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Looking at past events (eg. Holocaust, getting their own state) to the current situation in the middle East. Answers should be thoughtful and provide some insight. Please no profanity or any racists remarks.

2007-06-21 09:34:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

The Jews have a long history of always being present in other nations, where judaism is not the predominant religion, and they resist assimilation. Resisting assimilation is nearly always fatal, eventually, whether it be jews, native americans, gypsies, or whatever.

2007-06-21 09:38:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Norman Cohn (-Warrant for Genocide-) traces it back to the early days of Christianity when its leaders were desperate to convert their followers completely away from Judaism. Unfortunately, they were willing to say anything to do so.

That was just the way they worked. They insulted other Christian groups with just as much venom. But Christianity became the power, so all that was forgotten.

The texts were there, though, when a scapegoat was needed. It happens with minorities over and over again. The central group defines itself against an 'other' that it demonizes.

And the leaders use members of that group to do the jobs they don't want, historically it was often tax collecting. The ruler hikes the taxes, the Jews take the hit and the people misdirect their anger.

It's still happening.

2007-06-21 10:04:29 · answer #2 · answered by The angels have the phone box. 7 · 1 0

Reading these answers proves without a doubt that antisemitism is alive and doing very well! Shame on you, and how very UNCHRISTIAN of you! The Romans put Christ to death, not the Jews, and just look at where the Catholic Church is all nicely nestled! As old Arsinio used to say HHMMMMMM!
The Jews and the Palestinians lived on that land together, so they should do that now! Palestine needs to be fair as well! They never give an inch either! Its been atrocities on BOTH sides! We had our own civil War. If we fought that war now, I shudder to think of the kinds of horrible things we would do to each other! So don't be the first one to throw the rock! What was it Jesus said about sin! Let ye among you who is without sin, cast the first stone!

2007-06-28 20:49:20 · answer #3 · answered by jaded 4 · 0 0

The Jews seem to have made the mistake of calling themselves "The Chosen People", which some might say is asking for trouble. They took their tribal god and elevated him to universal status -- they were the first people to claim that their god was the true god and all the other gods were false. That also might be construed as asking for trouble.

When the Romans occupied Palestine 2000 years ago the Jews refused to acknowledge the divinity of the Roman Emperor, and that is why the Romans gave them such a hard time. That situation gave rise to the first Christians, who were actually a gang of political agitators. After St Paul started going round calling himself the slave of Jesus, the Christians in Jerusalem tried to kill him. Paul spent the rest of his life bad-mouthing the Jews, claiming that it was they who killed his god, and Christians have spent the rest of history persecuting them. Hitler and Stalin, although not Christians, made political capital out of carrying on this noble tradition.

Now that the Jews have their own state, which they have had to use extreme force to achieve and maintain, they are being demonised by western liberals and islamic fundamentalists alike. Anyone who tries to reason with a zionist will be accused of anti-semitism and get the holocaust thrown in his face, though it is clear to anyone that the israelis are acting just like the nazis in their treatment of the Palestinians.

It all started when they called themselves the Chosen People. It was a big mistake, and they will never be allowed to forget it.

2007-06-21 10:26:34 · answer #4 · answered by The Singing President 3 · 0 2

"Since you asked" provided the best answer.

The Jews are "a nation of priests" who bring the message of G-d to mankind. They are not always succesful in bringing the message, though. "Errare humanum est", and they are humans.

Other monotheistic religions (mainly, Christianity an Islam) also claim to be the messengers of G-d, and so they have periods of hatred against the Jews through History.

Additionally, the existence of the Creator implies that the philosophy of "everything goes" is wrong, so the people who embraces that philosophy has the Jews, the messengers of G-d, as their sworn enemies.

In fact, the enemies of the Jewish people are the enemies of G-d, and the enemies of G-d are the enemies of the Jewish people.

2007-06-28 06:18:56 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Several reasons why Jews have undergone hardship:-
1) Religious persecution from Christians, because the Jews supposedly killed Jesus. This sort of anti semitism has historically been the most popular, and is still going strong today (Mel Gibson).
2) Jews histrically played a large part in the supply and loaning of currency (gold coins) in medieval times. Because of this they are often stereotyped as being unduly interested in personal wealth.
3) Because Jews form their own communities, they have historically been outcast from societies by groups who demand total social cohesion.
4) Racial anti-semitism which was popularised by the Nazis chose Jews as a target because they were supposedly 'foreigners' living amognst the people.
5) Traditional Jews are amongnst the most recognisable of relious groups, and therefore it is easy for haters to pick them out.
6) The state of Israel has acted disgracefully towards the Palestiians, and has shown total contempt for human rights and international law. It is wrong to blame Jews in general for this, since many Jews campaign for peace, and a lot of Israel's funding actually comes from Evangelical / Fundamentalist Christians. However, political zionism is something which has made Jews appear immoral in the eyes of some people.

2007-06-21 09:56:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

By looking at them, we see ourselves and our lives. None of us in this world live problem free lives. When the Israelites were under Pharoah, it reminds me of believers who are persecuted. When Joseph went to prison, it reminds me that we can sabotage to get what we want. When Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt, it makes me think about the times when I wish for the past. When the Israelites were persecuted by Hitler, it makes me think of an unforgiving spirit. When the Israelites went into the Promise land, it tells me that I have my own Promise land and to get there will mean as much hardships as there are for the Israelites then. Israelites are known for their stiff neck. May be we too are to a certain degree stiff neck too. Sometimes we fight with God. Sometimes we doubt God. Sometimes we praise God. Sometimes we wonder if God is there.

2007-06-29 05:48:53 · answer #7 · answered by Nureha 2 · 0 0

It's really very simple. And you asked a great question, by the way. The Jewish people are the messengers, they brought the Ten Commandments into this world. The Ten Commandments are guidelines for clean and proper living. Many people don't want to know what's good for them, they would rather do bad things, so they dislike the message and blame the messenger. This is typical human nature, yet it is very unfortunate.

2007-06-21 09:41:45 · answer #8 · answered by Since you ask. 3 · 4 2

Being a jew, it's probably a lot based on media and people have to use someone as a skape goat and a lot of people find humour in this topic ...there is no good reason for it, just ignore them if you care or make them look like a jacka$$ for saying it

2007-06-21 09:39:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Getting their own state is the reason they are having such difficulties in the middle east right now. Don't you think it caused a little resentment when the families that were there before Israel, had their property taken from them? Now Israel is in defiance of international law as an occupying force.

Israel commits their fair share of atrocities: They kill civilians, seize property without due process, don't allow Palestinians to rebuild homes, separate families, allow their 'settlers' to kill Palestinians without fear of prosecution, the list goes on.

2007-06-21 09:54:24 · answer #10 · answered by thewolfskoll 5 · 1 3

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