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Hi! The screenwriter again.

I'm also interested in finding out reasons why you have, or why you would break up with your husband or boyfriend.

I'm really trying to find something more unusual than cheating. I'm kind of looking for something unusual but believable for my next screenplay.


2007-06-21 09:15:31 · 26 answers · asked by billyrayhombre09 3 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

26 answers

I once broke up with a guy because he slobbered too much when we kissed. It was really gross. There was another time that I broke up with the guy because I discovered he had webbed toes. Shallow I know, but it was really creepy.

2007-06-21 09:19:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well I broke up with my highschool boyfriend the day of graduation, because we were both growing apart and the time was right. We had been together since we were 13 years old and at 18 years old we decided that if it was meant to be we'd find each other in the future and be together. It hasnt happened yet and I dont think it will ever happen, we are so different then were were a year ago and when i see him every now and then i still get the butterflies and still wonder: what if we didnt break up, how different would our lives be?

2007-06-21 09:25:15 · answer #2 · answered by br00kelynn3 2 · 0 0

There are lots of reasons why you would break up with your husband or boyfriend but the main one is realising you don't actually love them. When you first get with someone the attraction chemicals can blind you and make you think you are in love, but six months down the line once the attraction has worn off you realise you know nothing about the person, or worse, you don't like the person. Some stay together for security reasons, but the stronger ones leave, they have to. Untill you find the person you truly love and adore, outside AND inside, there will always be reasons for leaving, cheating or just staying miserable.

2007-06-21 11:11:42 · answer #3 · answered by pamperpooch39 5 · 0 0

My "ex" wanted to keep me in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. After we were married he "assumed" the macho traditional male role. I guess I didn't know him well enough, nor did he know me well enough. That simply was not on my radar.

I also was away quite a bit because of my profession. Which was his as well. There was also the professional jealousy. For some reason, I was recommended for and put on a "fast track" by my CO's. I never asked for it, I never campaigned for it. I'm not that ambitious, I just did my job well. My ex accused me of "bucking" for promotions and schooling,and being "ambitious" to the point of not being a "woman". Personally, I had enough of that pure unadulterated BS. He would not compromise, and finally he gave me an ultimatum. Bad move. I couldn't imagine that he was so blind to know a bluff or threat simply doesn't work with me.

That's it.

2007-06-21 09:27:47 · answer #4 · answered by Meg 4 · 0 0

Most likely would be the cheating, but there are other reasons you would break up with your significant-other. Neglect, too busy w/work or w/hoby, lying, stashing money away from you for different other reasons, ultimately grow apart. The relationship dissolves because we have different interests.
Gambling, Drinking, Drugs, Aggressive/Abusive, etc.
Who would want to live with a person like that???

Hope this will help you!
Cristina :)

2007-06-21 09:41:10 · answer #5 · answered by eugenia d 1 · 0 0

I split up with my bloke recently because I was absolutely fed up of him taking the pi*s out of my nature. He never did a SPECK around the house - was always in the pub and would then come home and moan if something was out of place...even though I work longer hours than him and he could have been in the house HOURS before me!

He was lazy.
He was not a family man. Wrecked two kids of his own and tried to wreck mine too.
He was selfish.
He was mentally abusive.
He was physically abusive.
He suppressed my spirit.
He was a complete user.
He was a liar.
He stopped me from being me.
He was ugly inside AND out.
He was a mess and never made any effort.
He was untidy and dirty and would leave wee on the floor in the bathroom - or his snotty hair in the sink...
He would spend his money on himself and then expect me to buy the groceries.
He was a Sofa Sargeant/Couch Commando and no-one got to watch anything on the TV unless he wanted to watch it.
He made me sick with nerves waiting for him to go off on one about nothing...

Ggggrrrrrrrr...well freaking rid! I can't afford my mortgage but hey!

2007-06-21 09:27:41 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If he was out drinking all the time and calling to say he will be late or breaking dates. Especially seeing as though girls go through a lot more preparation for their dates than any man can know.

2007-06-21 09:19:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

drug use
not your classic soap opera rubbish where it's totally exaggerated and they hit rock bottom I mean the functioning type that still holds down a job but goes nuts at the weekends using ecstacy cocaine and cannabis for the come down. the middle of the week is a nitemare cos they are on such a downer and so pale and moody
this is a real life story line.
any good?

2007-06-21 11:51:15 · answer #8 · answered by . 5 · 1 0

I broke up with someone because he was too nice! He seemed to put me on a pedestal and agreed with everything I said. He wouldn't make a decision about where we went or what we did and when I got fed up and argued with him about it, I felt like the biggest ***** on earth because he was so "nice". It was hard cos he kept putting me back on the pedestal so to speak. I know this probably sounds really lame but it's honest.

2007-06-21 09:22:25 · answer #9 · answered by ANDREA A 3 · 0 0

I broke up with a guy for walking down the street carrying a stick with poo on it and singing a song about having a stick with poo on it. Im seriou, it really happened. We were in highschool.

Another high school one, I broke up with a guy because he sold his Mustang. (it was the only thing i liked about him!)

Thought of one that might work for your play.. didnt really happen to me though.. Became friends with his ex wife.
I wanted to be single for seinor week

i broke up (well we were only dating for a few weeks) with another guy because he lived with his parents and the house was so messy. Not dirty but cluttery. I mean you cant even walk in it. I just saw myself 10 years from now living in this house with his parents and all this mess! I could not get away fast enough.

2007-06-21 09:29:08 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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