, in spite of the undeniable fact that unquestionably it does not seem as in case you're finding for the certainty yet somebody to take your anger out on. Allah (swt) is the comparable God that grow to be interior the Bible- the only real God who created the Heavens and the Earth. Allah is Arabic for God...The Koran has on no account ever been replaced and the unique copies are nonetheless got here upon. Islam is the only faith that may declare that. It has on no account as quickly as been replaced like the Bible has been (infinite cases) so take it with a grain of salt. particular, the two Jesus (pbuh) and different prophets are Muslim because of the fact a muslim is unquestionably all of us or factor that submits to the pick of God because of the fact the prophets did. you certainly might desire to learn into some stuff in the previous you come out so protective and aggressive approximately something you do not understand. there are a number of places on the cyber web which you will locate out approximately Islam at. i will merely say that the Bible you have isn't considered the unique gospel that Muslims go by utilizing as your e book has been replaced a lot of cases this is not humorous. no one is asserting which you would be able to not worship the form you pick. it fairly is none of all of us's business enterprise the form you pick to worship. this is all on you. Muslims admire different's ideals. it form of feels you have alot of anger and hatred interior you. i'm hoping you discover the solutions and peace of techniques you pick. Peace

2016-09-28 06:17:58 · answer #8 · answered by lepeska 4 · 0 0

this means they are trully confused.. they believe there is something out there...a God. and they don't believe the bible has anything to do with God. The problem? God is the word, and the word is the bible, so anyone who wants to get to the father they have to go thru Jesus Christ. To get to Jesus you have to believe in the bible.

for the person that tried to read revelations and didn't understand.. there is something you need to know.. The things of the spirit a men cannot understand, so if you don't believe in Jesus you will never understand the things of the spirit.

2007-06-21 10:38:03 · answer #9 · answered by Ale 2 · 2 0

It's entirely possible for someone to believe in God without believing in the Bible. It simply means that they believe in a god that is not the God of the Bible, but instead, one of their own definition and/or liking.

It's a fitting reminder of the truth or Romans 1. It is the basis of idolatry, or false religion. For example, Muslims believe in Allah, yet deny that validity of the Bible.

2007-06-21 10:36:53 · answer #10 · answered by Bobby Jim 7 · 0 0

In some religions they believe in God but not the details that are stated in the Bible. The rituals, ideas, and different actions needed to be taken during life vary in different religions. The Bible is not nonsense, but is outdated and not accurate anymore. It is said in the Bible that a third and last holy book will be released.

2007-06-21 10:37:07 · answer #11 · answered by Bahar01 2 · 0 1

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