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For instance I've seen alot of angry people on this site who are homosexual and are angry because the bible says homosexuality is a sin. I mean what the bible says isn't going to change just because your offended. I would just like to remind people that we are all human, we all sin, and we all have our weaknesses. We all have demons we have to battle. GOD told us all that no man is to change the bible or he would be doomed to eternal damnation. I can't stress the point any further that it is your choice but please don't get mad at us for telling you what the bible really says, because I for one am not going to change the truth to please you.. We are only relaying the words of GOD.

2007-06-21 09:07:54 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

So you know the mind and will of God? God speaks directly to you, not through a book, directly - person to person?

Maybe I'm not reading the same Bible, where does it say, "God said, 'no man is to change the bible or he would be doomed to eternal damnation.'"?

I don't get mad when you tell me your interpretation of what the Bible says, I appreciate the fact you accept the task of being God's hand-picked translator(s). I myself would never be so arrogant to assume I know God's mind, God's will or God's plan.

The Bible is a book, written and edited by men that also believed they knew the mind and will of God. The storys are excellent reference material, but I do not put any stock in the idea they are THE word of God. God's own self did not write the book.

Regardless of how you choose to react, I am entitled to my beliefs, just as you are entitled to yours. Your beliefs do not make you "right" any more than mine do, except in your own mind...for you, just you. ; )

2007-06-21 09:20:22 · answer #1 · answered by Always Curious 7 · 2 0

OMG..don't you all see that having so many different versions of the Bible indicates a corrupt religion? Many authors, editors, revisors, etc. of the Bible only changed/deleted/added verses to appeal to Christians so they would remain faithful (in other words through lies) and to appeal to people who are interested in converting (the same way). Converting through lies and putting in what people WANT to hear is corrupt. For all we know, the all-loving peaceful Bible could have had some ugly verses that were dleted or replaced with more peaceful ones so that Christianity could not look like a culprit or evil religion in the future. CORRUPTION!

I've explained this too many times, and I have a great argument for this, but I'm tired of doing it so much so consider yourselves spared :)


You have just admitted something crucial about Christianity! Listen closely to what you just typed...you just said
"there are a lot of things in the OLD testament that are outdated and changed in the NEW testament, so when people get to the book of Leviticus and get offended and stop reading, they aren't getting the real information." So when they're too real to be true, people can't stand it and perhaps don't even believe it, so they request to CHANGE it?? wow.

So every time someone gets upset with something more original, it has to be changed to sound more appealing to them, and perhaps distorting the truth that way? If I heard that people stopped reading the Bible because of some verses they didn't think existed (dark, never taught, unspoken of verses), I wouldn't CHANGE it to make it sound better and appeal better to Christianity! Then that would just be lying, and overal corrupt. So only when the Bible is changed to appeal it to the people more its ok? omg...

2007-06-21 09:26:10 · answer #2 · answered by Omer 5 · 1 0

You dont seem to understand. The fact that the bible says that homosexuality is a sin, ignores the fact that no one 'chooses' what gender they are attracted to and were therefore born the way they are. Knowing this, it's obvious that the bible was NOT written (or transcribed) by God, because God would NOT call something a 'sin' that occurs naturally. That and all sorts of other MASSIVE discrepancies, illogic and other ridiculous mythology convinces MANY people that this book is simply one more flawed piece of fiction.

2007-06-21 09:16:36 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not homosexual, but due to studies in the early 90s, which were peer reviewed in scientific journals, we now know that homosexuality has a large genetic factor.

No, I did not turn away from religions, yours or any, because I don't like what the Bible says. Ha, there are far worse things in your holy book than the condemnation of many groups. I studied history and religion and disregarded yours as no more special or truthful than any of the other Gods that have come before it or after it, as most of the academic community has done.

2007-06-21 09:16:06 · answer #4 · answered by Starvin' Marvin 3 · 2 0

Actually, people don't turn away from "religion" because of what the Bible says, they turn away from certain Christian denominations because these denominations preach an intolerant and bigoted interpretation of the Bible. Too, these strange sorts make a bad name for all of Christendom.

The truth is that the original texts say not one word regarding homosexuality, and those verses that seem to speak in this way are subject to alternate interpretations. It is only the prurient fundamentalist Christian interpreters who have added the word homosexual to the Bible.

I challenge you to find the word homosexual, or any word that can legitimately be translated to homosexual in any Greek or Hebrew version of scripture.

2007-06-21 09:16:58 · answer #5 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 2 0

You're right, the Bible doesn't change. But luckily, people do change and come to realize how poor an example the Bible (or the cult called Christianity that follows it) is for society and life in general. Hopefully, someday it will go the way of other ignorant mythologies. Until that time, we have YA! to entertain ourselves.

2007-06-21 09:28:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the bible was designed and worded, mathew, mark, luke and john to appeal to the masses, (the rich, poor and in betweens). God doesn't actually exist, religion was created in a sad attempt to guide and control people that are too stupid to think for themselves. BTW 98% of the bible stories etc.was stolen from the Egyptians, Romans etc, thats whay all "christian" festivals fall on other religous days, the feast of Saturnalia (Roman feast day being December the 25th as a prime example)

2007-06-21 09:28:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I cant remember to well the reason i left Christianity. I was very young but i can say if i had to come up with a reason today it would be.....well frankly.....the teachings of the bible and of the church are frightening. I remember running from priests and feeling terrified in church as a child. If that's how the holy spirit is supposed to feel i want no part of it. Now when i pray to the goddess and sit in circle or chant i feel love and comfort, THAT'S the way divinity is supposed to feel!

2007-06-21 09:17:15 · answer #8 · answered by Loki 2 · 0 0

In a sense I did.

I couldn't reconcile a "just, loving, forgiving, omniscient, omnipotent being" that allows hell to exist.

It is a contradiction.

Therefore god is either not "just, loving, forgiving, etc." or hell does not exist.

If hell does not exist, I have nothing to worry about.

If god is not all loving, forgiving, and just then he is not worthy or worship.

Either way the outcome is the same.

However the reason I chose atheism is because I base my world view and beliefs on evidence. There is no evidence for god, therefore I do not believe.

2007-06-21 09:14:26 · answer #9 · answered by Dark-River 6 · 4 0

Wrong again. I did not turn from CHRISTIANITY because I didn't like what the bible said. I left Christianity because firstly, I object to the Christian perception of Deity. I view the bible as a book of fables with moral lessons attached. I do not take issue with the lessons it teaches. I take issue with the fact that many Christians take the stories as fact and use the book as proof that their theology is "truth". Is still have religion - just not YOUR religion. I believe my religion is TRUE, and that you are misguided and wrong. So there.

2007-06-21 09:13:28 · answer #10 · answered by swordarkeereon 6 · 3 1

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