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etc. Yet there are so many people are there with meaningless lives like me, alone, no purpose in life, too weak to work, depressed. Why does G-d keep us alive? I'd gladly give up my life for any of those people with families, jobs, ambitions. I waste so many nights with no purpose. I watched my uncle die with so many people mourning him and realized that there won't be anyone that even wants to care for me. I have no family, no friends, and its not for lack of trying. Don't tell me to get up and make something of myself because you have no idea what I've been through and how hard I've tried. I have no energy left anymore. Please no rude comments. I can't take much more.

2007-06-21 10:07:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I love them, they just don't love me.

2007-06-21 10:19:07 · update #1

15 answers

I hear you. I'm going through a hard time myself. The chronic fatigue and arthritis are overwhelming and I don't do anything besides work and waste my evenings.

Write to me off-forum. We'll help each other get through it.

Hang in there.

2007-06-21 10:17:07 · answer #1 · answered by The angels have the phone box. 7 · 2 0

An Old Farmer's Advice:

* Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight
and bull-strong.

* Keep skunks and bankers and lawyers at a

* Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

* A bumble bee is considerably faster than a
John Deere tractor.

* Words that soak into your ears are whispered...not yelled.

* Meanness don't jes' happen overnight.

* Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads.

* Do not corner something that you know is meaner
than you.

* It don't take a very big person to carry a

* You cannot unsay a cruel word.

* Every path has a few puddles.

* When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

* The best sermons are lived, not preached.

* Most of the stuff people worry about ain't
never gonna happen anyway.

* Don't judge folks by their relatives.

* Remember that silence is sometimes the best

* Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get
older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.

* Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't
botherin' you none.

* Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a
rain dance.

* If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.

* Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.

* The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever
have to deal with, watches
you from the mirror every mornin'.

* Always drink upstream from the herd.

* Good judgment comes from experience, and a
lotta that comes from bad judgment.

* Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot
easier than puttin' it back in.

* If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some
influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.

* Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.

2007-06-21 17:14:51 · answer #2 · answered by jaantoo1 6 · 2 0

If you post something like that then you will get rude comments because people in this world don't have understanding, empathy or sympathy for anyone unless it its them self's. If you keep trying to get some where then your not living with out a propose....trust me i know how hard like can be i was in the military and i have been injured and have post traumatic stress...no one will understand your situation unless they have been there....God lets you live because he doesn't see you live as worthless and if it were then he still wouldn't just let you die....There is still something for you to do on this earth.....Do something that to you seems important and F***K everyone else and what they have to say about it.... even if its only spreading knowledge about something then you are doing something worth while...don't give up some times good people have to fall all the way to rock bottom a few times before things pick up...have faith in your self and don't ever give up....good luck

2007-06-21 17:17:22 · answer #3 · answered by NavyWife 3 · 1 0

If you are feeling depressed because you don't have a family, then why not volunteer to work at some charity in your spare time? It will give you something to do, will make you feel like your life is useful, and will help you take your mind off whatever is bugging you (and you just might meet another cute volunteer).

Or develop a hobby, or take something in your spare time that you always wanted to do, like a painting class, a foreign language class, sculpting, an exercise or Martial Arts class, etc.

I'm sure that G-d didn't put you here for no reason; he doesn't make mistakes.

2007-06-21 17:14:07 · answer #4 · answered by Randy G 7 · 1 0

You are right I have no clue whatsoever what you have been through or how hard you have tried to put your life in order, but I do know that each of us has a purpose in life. To find out what our purpose is we must set out on a journey. Our journey is not always easy, and often times we find ourselves alone with no idea of where we are going. All we can do is trust God and put one foot in front of another and move forward the best way we can.

2007-06-21 17:39:34 · answer #5 · answered by eccentriclady 3 · 1 0

I can best answer this by saying that EVERY Christian loves you. We are created anew to be just like Jesus Christ. With some of us it takes awhile, but there you will find the biggest loving family on earth. Give us a try. We won't let you down. Many of us have been right where you are now.

2007-06-21 17:19:22 · answer #6 · answered by expertless 5 · 0 0

I'm not being rude,but I will be direct. You are suffering from clinical depression. No doubt there is much distress in the world and in your life,but I know the classic symptoms of depression when I see them. You need to seek counseling as soon as possible. I'm not calling you "crazy" - I'm just saying you need an experienced professional therapist to help you sort out your feelings. You're not going to get that on Yahoo Answers. You need to go to the phone book. I don't mean call 911 unless you feel like to might hurt yourself. But there is usually a main number for LIFELINE. They can talk to you and provide appropriate referrals. I know "referrals" sounds cold to you right now - but I really think you need a counselor. Please think about it - seriously.

2007-06-21 17:14:34 · answer #7 · answered by Zeno 5 · 3 0

I met someone who had no family and knew no one as she came from another country. She started volunteering at a senior center, joined a church and several prayer groups, and when she passed there were lots of people at her service. I think helping other lonely people or volunteering in some way will enrich your life. I knew a shut-in who volunteered by phoning and checking on elderly people who live alone.

2007-06-21 17:16:07 · answer #8 · answered by SueB 3 · 2 0

YOu feel you lack purpose, so you need a purpose.

Perhaps God placed you here to be an example to others, how you can turn despair around.

have you thought about volunteering your time to those who are also in your same "hopeless" condition?

You have no energy, as you have no purpose. Give yourself purpose by helping others

2007-06-21 17:12:28 · answer #9 · answered by Experto Credo 7 · 2 0

You have your own path you cannot sacrifice your self for another person or take their place. How much more pain do you need in your life in order to force a change towards life or a surrender to death?

2007-06-21 17:13:39 · answer #10 · answered by panndora 4 · 0 0

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