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Are they so unhappy with their life here on earth, that they can't wait for it to be over...is this just a step from suicide?

Don't you think God will be unhappy that you did not appreciate the world he has given you...the beauty in his creations, the kindness in his people, the possibilities that exist? Sure, there are bad things...but, as a Christian, shouldn't you be full of joy and focus on the good..of which there is a lot too.

Why are fundamentalists such sad, frustrated people...is this of God?

2007-06-21 08:50:21 · 20 answers · asked by G.C. 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

20 answers

Another good question is why are they so obsessed with the beginning of the world? Why do they preach creationism so vehemently, as if belief in their version of creation were essential to salvation (which often gets lost in the shuffle)?

I have known many, many fundamentalist Christians, having been one myself for many years. Most do not really believe everything they say or are taught. Those who do, who despise evolution, women's rights and homosexuals, who long for Jesus to come and give them a better world and a better life... those people are truly sad, even though they will usually tell you they are "full of joy," and can't even recognize their own sorrow, hatred, paranoia, and desperation.

** Edit: I neglected to mention the cause of all this fundamentalist paranoia and desperation. It is not the Bible, or personal psychological issues. It is the fiery, hateful preachers who teach them to hate and take their money for doing so. I could name many of them, but just turn on the TV or radio, tune into any of the media "ministries," from Pat Robertson's 700 Club to TBN's PTL Club, to find an example ("clubs" because some people just need so badly to belong and be part of a "special" group).

2007-06-21 09:26:27 · answer #1 · answered by Don P 5 · 0 0

I consider myself a fundamentalist and am not at all sad or frustrated. By the way I also am not at all obsessed with the end of the world , I'm having a great time here with my family and am in no hurry. I'll be ready when it's time but for now... having a great time. Probably what you see as obsession is kind of an excitement to see the prophesies of the Bible being fulfilled. Somehow as soon as I became a Christian I believed Islam to be the Antichrist religion that would spring up in the end, but for most Christians I think they are just now seeing it and they are either frightened or excited. I don't see it as obsession. God bless!!

To Simon T.... Don't believe in a pretribulation rapture so there goes your erroneous theory also.

2007-06-21 08:54:34 · answer #2 · answered by BERT 6 · 3 0

only earlier the year 2000 a huge p.c. in my city knew the international grow to be ending. Protestants have many diverse interruptions of the Bible. a majority of those won't be able to be in keeping with Scripture while taken in context...a huge handicap of no longer having a successor to Peter.

2016-10-02 21:50:03 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Millions long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
— Susan Ertz (1943)

The average man, who does not know what to do w/ his life, wants another one which will last forever.
— Anatole France (1844 - 1924)

Reader Pamela Ashby of Ventura says that when her aunt’s beautiful dog suddenly died, the woman tried to break the news gently to her daughter, 5.
“We can all be happy now,” her aunt concluded, “that Frisky is up in heaven with God.”
“But mom,” replied her daughter, “what’s God going to do with a dead dog?”
— L.A. Times August 26, 1994

2007-06-21 09:09:19 · answer #4 · answered by HawaiianBrian 5 · 1 0

I'm a fundamentalist and I'm not obsessed with the end of the world.

..I'd ask why you're obsessed with what fundamentalists think, but this is R&S, so..

2007-06-21 09:02:40 · answer #5 · answered by uncannydanny 2 · 1 0

perhaps you might be interested in finding this answer out first hand instead of getting a bunch of unreliable second-hand information on the internet; that would be the smart thing to do. if you want this question answered, you can find it by reading the Bible. most people who criticize or misunderstand Christianity get their knowledge from places like tv, because the Bible is too big for them to want to spend any time on it. But if you read it, you will see the answer to this question and many other questions you might have.

2007-06-21 08:57:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

No, because they want the quick way out after we've now figured out they're full of....? I've heard angry mobs can do a lot of damage...

"Let's pray for the end of the world, lads! Before they get to us!"

2007-06-21 08:56:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I knew a girl in high school who was a fundamentalist, and she was the most happy, fun girl there. I met a couple of her friends from church, and they were happy and nice.

I think it's sad that you group people together and judge them like that, instead of thinking of them as individuals.

2007-06-21 08:54:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

It's easier to get them to donate to the church if they feel they have nothing to save for.

Just kidding in reality, I think that fear is a powerful motivator and if you want to motivate people to commit themselves to a particular movement or church, you can increase the fervor with lots of fire and brimstone and end of the world talk so they are scared into beliving your particular brand of ideology.

It's similar to the Republicans trying to terrify everyone that some criminals in a cave in Afghanistan are going to rule the US some day. Or if we pull our troops out of Iraq, that a bunch of low-life criminals from Al Queda will somehow take over the country like hitler.

2007-06-21 08:53:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Because they do not want to die.

Their belief is partially based on the fear of death and non-existence. They are afraid to die. If the rapture happens then they do not.

Also they are terrified of being wrong. Rational people are against them. Science is against them. They yearn to show the rest of us faithless unbelievers that they were right!

2007-06-21 08:56:52 · answer #10 · answered by Simon T 7 · 4 1

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